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#BookSnaps – How-To-Videos and Examples – Be REAL

#BookSnaps – How-To-Videos and Examples – Be REAL
During this short vlog, I discuss the power, impact, and science of #BookSnaps. #BookSnaps ISTE 2017 Ignite Create #BookSnaps with Snapchat App Create #BookSnaps with Seesaw App #BookSnaps with Google Slides (revised) #BookSnaps with Flipgrid -Updated 2019 #BookSnaps with Google Drawing #BookSnaps Speak App Smash Now easier to do with 2019 above vid: #Booksnaps with Flipgrid Shorts Video #BookSnaps with Pic Collage Kids #BookSnaps with Book Creator #BookSnaps with Buncee #BookSnaps Images with Snapchat #BookSnaps Images with Google Slides #BookSnaps Images with Book Creator #RealYouSnaps with Seesaw #BookSnaps Gallery via Click the thumbnail. Scan the QR Code to view a Fiction #BookSnaps Gallery. Share #BookSnaps Padlet Portfolios Via QR Codes Take a Gallery Walk of #BookSnaps Padlets #BookSnaps Around the World Please enter your City, State, or Country. Related:  Technology ResourcesBooks & ReadingReading 2

Brainstorming and Voting Amazingly Easy. Free Online Tool | tricider Helping students choose books for reading pleasure | Strategies to engage students as readers | Reading engagement | Services to Schools Reflect on your reading practices The simplest way to make sure that we raise literate children is to teach them to read, and to show them that reading is a pleasurable activity. And that means, at its simplest, finding books that they enjoy, giving them access to those books, and letting them read them. — Neil Gaiman, Why our future depends on libraries, reading and daydreaming When we reflect on how we choose what to read, we can identify our reading strategies: skills we use to browse and select books, and the wider contexts that support making reading choices. This also involves knowing our own reading preferences and the purposes for our fiction reading — delight, discovery, interest, pleasure. Sharing our reading strategies with students helps them discover and articulate what they like to read and why. Questions to reflect on include: How do you choose what to read? The role of enabling adults in readers' lives Regarding book selection, this means you can: School staff as readers

What Is Genius Hour and How Can I Try It in My Classroom? Whether you’re new to teaching or a seasoned veteran looking to keep up with the trends, you’ve probably heard the buzz about Genius Hour. Maybe you’re thinking about giving it a try but aren’t sure where to begin. WeAreTeachers has your back! Here are the basics to get you started. What is Genius Hour? Simply put, Genius Hour is inquiry-based, student-directed learning. How do I fit Genius Hour into my curriculum? With all the demands on the precious little time we have with our students, you may be thinking, “Well, who’s got time for that?” What are the benefits of Genius Hour? Not only does Genius Hour create a pathway for intrinsic motivation, it encourages creativity. What is my role during Genius Hour? In addition to creating the framework and setting the ground rules for Genius Hour in your classroom, your role is to help your students focus and problem solve. How do I keep Genius Hour from turning into a free-for-all? Here is a sample pathway: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read: Watch:

unlimitedteacher (Prefer to listen? Click here for the TQE Method on the Cult of Pedagogy podcast!) Students and teachers are frustrated. There's a good reason and luckily, a simple solution. Teachers want students to master reading skills, to love reading, to, please, just read. Students want to complete the question list. This past fall, my students shared their experience of studying novels before they came to my 9th grade Honors ELA class. The record? (Please know I do try to take complaints with an entire shaker of salt, but... they gave me the worksheet. In our class, they got to experience a more collegiate style of discussion and though it took some time to get accustomed to the procedure and the goals, they were soon experts in reading the text, analyzing author’s purpose, and preparing impressive class discussions, all by their 14- and 15-year-old-selves. Some of their beautiful “thoughts, lingering questions, and epiphanies” (please excuse the shorthand): So how did we get here? An Easy Change

Focus on English Bedömningsstöd – Focus on Mrs Jones Hej alla glada lärare! Jag tror på att eleverna behöver hjälp med att förstå vad det är de bedöms för, vilka kriterier som finns. Även om vi kanske går igenom läroplanens struktur med dem – hur syftemålen ryms i det centrala innehållet och konkretiseras ytterligare i kunskapskraven och att det handlar om en helhetsbedömning osv. – så är det kanske just kunskapskraven som de oftast stöter ihop med sen ;-). Jag har därför pysslat ihop ett bedömningsstöd som är en handledning till eleverna för att hjälpa dem förstå kunskapskraven, värdeorden och kopplingen mellan dem. Exemplen utgår från tre olika texter ur Focus on English och deras olika uppföljningsfrågor. Både det här bedömningsstödet och min elevhandledning kring hur eleven kan bearbeta och utveckla en text ligger också på Allt gott! Maria - Transform assessment, transform education How to encourage students to read for pleasure: teachers share their top tips | Teacher Network The big challenge for teachers is not simply getting students to read – it's getting them to enjoy it too. It's one thing for students to trudge through set texts in a lesson, but will they open another book when they get home at the end of the day? The National Literacy Trust has noted that becoming a lifetime reader is based on developing a deep love of reading. "Research has repeatedly shown that motivation to read decreases with age, especially if pupils' attitudes towards reading become less positive," it said. For younger readers in particular, their home environment is critically important. "Home is a massive influence," says Eleanor Webster, a primary school teacher in Nottinghamshire. But if a pupil doesn't see people reading at home, it may be harder to instil the idea of reading for pleasure. Reading challenges Reading competitions come in many shapes and sizes, with the aim of spicing up literature and giving children an incentive to open a book. Escapism Teacher involvement

Criminal | A Podcast About Crime What to do when students won't do reading homework - Write on With Miss G We all know the struggle of spending hours prepping a creative, engaging lesson for your favorite novel, only to get to class to find out half of your students didn’t even read the assigned chapter for homework. I remember the first time this happened, when I was a fresh new teach on a mission to change the world, one student and page at a time. How could I do this if my students wouldn’t even read the books that would should them new perspectives, teach them life lessons, and empower them to make a difference in this crazy world? I remember feeling crushed; my students had let me down, and it felt personal, like it was my fault. Flash forward four years: THIS STILL HAPPENS. While this realization still creates a pit of dread in my stomach, I’ve learned a bit about how I can combat this perpetual problem that challenges so many English teachers. But first, let me preface this post with a few disclaimers: Thinking on my feet, I “struck a deal” with my students. Physical book?

EmojiTranslate Enjoyment of reading, not mechanics of reading, can improve literacy for boys Year 3 reading outcomes of 2017 NAPLAN testing once again demonstrate a gender gap, with boys underachieving compared to girls. A focus on teaching for the test has not closed the gender gap and only reduced student motivation and well-being. Calls for a review of NAPLAN ten years on are timely. Read more: NAPLAN 2017: results have largely flat-lined, and patterns of inequality continue Attitudes towards reading Reports increasingly highlight how negative attitudes towards reading constrain experiences for some boys. This attitude is believed to be related to deep-seated cultural issues that lead many boys to believe reading is feminine and “uncool”. There is now a call in the UK for schools to have a policy of promoting enjoyment of reading rather than just a focus on effective teaching of phonics skills. We have known for a long time that positive attitudes towards reading influence boys’ engagement with reading. Read more: Explainer: what is phonics and why is it important?
