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Untitled. No Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake ~ Fridge Cake » All Recipes Cake Recipes Eggless Cake & Cookie Recipes Eggless Dessert Recipes Indian Vegetarian Recipes Sweet Dessert Recipes Indian Food Recipes. A super easy no bake dessert that you can whip up in minutes is a fridge cake. Few days ago I prepared a no bake chocolate biscuit cake and it was all gone within a few hours. Not much of a recipe. Just four ingredients – biscuits, butter, golden syrup and chocolate go into its making.

Digestive biscuits work best but you can use Britannia Marie biscuits too. Golden syrup can be substituted with honey. No Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake No Bake Chocolate Biscuit Cake Recipe Preparation: 10 mts, Setting: 2-3 hours Ingredients: 10 digestive biscuits or Marie biscuits 150 gms chopped chocolate 1 tbsp golden syrup or honey 1 1/2 tbsps butter 2-3 drops vanilla essence (optional) 1 Lightly grease a square baking pan and line with butter paper.2 Break the biscuits into small pieces.

Fridge Cake Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 5 min Yield: 6 Main Ingredients: digestive biscuits chocolate A super easy no bake dessert that you can whip up in minutes is a fridge cake. Darkest Chocolate Crepe Cake. Zebra Print Cake. Marshmallow Whip Cheesecake. Lemonade Makin' Mama: Caaaake for your Mamas.... What would Mother's Day weekend be without cake? (An ordinary weekend, that's what.) I've got a well loved cake recipe for you, that I'm sure most people know about, but just in case...I thought I'd share it here.

Because this is my number one favorite cake in the entire world. Begin by baking a German chocolate cake according to the box instructions. Don't worry, because by the time you're finished with this baby, it will be almost better than anything. In fact, the name of this cake is "Almost better than anything chocolate cake. " And actually my recipe doesn't say, "anything," it says something entirely different, and not altogether family friendly. So after the cake is baked, let it cool for about five minutes. Now, pour an entire jar of caramel ice cream sauce over the top of that and let it cool completely. I like blissful, gooey messes of yum. Now, once that's all soaked up, and the cake is cold, top it with whip cream, and some sort of chopped candy bar. Speaking of Mamas... Fourteen for the Fourteenth. Fourteen Layer Cake.

This is apparently a favorite at family get togethers in the South. Now, I’m from the South and I’ve never heard of such a thing. Actually, when I first heard the name, I didn’t believe it. Fourteen individually baked layers … no way. Who would do that? And… why? Then, I thought, it must be good if someone goes to that much trouble. Hmmm…let the googling begin. Well, they do exist. Looks like I’ve been going to the wrong parties. I decided to go with the 12-Layer Cake recipe because it looked like it would work the best for me. Here they are … fourteen – 8.5″ pans… Shiny! Then, I cut 14 sheets of parchment paper, stapled them together and cut out circles the same size as the bottom of the pan. I decided to err on the side of caution with greasing the pans, because fourteen stuck cakes would make me very unhappy.So, I greased the bottom and sides with a stick of butter.

Please work! . Then I placed a heaping 2/3 cup full of batter in each pan. and it will drip… and drip… Baked Goods. I chose to review The Complete Root Cellar Book: Plans, Uses and 100 Recipes by Steve Maxwell and Jennifer MacKenzie. It sounds kind of intriguing, something I think my parents might like. I have never heard of a root cellar before. The closest I come to having a root cellar is keeping my bag of potatoes in my dark cool pantry room, lol. So if this sounds like something you'd be interested in, let me share some info about this book. Of course they've included recipes for a root harvest, and I chose to make a rhubarb coffee cake. Scroll down for the recipe! Root cellars are a natural way of storing fruits, vegetables and preserves for longer shelf life and in these hard economic times, root cellars are making a big comeback.Eating fresh fruits and vegetables are important for a healthy lifestyle.

Root cellars help us make the most of our food budget by allowing us to stock up on fresh produce at low prices during seasonal harvests. This rhubarb coffee cake is really good! Enjoy, Heidi's So-Called Life: Pecan Pie Cheesecake. I haven't shared a recipe in eons, so its time to share one with you! I've been terrible about taking food pictures lately, so the one above is the only one I happened to snap with my iPhone (I had to brag to my friends on Facebook what lovin' was going in the oven that night! I couldn't be a bigger dork if you paid me to try...) Anyhow, Lance was on the verge of deploying. Again. A few days before Thanksgiving, no less, so we decided to have an early Thanksgiving while he was still home. This cheesecake was phenomenal! A must try! Pecan Pie Cheesecake Crust: 1 ¾ cups vanilla wafer crumbs¼ cup firmly packed brown sugar⅓ cup butter, meltedPecan Filling: 1 cup sugar⅔ cup dark corn syrup⅓ cup butter, melted 2 eggs 1 ½ cups chopped pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla extractCheesecake Filling: 3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 ¼ cups firmly packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 4 eggs⅔ cup heavy whipping cream 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Crust: Preheat oven to 350°.

Pecan Filling: Paula’s Volcano Cake Recipe. For the cream mixture: Beat ingredients together with an electric mixer. Set aside until ready to use. Cake: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease a 13 by 9 by 2-inch cake pan. Line bottom of greased pan with coconut flakes. Sprinkle pecans on top of coconut. Follow directions on back of box to prepare cake. For the glaze: In a small saucepan, melt butter over medium-low heat. Jo’s Easy Tiramisu. Chocolate Snickers Layer Cake - Sprinkled with Flour: The Original Sprinkled With Flour Food Blog. I made a special treat for my husband's birthday this week. He usually requests my Cheap Chocolate Cake as his birthday treat, but I decided to do something a bit different this year.

Something rich, something chocolaty....something that would be a candy lovers dream. He is a candy lover. So much so, that I'm pretty sure the cashiers at the convenience store by our house know him by name. My last candy concoction for him was my Chunky Twix Cookies. Those cookies were so out of this world good, I now have the reputation in our family as the Twix Cookie girl. That recipe has also made it's way around the blogging world. So for this candy creation I made a super moist chocolate cake, threw in some snickers bars, cream cheese frosting and homemade caramel sauce. Chocolate Snickers Layer Cake Serves:16 Printable Recipe Homemade Caramel Sauce, recipe follows Cream Cheese Frosting, recipe follows Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 F. Homemade Caramel Sauce: (Recipe from The Pioneer Woman) Enjoy! Trisha Yearwood's Key Lime Cake. I've been wanting to make this cake for quite awhile. Today was the day. The cake was delicious but it didn't wow me like I thought it would.

I liked it enough that I would make it again. It's REALLY easy to throw together. Whenever a cake involves oil instead of butter, it's so simple. This one uses no butter in the cake - all oil. This would be a wonderful cake for a summer barbeque. It's such a moist cake that it was difficult to get a really clean slice. Trisha Yearwood Key Lime Cake ■1 3-oz package lime-flavored gelatin ■1⅓ cups granulated sugar ■2 cups sifted all-purpose flour ■½ tsp salt ■1 tsp baking powder ■1 tsp baking soda ■5 large eggs, slightly beaten ■1½ cups vegetable oil ■¾ cup orange juice ■1 Tbsp lemon juice ■½ tsp vanilla extract ■½ cup Key lime juice (from about 25 small Key limes or 4 large regular limes) ■½ cup confectioners’ sugar 1. 2. 3. 1.

Note: The cream cheese icing is optional. Darn Good Chocolate Cake Cake Mix Cake) Recipe - - 87205. Sweet Treats & More: Earthquake Cake. Chocolate Pudding Dump Cake - 4 ingredients! I know, I know. Chocolate again. I just can't help it. There have been birthdays and stuff that have just required chocolate. (Not that I really need a reason, but it helps ease the guilt.) Week before last, I volunteered (yes, volunteered. I should know better.) to make dessert for a church fundraiser/dinner. I had all kinds of fabulous ideas floating around on Pinterest in my head that I wanted to try out. Thank goodness I had some quick and easy recipes pinned! This is all you need, plus milk. And you end up with this.... Total crowd pleaser! I SO wanted to try it before I sent it to church, but (one) that would be tacky, and (two)....well, I don't have a second thing. However, I was nervous about sending something out the door without having been 'taste tested'.

Chocolate Pudding Dump Cake ('dump' cake is such a Southern thing I think. 1 box of chocolate cake mix 1 small box of chocolate instant pudding (I used the sugar free/fat free) 1 3/4 cups skim milk* Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Project Pinterest: Orange Sherbet Cake. Updated: 1/12th of the cake (sugar free Pillsbury cake mix and 2 TBSP whipped topping) is 5PointsPlus for Weight Watchers.This pin intrigued me. Cake + me = true love forever. Like most folks though, my love for cake cannot always be realized because I’d weigh even more than I do now if I indulged in cake every time I wanted to. Stumbling upon this recipe was my destiny! I could have my cake and eat it too! I’ve seen lots of variations of this recipe, but this is the one I chose. Click on the picture below for the original source. There were many similar recipes. I chose sugar free yellow cake mix (made with Splenda and reduced in calories by about 50 calories a slice when compared to the original cake mix), diet Crush, and lite frozen whipped topping.

Measure out 12 ounces of diet soda. Pour the soda into the cake mix. Bake according to the directions on the box. On a scale of 1-10 on the diet dessert recipes index, this yummy cake earns a 10 from me! Can’t wait to check out your posts! Orange-Lemon Cake. This cake has been a favorite in our home for the past few years. It's quick to make and has the yummy taste of citrus. It's a perfect dessert for your summer time gatherings. Orange-Lemon Cake 1 package (18-1/4 ounces) lemon cake mix 1 package (3 ounces) orange gelatin 2/3 cup water 2/3 cup canola oil 4 eggs Icing 1 cup confectioners' sugar 3 to 4 teaspoons orange juice orange rind (optional) Combine cake mix, gelatin, water, oil and eggs in a large bowl.

Bake at 350 degrees for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. For icing, combine confectioners' sugar and enough orange juice to achieve desired consistency. This post is linked to these wonderful parties: DIY: Homemade Yellow Cake Batter Mix. It has probably been five years since I’ve used box cake mixes with any sort of regularity. Back in the day, I would bake one up in a 9×13-inch pan and then proceed to slather a can of chocolate frosting over the top. I think I’ve made some serious kitchen strides since those days, but leave it to all of those popular “cake batter” recipes to keep me tethered to cake mixes. Between cake batter ice cream, fudge, pancakes, and the zillion other recipe variations, not to mention all of the dump cake recipes that I keep seeing, I can’t seem to escape cake mixes. I haven’t made many of those recipes, mostly because I have really made a conscious effort over the last couple of years to eliminate a large majority of overly processed products from my kitchen.

Anything that I can make homemade, I do. That includes cake, of course, but what about all of those recipes that call for cake mix, straight from the box? My plan is to use this mixture anytime a recipe calls for dry cake mix. Homemade Yellow Cake Mix. In my efforts to eat a less processed diet, I’ve eliminated cake mixes from the lineup. It’s been painful, I can’t lie. There’s something about the no-fail moistness of a boxed mix that is appealing, but I’ve promised myself not to give in although it’s been hard. We’ve been through our fair share of dry homemade cakes as I’ve searched for the perfect replacements for the old boxed mixes.

You can imagine I was overjoyed when I saw this recipe for a make-ahead yellow cake mix! Not only is it a snap to prepare, but it keeps in the freezer for up to 2 months. Along with that – it tastes fabulous. Buttery, moist and absolutely delicious. I can’t wait to share with you tomorrow what I made with this delectable mix. P.S. One Year Ago: Chocolate Chip Toffee Bars Two Years Ago: Oatmeal Chocolate Chunk Bars Ingredients Directions Printed from Mel's Kitchen Cafe ( Brenda Abbott / Pinterest. Easy Apple Cake Recipe. Fresh Apple Cake. When the produce is so bountiful this time of year, I am always happy to find a tasty and easy recipe to add to our collection. This recipe is so darn simple, and you can sub in whatever type of fruit you have on hand. Fresh Apple Cake Ingredients:Fresh Fruit, sliced if large (I used two Rome apples)Package yellow cake mixStick of butter Layer your apple slices (or other fruit) at the bottom of a pan that has been coated with non-stick spray.

Sprinkle on boxed cake mix. I didn't even use the entire box -- save a little if you please, and then you can use it to make single-serving versions of this same recipe when you get a sweet tooth! Melt an entire stick of butter.Don't judge me. Pour butter over the fruit and dry cake mix. Edit: Usually, I've found that the butter and the moisture from the fruit is enough to soak into the dry mix and create a nice cooked crust. Bake at 350* for approximately 35-45 minutes -- it's done when it is nice and bubbly.

Three ingredients, and a stellar recipe. A Cake, A Wingspan, & Seven Blankets. Fine, I give up - for now. The clock is ticking, I already promised to post this recipe before the weekend timed out - and I really don't want to let anyone down, in case there is an actual reader out there. This darling fluffette of a cake was going to act as the foyer to the love story between me and Tony. But, as I've already indicated - I have family in the house - I need to plan, regress, feel rushed, exaggerate, be dramatic. This is no time to wax poetic. So, while I will post this recipe (which, by the way, has been in my family for decades - though I do know there are similar recipes, I've never quite tasted one as divinely and utterly ridiculous) I'm not in the right frame of mind to post the love story as I'd intended.

At any rate, if there was a headline for our love story - it really would be: A Cake, A Wingspan, 7 Blankets and A 6-Hour Chat* (*note: even though we lived 7 miles apart). That's the short version - I know this doesn't explain the whole Wingspan (huh?) Dessert Recipe: No-Bake Boston Cream Pie Strata Cookbook Recipe. No-Bake Chocolate Eclair Dessert. Big Mama's Home Kitchen: Mini Pineapple Upside Down Cakes.

How To: Homemade Ice Cream Cake Crunchies & Homemade Magic Shell Topping. Cake Batter Blondies. Blueberry Angel Food Cake Dessert Recipe {2 ingredients!}The Frugal Girls in Chic and Crafty, Dessert Recipes, Recipes. Blue Velvet Cake With Cream Cheese Frosting.