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Daniel Dos Santos

Daniel Dos Santos
Daniel Dos Santos is a professional freelance illustrator working in a variety of genres including novels, comics and film. He has worked for clients such as Disney, Universal Studios, Penguin Books, Random House, Tor books, UpperDeck, Wizards of the Coast, and DC Comics. Link:

Echoes of War Sergei Larenkov His photographs of the siege of Leningrad and St. Petersburg really got lots of name on internet and are famous too. so we present some really nice photographs by sergei, where past and present meet in Moscow, Berlin, Vienna, Prague.. 1. Vienna. 1945/2010. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Sintel - concept art, art direction Sintel, the full short. High res 1080p available on the youtube option. About Sintel is an open short movie produced by the Blender Foundation. Description from the official website : "Sintel" is an independently produced short film, initiated by the Blender Foundation as a means to further improve and validate the free/open source 3D creation suite Blender. Art direction Many concept-art and artworks were necessary to capture the epic and fantasy feeling I wanted for Sintel. Shaman Sintel design More design for Sintel model-sheet Sintel portrait Sintel (old) portrait Chicken , ballpen quick concept Hienna, creature on her journey Ishtar birds Snow fighting previsualisation. Shaman hut, external design Shaman hut, interior Shaman hut, previsualisation for the ambiance Sintel , in Ishtar city, watching the Ziggurat Ishtar city ; building renovations, and various overlays of architectures era Ishtar building design Ishtar alley , design for the first scene. Sintel bedroom ; first concept Ishtar city doors

99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Photography can serve as a nice source of inspiration. Further Resources! Find Something Missing?

Hermitage. Luteplayer by Caravaggio Psychadellivision by ~Volcanic-Penguin on deviantART 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation We present collection of 55 incredible examples of photo manipulation. Some of them... you may know already, but another ones... could be new for you. What I'm sure about... all of them are simply worth of your attention. Twelve Animals: World maps as Chinese zodiac 12 Feb 2009 In a series of illustrations entitled "Twelve Animals," graphic artist Kentaro Nagai rearranges the world map to create the beasts of the Chinese zodiac. Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake // Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Boar The images shown here are high-contrast black-and-white photos of Nagai's work, which is on display at the Japan Media Arts Festival at the National Art Center, Tokyo until February 15. - Added: Also check out the animated Flash version of "Twelve Animals" at Graflex Directions.

Exquisite Hyper-Realist Painting by Omar Ortiz Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student. I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Mexican Omar Ortiz uses human body as main element in its work. Website Do you want more visual fun? You might also like

Dream Big by Peter Fecteau “Dream Big” was a year-long project in which Pete created a mosaic of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. using 4,242 Rubik’s Cubes. > Elegant Coral Bowl Like wispy arms sprouting vicariously from the ocean floor this coral bowl is an extraordinary piece. Fill it with fruit, any decorative items or simply leave it unadorned as an outstanding centerpiece. Although it looks extremely complex with its delicate beauty it is really quite effortless to achieve. When looking for the delicate beauty of coral reefs for any nautical decor or beach decor this coral piece will definitely be an enormous hit. It can be designed to fit any furnishings by simply choosing the appropriate color. Mixing colors adds to the mystic aspects of the piece. Use the piece to make a bold statement or a soft enhancement to your interior decoration, depending on the colors selected. Before beginning your project determine the size you want to achieve. Pick out a stainless steel bowl to use as your mold. Be sure it has the shape you want to achieve. Measure the mold from one edge over the bottom of the mold and to the other side. Materials Directions 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Astounding Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles art brings the cartoon heroes to grim reality Screenshots for comparison: No complaints, these new depictions are brilliant, but from a art direction standpoint, there's nothing new here. By the way, I've been a big defender of the redesign, but the new comment system really sucks at handling links and images. The image field doesn't work, and it doesn't resolve urls properly (I had to resort to, and even that didn't work correctly) What's really driving me batty is that the system exhibits all sorts of unexpected behavior.

Artwork by Ken Wong Article by James Pond I am the owner of / art lover / electrical engineer / software developer / MBA in e-business student. I blog for pleasure and love to share my Internet findings. Web site: Ken Wong is an artist/illustrator/designer from Adelaide, Australia. He currently works as an Art Director at a computer game studio called Spicy Horse, in Shanghai. Visit Website Do you want more visual fun?
