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Kuato aims to teach kids programming through games Kuato Studios plans to use artificial intelligence and gaming technology to teach children how to program a computer. As such, it is the latest startup to try to “gamify,” or use game mechanics to foster interest in non-game applications, education. The company is creating a virtual game world for children and teens to explore. The iPad game also does something pretty smart. “You’re learning code so you can survive,” Meehan said. Kuato has licensed its AI technology from SRI, the same research institute that created the AI technology behind Siri, which spun out of SRI International and was acquired by Apple for use it its iPhone. SRI owns an 18 percent stake in Kuato. “We try to go deeper and understand the player,” Meehan said. The game is targeting children and teens ages 11 to 15, or the typical age when kids start learning programming. “Kids want to learn new skills but lots of people who have tried this in the past have failed,” Meehan.

Låt Kalle Kodare lära små barn om HTML - Lilla gumman Jag tillhör, tyvärr, den gruppen av människor som inte kan kodning. Dessutom är det brist på nya kodare som kan föra utvecklingen framåt. Detta vill tre studenter vid den digitala medieskolan Hyper Island ändra på genom att skapa en barnbok som utbildar och roar. Jag har bläddrat igenom ett ex och även om boken riktar sig till barn mellan 3 – 8 år så känner jag mig träffad och upplärd. Tanken är god, starta tidigt och få barnen att förstå vad HTML faktiskt är. ”Näringslivet har redan stora svårigheter att hitta kunniga kodare. Alla tre upphovspersonerna är studenter inom programmet Digital Data Strategist vid Hyper Island i Stockholm. ”Vi vill slå hål på den efterhängsna myten om att det skulle vara så svårt och märkvärdigt att lära sig koda. Boken läses med fördel på surfplatta och heter ”Min Första Hemsida – Kalle Kodares guide till Internet”.

Kom så ska vi koda! | Tips och tankar om programmering för barn och andra nybörjare. Teaching kids how to write computer programs, by Marshall Brain by Marshall Brain Quick Intro - If you are looking for a quick and easy way to teach your kid a real programming language, without downloading anything or buying anything, try these Python tutorials. Your kid will be writing and modifying code in just a few minutes. Marshall Brain's quick and easy Python tutorials Let's say that you have children, and you would like to help them learn computer programming at a youngish age. As the father of four kids, I have tried to approach it from several different angles. Let's start with a something important: Every kid is different. The second thing to realize is that real analytical skills often don't start appearing until age 11 or 12 or 13 in many kids, so expecting huge breakthroughs prior to that may be unrealistic. That being said, there are lots of fun things you can try as early as five or six... Games Let's start with a few games. Then there is this game, which actually does a very good job of teaching simple programming skills: Python for Kids

Nobody Wants to Learn How to Program I frequently see a problem when people (especially techies) try to teach programming to someone (especially non-techies). Many programming tutorials begin with basic programming principles: variables, loops, data types. This is both an obvious way to teach programming and almost certainly a wrong way to teach programming. It’s wrong because nobody wants to learn how to program. If you are teaching a class of adults who are paying with their own money for an education, then this is an appropriate and direct way to teach programming. But for the casually interested or schoolchildren with several activities competing for their attention, programming concepts like variables and loops and data types aren’t interesting in themselves. Here are my five pieces of advice to people who want to teach programming or create programming tutorials: 1. But people can feel the limitations that these programs have. 2. 3. I began learning BASIC in the third grade. 4. 5. Enough said.

programmering i läroplanen Yesterday I had the pleasure of meeting with Seung Yu, the principal of the new Academy for Software Engineering, a new software/computer science focused school opening in New York City this fall. We had a great discussion about the school, its goals and how Microsoft might work with them. It’s an exciting idea – a school like this. I understand teacher openings have been posted and resumes are pouring in. I can imagine that to be the case. My good friend Leigh Ann DeLyser, who is on the advisory board of AFSE among other activities, pointed out to me that the latest math standards include recursion. Its worse with computer science. This is changing in higher education. I think we need to work at ways of including more computer science into other parts of the curriculum for two solid reasons. At Microsoft we have created (or really had teachers create for us) some web development curriculum that is designed to work well with other subjects.

Is programming the new math? This past semester I taught a programming elective for seniors We used Python because it's already installed on all of the school computers and we have a resident Python expert who I could turn to for support.To be honest, I didn't have very much programming experience before the class began. I had taken a C class in grad school when I was too sick of math to care about my research, and that's the only formal programming I had done. This summer I taught myself some Python using this fantastic book by Michael Dawson, which teaches the basics through programming games. When all is said and done, this may have been my favorite class this semester. There was certainly a learning curve to my teaching. I learned to minimize lectures. Something that became obvious very quickly (and was integral in quelling my fears that I was under-qualified to teach a UC-approved programming class) is that almost every student in the class was into it.

Teacherhack vill hacka läroplanen och få in programmering i skolan Hacka läroplanen och få in programmering i den svenska skolan. Det är vad Teacherhack vill. Teacherhack är ett initiativ av Terese Raymond och Karin Nygårds och Webbstjärnan har träffat dem för att prata om varför programmering i skolan är deras hjärtefråga. I förrgår hade .SE och Webbstjärnan besök av två ivriga pedagoger som just nu jobbar på ideell basis för att på sikt ”hacka” läroplanen. - Vi vill understryka att ingen av oss är ”hackers” från första början, förklarar Karin Nygårds som till vardags är svensklärare och driver klassbloggen tillsammans med sina elever i fjärde klass. - I min klass gör barnen det största arbetet. Hennes Teacherhack-kollega Terese, som är fristående pedagog och kommunikatör, håller med och menar att vinsterna med programmering i skolan är många. - Eleverna kan gå från konsumenter till producenter. Karin och Terese träffades på Skolforum där de av en slump hamnade bredvid varandra och började prata om spelifierat lärande.

Ska programmering finnas på skolschemat? Med anledning av den pågående debatten om programmeringen i skolans vara eller icke vara ville vi på Webbstjärnan följa upp den tråd vi senast plockade upp i intervjun med Teacherhack. Vi har pratat med Ulrica Elisson Grane, lärare, och Måns Jonasson, webbansvarig på .SE, om programmeringens plats på schemat. I förra veckan skrev Webbstjärnan om det nya initiativet Teacherhack och initiativtagarnas plan att hacka läroplanen för att få in programmering på schemat. Detta visade sig vara ett hett ämne och artikeln fick spridning i sociala medier, varpå vi kände att vi var tvungna att fördjupa oss i frågan kring programmeringens vara eller icke vara i skolan. Ulrica Elisson Grane är lärare på Ullvi skola strax utanför Leksand och bloggar tillsammans med sina elever på - Jag läste en kurs vid Umeå universitet som heter ”Digitalt berättande och kreativt lärande”, berättar Ulrica. Måns Jonasson är webbansvarig på .SE (Stiftelsen för Internetinfrastruktur).
