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To build muscle & lose fat, you need a variety of proteins, veggies, fruits, carbs, and healthy fats. Eating protein helps building & maintaining muscle. But it also helps fat loss: protein has a higher thermic effect than carbs/fats. Eating fats also helps fat loss: your body holds fat if you don’t eat fats. Fruits & veggies contain vitamins & minerals, necessary for recovery from your workouts. And carbs fuel your muscles so you feel full of energy at the gym. Lots of you struggle to get these foods. 1. Don’t worry about cholesterol in eggs. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Anything works: almonds, walnuts, cashews, hazelnuts, … Peanut butter also works as long as you buy natural peanut butter without added salts/sugars. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Putting it All Together.

Resume Many times throughout college, you will need to be able to share your accomplishments. During the college application process, your past experience should form the basis for your essay and will certainly come up during any interviews. If you apply for any scholarships, you will once again need to write about your accomplishments. Do you have your information ready? When was it that you had a job at your local pet store? The solution is simple: write a student resume (past experience cheat sheet). 1. Under this heading, list your high school, date of graduation, Grade Point Average (GPA), and any major test scores (SAT or ACT). Davidson High School September 2003 – June 2007 GPA: 3.54 SAT Score: 2100 2. Explain where you worked and who you worked for. Sam’s Sporting Store May 2005 – Present Part-time Sports Salesman. 3. List all the community service activities you took part in. Sandre’s Soup Kitchen August 2004 – February 2006 Dish Washer. 4. 5. List any awards that you won in school. 6.

The 29 Hardest Abs Exercises Slideshow Travis McCoy/ Overview Think you’re hardcore -- or that you have a hard core? Prove it! 1. Don’t let this one fool you: It may look and sound a little silly, but it’s hard work. The Science of Amazing Abs 2. While this exercise doesn't target your abs, per se, it does target other core muscles like the glutes and hips. 20 Best Muscle-Building Foods 3. No list of advanced core moves would be complete without an example from the “300” workout. The 15 Toughest Do-Anywhere Workout Moves 4. Holding a plank -- especially on your forearms -- is probably a piece of cake by now. Sign Up to Receive the FREE Weekly Newsletter! 5. To get the form right on this move, imagine you’re the Karate Kid: When he punches his right arm, he rows his left toward his waist. The Cardio Abs Workout 6. Keeping your hips stable and body aligned gets a whole lot tougher when the ground can roll. How to Stay Motivated to Get Six-Pack Abs 7. Food Tips for Six-Pack Abs 8. 9. Planks too easy? 10.

Bulking Up Workout Plan For Skinny Guys To Gain Muscle by Kevin • Gain Muscle • Tags: Anabolic, Bulking Up Workout, For Men, Gain Muscle • 32 Comments Welcome to the site ... why not sign-up to the free newsletter before you go. A bulking phase alternated with a cutting phase is the approach most take to build a lean and muscular body. Most of the time I feel that slowly building lean muscle is smarter & healthier than trying to put on a bunch of muscle all at once. If done correctly (smartly) then you can get away with following a bulking up workout plan and still maintain a low level of body fat. Although I talk a lot on this blog about getting lean and defined muscles and not so much about bulking up, I do feel that it is important to have a good muscle base. Most of the time, guys looking to get in shape have a decent amount of mass and should focus on getting lean and toned as a priority. However, there are quite a few guys out there who would like to add some size. Bulking Up Workout Plan Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders & Triceps

'Orbit' Waterless Washing Machine It is truly the washing machine of the Jetsons’ era. Only in a concept design phase, this waterless, soapless, noiseless washing machine uses dry ice to clean up your dirty clothes. The Orbit was designed by Elie Ahovi in 2010 for the Electrolux Design Lab to show how doing laundry could look in 2050. Orbit is a self-sufficient washing machine that powers itself with liquid nitrogen and would clean clothes using frozen carbon dioxide. According to Ahovi’s website, the ring in which the laundry ball is placed holds batteries, which are recharged while the machine is in use. (Image: Elie Ahovi) (Photo: Elie Ahovi) In what Ahovi describes as “cryogenic cleaning”, the dry ice will be “fired at supersonic velocity” at the garments cleaning them without damaging the fabric. What do you think?

The Spartacus Workout Three years ago, producers at Starz asked Men’s Health to create a workout worthy of the name Spartacus, the network’s hit original series. With the help of Rachel Cosgrove, C.S.C.S., an Ironman triathlete and 2012 personal trainer of the year, we did just that—and it became the most popular workout in Men’s Health history! Now we’ve made it even better. Cosgrove’s newest version of the Spartacus Workout is called the Triple Set Scorcher. It uses triple sets to fire up your metabolism and melt flab at a blistering pace. So prepare to sizzle and chisel: We’re about to turn up the heat on your body fat. DIRECTIONS Perform the following workout 3 days a week with a day of rest between each session. PLUS: Spartacus—The Greatest Workout Ever— is now available on DVD! Photograph by Ture Lillegraven Next » 1a: Plank with Leg Lift Assume a pushup position but with your weight on your forearms instead of your hands. 1b: Dumbbell Chop 1c: Dumbbell Lunge 2a: Dumbbell Single-Leg, Straight-Leg Deadlift

72 Uses For Simple Household Products To Save Money & Avoid Toxins Limiting the amount of products you bring into your home will not only cut down on costs at the grocery store but will keep you and your family healthier. Below is a list of some common uses for seven household products. Add some drops of essentials oils like lavender, rose, or sweet orange to any of them for extra pleasure! Here are a few more tips to help you go green and save money! Cut up old bath towels. Photo Credit: Abdominal Muscle Exercises & Obliques 6 packs and toned tummy muscles is all achieveable if you're doing the right abdominal exercises. So why not check out all the abs exercises we have and start training like you mean it! The Netfit Team have created their first abdominals ebook, totally dedicated to helping you achieve a 6 pack and get the abdominal muscles that you want. The programs below are just a sample of what this great ebook can offer you, to find out more please follow this link if your serious about getting the 6 pack / flatter stomach that you deserve. The Abdominal workouts will strengthen your lower, upper and oblique abdominal muscles so whether you like kickboxing, swimming or freestyle skiing you're core can cope with it! Try and increase the amount of reps that you perform each week by 2, until you can comfortably perform 20 reps of each abdominal exercise. We also have some additional resources that cover related topics including abdominal techniques, and training exercises

The 300 Workout: Can You Handle It? The training regimen that whipped actors of the movie 300 into fighting shape may be too much for most of us. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in. At the start of the movie 300, King Leonidas (Gerard Butler) bids farewell to his beautiful wife, Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey) as he heads out to lead the Battle of Thermopylae. In it, 300 Spartans fought to their death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army in 480 B.C. In the movie scene, Butler is dressed for war, shirtless with a crimson cape flowing behind his broad, chiseled shoulders. But anyone who has struggled to get fit or stay fit can be forgiven if they get a little distracted here, wondering as they look at Butler in those skimpy Spartan battle duds: How did he get those six-pack abs, that whittled waist, and those rock-hard thighs? The Secret's Out Continue reading below... The 300 Workout Behind-the-Scenes Work
