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French Listening Resources: Listen & Read to Improve your French Comprehension - Download mp3s & Transcripts

Listening to a language while reading along with the transcript is a great way to improve your comprehension as well as your pronunciation. The following mp3s and mp4s were created by native speakers of French and they are free for teachers and students to download. All of them are spontaneous speech - nothing was scripted or rehearsed, and some were even recorded without the speaker's prior knowledge for an eavesdropping effect. For the resources that have transcripts available, I've created individual pages so that you can now listen and read along or do a cloze (fill-in-the-blank) exercise if you prefer to work online. Each page will open in a new tab or window. Otherwise, you can simply download the mp3s/mp4s and transcripts and/or subtitles to go along with the videos. Authentic French with Commercials & Films, the sister site of French Listening Resources, is now available. les videos les mp3s quelque chose de different... d'autres sites pour ecouter (et lire) le francais Comments

listen to french learn to listen with French television and films level advanced AS/A2 Teachers TV video collection - Primary languages - Lesson Starters - French This collection of lesson starters are for Primary French lessons. The videos cover a range of topics, giving pupils an insight into French life. They can be used to introduce a new topic, or to revise learning of vocabulary. Various topics Playground games, let's go, pocket money Short dramatised clips feature native French-speaking children, presenting scenarios to use in the classroom. Healthy eating, let's start a café, portraits Lesson starters featuring French-speaking children. Countries and cultures Primary French - Bienvenue en Martinique! French-speaking children engaging in a range of different activities in and out of school. Primary French - Bienvenue en Martinique! Short videos filmed in Martinique, to be used as lesson starters for primary French learners. Primary French - Le Carnaval en Martinique It's carnival time in Martinique, and celebrations are in full swing at École Plateau Didier in Fort de France. Primary French - La parade des métiers d'avant Likes and dislikes Hobbies

French Grammar Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . (For information and Copyright notice, click here In French, when speaking in the past tense, one must constantly choose between the imparfait and the passé composé. In this exercise we will focus on the formation and the use of the imparfait versus the passé composé. Main Menu Grammatical Notes Ex. #1 - Vocab.? Ex. #2 - Vocab.? Ex. #3 - Vocab.? Ex. #4 - Vocab.? Ex. #5 - Vocab.? Ex. #6 - Vocab.? Ex. #7 - Vocab.? Ex. #8 - Vocab.? Ex. #9 - Vocab.? Ex. #10 - Vocab.? Top Correct! Proper choice of tense for a description or customary action in the past. The imparfait is generally used for descriptions of circumstances, situation, background, mental and physical states, or for habitual or repeated actions. Back to Ex. 1 Not a valid choice. Improper choice of tense for a description or customary action in the past. Try again. Explanations? Improper choice of auxilary with a reflexive verb. Explanations? Improper choice of tense for refering to a completed action in the past. Explanations? Ex. 5

Chansons françaises et francophones en cours de FLE / French through Songs and Singing This multimedia site features streaming MP3s, annotated lyrics, articles and links. The recordings are of songs in the public domain plus artists’ originals used with permission. The emphasis is on providing resources for students and teachers of French. The site is best viewed in Firefox or Safari. 1. Featured for teachers: Glossary of musical genres; Intermediate to Advanced songs by theme; Pedagogical Approaches: Music in the Language Classroom. Featured Francophone zone: La Communauté française de Belgique. Featured historical overview: Women in French Music. Beginner favorites: Alouette; L’arbre est dans ses feuilles; Une araignée sur le plancher; Le blues d’être; Bonjour ! Other favorites for various levels: À la pêche aux moules; Ah ! Songs from contributing artists (used with permission): Bornéo, La peau des fesses and Quand est-ce qu’on y va ? Every effort has been made to ensure that recordings other than those by invited artists are in the public domain.

Cours et Formations Gratuits en Vidéo · Le professeur Un professeur sur est une personne qui maitrise son domaine de compétence et souhaite partager son savoir. Pour diffuser des cours sur, vous devez avoir 16 ans ou plus et proposer des cours dont vous êtes l'auteur. · La rémunération est un site gratuit financé par de la publicité. · Le contenu Les cours doivent être clairs, de qualité et riches en contenu. Afin de mettre en ligne vos cours, vous devez nous fournir une image extraite du cours qui sera utilisée pour présenter votre cours. · La technique fournit un support technique par mail à ses professeurs afin de les aider à filmer leurs cours. L'espace multimédia de Meudonn (92) met à votre disposition ses moyens humains et techniques afin de vous aider à réaliser vos cours. Proposer un cours en vidéo :

Sr Jordan's Spanish Videos | VIDÉO. Les premiers pas d'un bébé rhinocéros blanc ESPOIR. Un rhinocéros blanc est né le 14 mai dernier au zoo de Dubbo, dans le sud-ouest de l'Australie. Le bébé est un mâle de 50 kilos qui n'a pas encore été baptisé. Il est le premier auquel sa mère, Mopani, a donné naissance a expliqué Pascale Benoit, soignante au Taronga Western Plains Zoo situé à 400 kilomètres à l'ouest de Sydney. Pour le directeur du parc, Cameron Kerr, la naissance d'un rhinocéros blanc (Ceratotherium simum) est toujours "un signe d'espoir". NEUF NAISSANCES. En 2003, cinq rhinocéros avaient été livré par le Kruger National Park (Afrique du Sud) afin d'améliorer la diversité génétique de la population du zoo australien. Ces rhinocéros appartiennent à l'espèce des rhinocéros blancs du Sud, la moins menacée des deux familles de rhinocéros blancs, dont il ne resterait plus que 20 000 individus vivant en liberté en Afrique, selon le Fonds mondial pour la nature (WWF).

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