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splayer Uses 3D-Printing to Create Realistic Varia Suit from Metroid Prime 3 Video Game A game developer in the US has made an incredibly realistic video game costume that is 60% made from 3D-printed parts using a 3D Systems' ZPrinter 450. Chelsea Mills, a 3D environment artist who worked on the hugely popular Guild Wars 2 multiplayer online role-playing video game (MMORPG), has spent over two years working on a life-sized version of the Varia Suit, a full-body armoured suit worn by the character Samus Aran in the sci-fi Metroid Prime 3: Corruption video game. Chelsea Mills as Samus Aran in Metroid Prime 3: Corruption(Chelsea Mills) "The helmet, chest, shoulders, arm cannon, and forearm were all 3D-printed by my friend Matthew Serle on his 3D printer," Mills tells IBTimes UK. "The shoulders ended up being too heavy so I later moulded them and then cast them in resin. The rest of the costume is a combination of craft foam and Worbla, which is a thermoplastic."

V-RayforC4D Basic Startup (Part2) – Basix In this Tutorial We are going explore some of the essential things when it comes to creating V-Ray materials , what we going to be discussing here is hopefully going to get you started making V-Ray materials and again , some more in depth tutorials are going to be available for specific parts that are not covered in this series V-Ray materials are not as simple as the standard materials , the way they behave is more physical ( as surfaces can absorb light , refract it , reflect it .. etc ) and for that reason , each parameter is tight another and colors play a huge role in this regard . VRay has a number of material types which can be used in combination or separately to produce high quality renders .

Guardians of the Galaxy Concept Art by Maciej Kuciara Concept Artist Maciej Kuciara has released some of the concept art he created for Guardians of the Galaxy while working with VFX studio, MPC. Maciej collaborated with artists David Hobbins, Goran Bukvic and Jama Jurabaev to create some of the weapon designs shown here. To see more concept art from the movie be sure to order your copy of Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: The Art of the Movie Slipcase. Link: All images © Marvel. Visual Effects and Live Action Converge With Nobumichi Asai’s Facial Projection Mapping We all know that visual effects are the stuff of films, enabling harry potter’s transfiguration spells and animating Iron Man’s full-body suit. We’ve come to accept these effects because we separate them from film and live action. But these boundaries are slowly fading.

Painted Cinder Block Wall Texture Picture Click image to download full resolution version Please download image - do not hotlink to it Painted Cinder Block Wall Texture - Free High Resolution Photo - Dimensions: 3888 × 2592 Free high resolution photo of a cinderblock wall painted white. This photograph would make a great web page background or desktop wallpaper. The picture is free for any use. Forest Pack Texture Distribution HOW-TO by Grant Warwick 460 FLARES298915714inShare14000×460 FLARES Lee Griggs Amazing 3d Maps Created with Maya XGen and a Single Primitive post I published a few days ago captured a great deal of attention by many of you, more specifically about using Forest Pack + V-Ray for creating the same impressive visuals. Grant Warwick, whom you all know by now (and if not – you should!), shows how-to use Forest Pack to do just that – Van Gogh Style!

Best resource for idiot to learn Unity? And I mean idiot in the truest sense of the word ;-) I have colaborated with game people providing models and animation loops, I have made simple multimedia programs a few years ago...scripted modular riggers in Lightwave etc. Also used Unity for a few boring arch walkthroughs. So, I have knowledge of many areas, but am really not a master in any except modeling. So, what would be the best course or tutorial to get the knowledge to build, for example, a full functional 3rd person shooter level in Unity?

Character Modeling Showreel by Hannah KangComputer Graphics 3d Modeling work by Hannah Kang. Modeling Showreel by Hannah Kang, 3d Modeling work by Hannah Kang, Concept Art, Lighting, Modeling, Texture, Painting, After Effects, Mari, Maya, Mental Ray, Mudbox, Photoshop, UV Layout, V-Ray, Zbrush, Hannah Kang, Character Modeling Showreel, Character Modeling Showreel by Hannah Kang, character Modeling Showreel, Character Modeling, Showreel, Modeling Showreel, Modeling Showreel by Hannah Kang, Zbrush Modeling, Zbrush, Modeling, 3d Modeling, 3d Modeling Showreel, 3d Character Modeling Showreel, Character Modeling, 3d Character Modeling,cgi, cg, model, 3d model

Shop — HEAVYPOLY Cart - 0 items Kendall Sa-4 Cyclops (free wallpaper) sale Hoverbike Print BunnyBot 3d Printed Designer Toy from 60.00 10 IRON MAN Art Mashups with Spider-Man, Batman, Subzero, and More <img src="<a pearltreesdevid="PTD147" rel="nofollow" href=" class="vglnk"><span pearltreesdevid="PTD148">http</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD150">://</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD152">static1</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD154">.</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD156">squarespace</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD158">.</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD160">com</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD162">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD164">static</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD166">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD168">51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD170">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD172">t</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD174">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD176">5320ef97e4b0b1569a730786</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD178">/</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD180">1394667417260</span><span pearltreesdevid="PTD182">/</span></a>" />

Find the Name of that Song Even Without Knowing the Lyrics What is the name of that song? This guide describes online music recognition services that will help you identify the name of any song without knowing the artist name or even the lyrics. It happens all the time. You are sitting in a restaurant with friends or driving to work and there’s some beautiful music playing on the FM radio station.

Portfolio — Bruno Werneck - Filmpaint "Some of the design cues look like they belong in the futuristic Spider-Man 2099."- Bruno Werneck When Sony Pictures decided to reboot the Spider-Man film franchise, they contacted Eddie Yang Studio, where I was working at the time, for help designing the new costume. The initial art direction was heavily influenced by Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight films.
