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Recipe Card Maker

Recipe Card Maker
Welcome to Skip to my Lou As seen in the new book "Hand in Hand" Recipe Card Maker Create your own recipe cards using this free online recipe card maker. Recipe card maker help » Step 1 — Select a recipe card size Select Size » Add Recipes » Print What size card would you like? This setting gives you two cards per page. This setting gives you three cards per page. Will you be adding multiple recipes? Skip to my Lou Features Craft, Create, Celebrate… Skip To My Lou is a place to fulfill the passion for sharing the best in life. Follow me: Newsletter Signup: Free Monthly Printable! © 2009 - 2014 Skip to my Lou

6 Questions to Ask Before You Buy Anything With so much clutter clogging up our lives, it's important to identify the areas where clutter becomes most noticeable. Much of the clutter in our homes comes from items we buy spontaneously. We think we need it or want it, but that realization fades. Ask yourself these 6 questions before you buy anything. 1. Will this make my life better? Many times we buy things because they are interesting or cool. 2. Ask yourself if you already own one of these items, or something that can take care of the same job. 3. If you can't part with an older version of something, then you shouldn't buy the newer one yet. 4. Do you have space for this item in your home? 5. We don't think of perishables as a big threat to our clutter because they'll eventually be thrown out. 6. Hasty decisions are sometimes the worst.

Modern Parents Messy Kids Hello Ucreate readers, thanks so much for having me! I'm Steph, founder/managing editor of Modern Parents Messy Kids and mom to a 2 year old son and 13 month old daughter. I started MPMK as a resource for helping parents to engage their kids, organize their life, and add a little style to their home. In my former life I was a Doctor of Audiology and worked with pediatric patients, now I spend my days racking my brain and scouring the internet for simple ways to connect with my kids. I gravitate towards anything that’s accessible to all parents (including the crafting-impaired), fosters development, and has a bit of a modern edge. You'll only need three simple items: a stack of colorful sticky notes, a marker, and a shadow box. Start by labeling your top row of sticky notes. Next layout your sticky notes in a grid. Once you have the layout the way you like it, I would recommend using some glue to reinforce everything. That's it (five minutes was probably and over-estimate).

Motivation and Self Improvement How To Build A Cold Frame Using Old Windows Enter your email address into the form below and click "Submit" to receive our weekly newsletter. Each newsletter contains 28+ of the latest and best Homestead & Survival featured articles. Plus find out when we hold giveaways and competitions. Sign up TODAY to receive FREE plans for a DIY Solar Oven.

Beer Label Creator - Design your own personalized custom beer labels! Carbonrally – Green Living Project Display Board Or I guess I should say…….. project/photo/bills/chores/etc. display board. The uses are endless. And you can make this little board fit the theme of any of your decor. So it blends right in. Perfect. I just needed a solution for wet art that was making a mess touching other things in my home. Solved that problem. All I did was cover a board with a layer of Mod Podge and then layed a piece of fabric on top of that. And then I covered the front and sides with a nice layer of Mod Podge. Then I covered some jumbo wooden clothes pins the same way. Next, I let everything dry completely and the hot glued the jumbo pins to the board. Great for all sorts of purposes. Related posts:

Mega Collection Of Cheatsheets for Designers And Developers Cheatsheets and various quick reference guides are available for almost any type of software and language these days. Unfortunately they’re not always easy to find when you actually need them. This is why I decided to take some time to gather up as many as possible and share them with you here! Hopefully this can be a timesaver for you, along with teaching you a new trick or two. CSS3 Cheat Sheet ↓ CSS2 Visual Cheat Sheet ↓ CSS Cheat Sheet (V2) ↓ Css Property Index ↓ BluePrint CSS ↓ HTML 5 Cheat Sheet ↓ HTML5 Canvas Cheat Sheet ↓ HTML5 Glossary ↓ HTML Character Entities Cheat Sheet ↓ Color Codes Matching Chart HTML (Convert CMYK, RGB Hex) ↓ Javascript JavaScript Cheat Sheet ↓ Javascript DOM ↓ JavaScript Reference Card ↓ jQuery 1.4 API Cheat Sheet ↓ jQuery selectors ↓ jQuery 1.3.2 ↓ jQuery 1.3 ↓ jQuery 1.2 ↓ Mootools 1.2 Cheat Sheet ↓ Prototype Cheat Sheet ↓ PHP & MySQL for dummies ↓ PHP 5 Online Cheat Sheet v1.3 ↓ PHP5 Cheat sheet ↓ PHP Manual Quick Reference ↓ Printable PHP Security Checklist ↓ MySQL Softwares

Chef in Training | A great place to find easy, delicious and family friendly recipes. How to study right for every subject Finals and end-of-year tests are coming up fast. Here’s our lickety-split guide to acing every subject. With these seven tips in hand, we bet you’ll be seeing straight-A’s by the time the final bell rings. Get organized Rooting through the recycling bin at the bottom of your locker 10 minutes before your final is so not the way to go. Be your own best study buddy There are probably as many different studying techniques as people in your chem class. Practice makes perfect If your test involves something that you’re going to have to do or explain, then it makes sense to actually do or explain that thing before you’re going to be graded on it, right? Focus on your problem areas If you have a limited amount of prep time and a lot of things to get through, this one is especially important. Get help ASAP Still not getting it solo? Know the format True or false. Play by the rules This one is obvious, but sometimes it’s overlooked in the rush to memorize everything ASAP.

16 Photography Project Ideas to keep you shooting every day! | | Photography tips & iPhoneography Taking a photo everyday can be a daunting task, but as I look back over the last 20 days worth of shots I’ve taken for my Mostly365 challenge I am really proud of the results. To keep everyone inspired I’m giving you 16 photo project suggestions for your 365! 1. Self portraits 50 f/1.4, 1/30 @ f/2.8, ISO 640. Give people a glimpse at the artist behind the camera and take a self-portrait. 2. Bay Bridge, SF. 5DMKII+ 100mm f/2.8 L, 1/40 at f/8.0, ISO 500. There are many faces of the moon and almost all of them make for spectacular photos. You’d also be surprised at the shots you can get with your camera phone. 3. Dew drops on grass. There is so much beauty out there — leaves in puddles, dew drops on grass, snowflakes on tree branches. 4. 5DMKII, 85mm f/1.8, 1/200 @ f/2.8, ISO 100. I am most passionate about taking portraits. 5. 5DMKII+100 f/2.8, 1/200 at f/4.5, ISO 125 + 430EX double CTO gel. During bad weather days, dig around in your house for a fun little toy, keepsake or gadget to snap. 6.

500 Free Recipes To Try On Your Next Camping Trip - Herbs Info Please be sure to Join our email list and receive all our latest tutorials daily – free! 541 Image – © svetlankahappy – What could be better than sitting around a camp fire on a deep starry night, keeping warm, telling stories, sipping drinks and of course cooking up a delicious camp meal? We found an incredible collection of camping recipes that really “goes beyond”. One of the best things about this recipe collection is that many of the recipes are ultra simple – as they should be. Ok here’s the link to all the recipes in one downloadable document: 500 Recipes To Try On Your Next Camping Trip Please note, you cannot resell this recipe collection but the writer has permitted free sharing. Here are a few more recipes from our collection: 13 Homemade Bread Recipes – Never Buy Bread Again Peasant Bread – The Best & Easiest Bread You’ll Ever Make How To Make Lavender Lemonade How To Make Fantastic Pure Fruit Ice Cubes

Back to School Organizing For Kids 101 - Backpacks & Book Bags Home - Newsletters - "Get Organized" - Article Backpacks and book bags are a back to school staple. Every kid needs at least one! Have you seen how they look inside? Most of the time, they are crammed full of papers in a haphazard fashion. Here are some handy tips to keep your backpacks and book bags organized. When purchasing a new backpack or book bag, make sure they have these features to help keep things neat and tidy! This is a great place for putting small items such as zip bags where you keep your pens, pencils, rulers, lip gloss etc. This is a great place for small things that you want to keep more secure such as money, keys, cell phones, etc. This is a great place for those pens, pencils, etc. Water bottles, sports drinks, sodas, etc. are best in a pocket with a net and stored on the outside, away from books and papers. Go through the bag and clean it out daily. File your important papers when you clean out your bag (right after you get home is best).

Photo Essay and Photography Project Ideas List Winged Rock – Jim Harmer You have all undoubtedly heard of the 365 project. The project encourages photographers to get out and take one picture every single day, and then to post that photo online. I created this compilation of photography projects to help inspire you to get shooting. Photography Project #1: Highlights of your life. Photography Project #2: One landscape. Photography Project #3: Homelessness. Photography Project #4: Fairy tales. Photography Project #5: Geophoto. Photography Project #6: Self Portraits. Photography Project #7: Your city’s architecture. Photography Project #8: Your meals. Photography Project #9: Food fight. Photography Project #10: Downtown fashions. Photography Project #11: A day in the life. Photography Project #12: Photojournalism. Photography Project #13: Social Issues. Photography Essay Idea #14: Working hard. Photo Essay Idea # 15: The middle of the day. Want to push your photography to the next level?
