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Howard Rheingold (hrheingold)

Cindy King (CindyKing) - Flock Sir Ken Robinson: Transform Education? Yes, We Must As the new members of 111th Congress wander through the building looking for their desks and lockers, it may feel for some of them like the first day at school. They should hold on to that feeling. One of the biggest challenges they face is sorting out American education. Given the recession, the dire situation in the Middle East and the general state of the planet, education is probably not at the top of their to-do list. President-elect Obama swayed the nation on a promise of change and the renewal of the American Dream. All of this is the work of education. My family and I moved to America almost eight years ago. President-elect Obama has said that NCLB was well intentioned, and it was. I said that the premise of the act is flawed. To face the future, America needs to celebrate and develop the diverse talents of all of its people -- young and old alike. I'm always struck by how many adults have no idea what their real talents are, or whether they have any at all.

George Siemens (gsiemens) Guy Kawasaki (GuyKawasaki) Government 2.0 | Social Media CoLab - Flock Amanda Zhang; Jenna Gunderson; Sean Westwood; Tina Lee Project outline: Introduction: what is Gov 2.0? What does "Open Government" mean? Government as a Platform "Gov 2.0: It's All About the Platform" (Tim O'Reilly, TechCrunch, September 4, 2009)Data and engagement are bi-directional: government to citizen, citizen to government (Andrea DiMaio, Gartner Blog, November 11, 2009) The Four Facets of Web 2.0 in Government (Andrea DiMaio, Gartner Blog, May 29, 2009)Internal (intra or inter-government) collaboration.Institutional presence on external social networksOpen government dataEmployees on external social networks The characters A technocentric vision (Adobe): "Government agencies should consider the following with regard to making information about operations and decision-making available to the public: Can the public use it? Normative backing for government accountability and citizen engagement From extenuation to denial Lack of information and motivation Project Scope Project Goals Constituents

Dave's Educational Blog Juan Martinez (Jamartinb) 55 Must Know Twitter Tools and Applications If you haven’t heard of TWITTER, than you are surely an endangered species!!!! Today twitter is omnipresent. The growth of Twitter has been phenomenal. Due to this growth more and more people are trying to learn everything that they can about it. Also because of such a popularity the rate at which its tools and apps have been growing is uncontrollable. These Twitter Apps are websites which have built-in scripts that complement Twitter and also some other social networking sites. We have segregated the list into Twitter General Apps, Twitter Mobile Apps, Twitter Adobe AIR Platform Apps, Twitter Search Apps, Twitter Statistics Apps, Real Time Tweets Interface Apps, Twitter Browser Add-ons General Tools and Apps TwitPic TwitPic allows you to post photos to their site and then tweet the same to Twitter. Twittercal Twittercal connects your Twitter account with Google Calendar. Twitpay Twitpay is a simple way to send payments via Twitter Twitterfeed Sit back and focus on your blog now. Twitturly twibs
