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The Barefoot running round-table discussion from UKSEM Thoughts from the Barefoot running round-table discussion at UKSEM: Many of you will probably know by now that at the recent UKSEM conference in London, I chaired a session called “Natural Running – advantages and disadvantages. A Round Table Discussion”. The protagonists in the debate were: Prof Daniel Howell, an anatomy professor from Liberty (USA), known as the “barefoot professor”Simon Barthold, who formerly worked as a podiatrist but who now works in biomechanics and is Asics global research consultantProf Benno Nigg, one of the world’s leading biomechanistsDr Mathias Marquard, a clinician and running coach (who would go on to become the voice of reason in many of the more hostile aspects of the debate, as I’ll describe!) The debate concept That’s a pretty high-profile “cast”, including some of the world leaders in their fields. Controlling it, however, was a nerve-jangling prospect. Buy or sell? So from my vantage point, this is what I saw from the five responses: Back to the debate…

DC Rainmaker Running for Fitness Gmaps Pedometer Training with 5 exercise heart rate training zones - page 1 Page 1 2 3 You may think that training is just for athletes. I absolutely believe that with few exceptions everyone can train to create change which leads to a good healthy life. Exercise is as different for everyone as Training With 5 Exercise Heart Rate Zones change is different. Whether you want to change by shedding a few pounds or you just want to feel good about yourself, then here's a way that, if you follow it, you may end up on the wellness road to a new life. What I'm talking about is Heart Zone Training, the best approach to all-around fitness I've found. This isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. Let's take it one part at a time and first look at those three words: Heart Zone Training. That's easy. A zone is simply a range of heart beats. Training is the regime of exercising to achieve a goal. Take my 58-year-old friend Sara whose young grandchildren are really paying attention to her workouts. You can have similar results. Heart rates are measured in beats per minute (bpm).

Three strength-training exercises to improve stride length and frequency Walt Reynolds explains how to improve your speed by working on your stride length and strike rate. If you are an endurance runner, should you carry out regular strength training workouts? Not a single published scientific study has linked resistance training with improved 5k, 10k or marathon times, but running books and magazine articles extol the merits of strength training, and countless runners spend time in the weights room. Proponents of strength training for endurance runners claim that the activity bolsters muscle power, raises tendon and ligament strength, and lowers the risk of both acute and chronic injuries. To date, much of the research exploring the link between strength training and endurance performance has focused on standard exercises such as leg extensions and curls, leg presses, bench and shoulder presses. In fact, it is difficult to understand exactly how these standard resistance exercises would promote better endurance performances. The Power Triad Example Progression - Your Online Source for Running Rules of Thumb for Running a Marathon (Marathoning Matters) Race pace. Training pace. Calories per mile. How much hot days slow you down. Over the years I've learned a number of rules of thumb about running marathons, covering everything from the impact of weight on performance to how running marathons impacts age and how age impacts running marathons. Taper and Race Day Rules of Thumb Taper your training so that you run no more than 85, 75, and 50 percent of your maximum mileage the three weeks before the marathon, respectivelyNever try anything during a marathon that you haven't tried in practice runs (eating Gu, drinking a sports drink, wearing different socks, shoes or shirts, etc.)Drink about 4 ounces of fluid per mile Basic Race Pace Calculate marathon finishing time as 2x a recent half marathon race + 6 to 10 minutes, go here for a simple minutes per mile pace calculator or use these rules of thumb Environmental Factors That Impact Race Pace Many factors will impact the above calculations, including going out too fast, heat, and humidity Weight

How to Start Running - Beginner's Guide to Start Running The Beginners Corner section of Strength Running will show you how to start running so you can lace up and finally start seeing results. This area is designed to be an all-inclusive resource to teach you the ropes when you start running. There are a lot of questions you may have about running – from learning the proper form, the right gear to use, and how often you can run when you first start. Strength Running can answer all of your questions and help guide you to distance running success. There are four sections below to get you started and this page will continually be updated, so check back often. The goal of Strength Running is to help runners get faster and prevent injuries along the way by training smarter. How to Start Running – For Beginners Beginner Basics – Tutorials to Help You Start Running This section of articles cover many topics that will teach you how to start running. Increasing Endurance – Going Longer, Faster Motivation and Inspiration: Strength Running Success Stories
