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Build Muscle Mass Whilst Burning Fat

Build Muscle Mass Whilst Burning Fat
Getting ripped six pack abs and a great toned body, is as much about burning fat as it is about building muscle. With this fantastic workout routine, you get the benefits of both. It has been tested and designed to burn maximum fat and build muscle. So check this out… Monday, Wednesday, Friday – Wake up in the morning, drink a glass of orange juice and run about 15-20 min Monday: Cardio – 15 min (treadmill or stationary bike) Chest: Bench press – 1 x 15, 1 x 12, 1 x 10, 3 x 8 Dumbbell flyes – 3 x 10 Inclined bench press – 2 x 10 Weighted dips – 1 x 8 Cable crossovers – 1 x 15 Shoulders: Behind the neck press – 1 x 15, 1 x 12, 2 x 10 Seated lateral dumbbell flyes – 2 x 10 Barbell upright rows – 2 x 12 Bent over dumbbell flyes – 3 x 10 Triceps: Lying barbell triceps extension – 1 x 15, 1 x 12, 2 x 8 Cable pressdowns – 2 x 10 Abs: Roman chair – 5 x max Lying leg raise – 5 x max Cardio 15 min Tuesday: Fast running – 15-20 min, Slow running – 30-40 min. Wednesday: Cardio – 15 min Thursday: Friday:

Your Age on Other Worlds Want to melt those years away? Travel to an outer planet! <div class="js-required"><hr> This Page requires a Javascript capable browser <hr></div> Fill in your birthdate below in the space indicated. (Note you must enter the year as a 4-digit number!) Click on the "Calculate" button. The Days (And Years) Of Our Lives Looking at the numbers above, you'll immediately notice that you are different ages on the different planets. The earth is in motion. The top-like rotation of the earth on its axis is how we define the day. The revolution of the earth around the sun is how we define the year. We all learn in grade school that the planets move at differing rates around the sun. Why the huge differences in periods? Johannes Kepler Tycho Brahe Kepler briefly worked with the great Danish observational astronomer, Tycho Brahe. Here you see a planet in a very elliptical orbit. Kepler's third law is the one that interests us the most. The Gravity Of The Situation Isaac Newton ©2000 Ron Hipschman

10 Tips to Stick to Your Diet I was recently asked for 10 tips for sticking to your diet . I quickly made the following list but I didn’t necessarily include the 10 most important tips, especially because each dieter is different. Which tips (on or off the list) have been most important to you? Don’t even try to change your eating until you have learned important skills, such as how to motivate yourself every day, how to get yourself to use good eating habits, how to withstand hunger and craving, and how to get yourself back on track immediately when you make a mistake. Clever Ads Billboard Here is a series of brilliant billboard ads dedicated to promoting science in Vancouver, by Science World Museum in collaboration with Rethink Canada… World museum – Rethink Canada

- StumbleUpon Eating 10 hot dogs in 6 minutes and belching the national anthem may impress your friends, but neither of those feats will do much for your body—at least not much good. Instead, why not train yourself to do something that may actually pay off? We're not talking bench presses and interval training (though those do help). You can teach your body to cure itself from everyday health ailments—side stitches, first-date jitters, even hands that have fallen asleep. Just study this list, and the next time your friends challenge you to an ice cream eating contest, chow down: You know how to thaw a brain freeze—and 17 other tricks that'll make everyone think you're the next David Blaine. Do Them Right: To mazimize your workout, good form is a must. Cure a Tickling Throat When you were 9, playing your armpit was a cool trick. Experience Supersonic Hearing If you're stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear. Overcome Your Most Primal Urge Need to pee? Feel No Pain

» Best Procrastination Tip Ever Post written by Leo Babauta. Your first thought as you look at this article will be, “I’ll read this later.” But don’t. Let the urge to switch to a new task pass. Read this now. It’ll take you two minutes. I’ve written the book on ending procrastination, but I’ve since come up with a very simple technique for beating everyone’s favorite nemesis. Try it now: Identify the most important thing you have to do today. Clear away distractions. Sit there, and focus on getting started. Pay attention to your mind, as it starts to have urges to switch to another task. But don’t move. Notice also your mind trying to justify not doing the task. Now just take one small action to get started. Get started, and the rest will flow.

8 Commonly Used Herbs and their Healing Properties Herbs have been part of every culture and medical tradition since the earliest humans walked the earth for treatment of everything from colds to digestive issues to depression. You may be surprised to learn that the herbs you have been regularly using to infuse your food with appetizing flavors also have amazing healing abilities. They are easily grown in your own home so you can have them on hand to use whenever the urge to cook strikes you. Read on to find the healing health benefits of these commonly used herbs. 1. Growing tips: Rosemary needs to live in a very sunny window and may even need supplemental light. 2. Growing tips: Mint is an easy-to-grow herb that is invasive, so be sure to grow it in its own pot. 3. Growing tips: Oregano needs a lot of light to grow so find a window with direct light or grow out-of-doors. 4. Growing tips: Sage can be a bit difficult to grow. 5. Growing tips: Chives are fairly easy to grow because they don't require as much light as other herbs. 6. 7. 8.

Incredible Space Pics from ISS by NASA astronaut Wheelock Go Discovery! It was October 23, 2007 at 11:40am EST when I had my first ride to space on Discovery. She’s beautiful… just sad that this will be her last voyage. Looking forward to climbing aboard the flight deck when Discovery arrives at the Space Station in November. (9-23-2010). Incredible Photos from Space: Larry Tanner, NASA. Special thanks: Bethbeck’s blog On September 22, 2010, with the departure of the Expedition 23 crew, Colonel Douglas H. We thought that we should put some of the space photos together as a tribute to him and the whole ISS crew. The following space photos are all visible on Astro_Wheels’ twitpic account, and we are eternally grateful to him for sharing these space photos with the world. Incredible Photos from Space: ‘Earthshine’… The Space Station basking in blue Earthshine as the rising sun pierces our razor-thin atmosphere to cover the Space Station with blue light. NASA astronaut Douglas H.

Christopher Hole 350 Photoshop Tutorials Photoshop is what makes the virtual world seem alive. Its nothing less than a blessing for designers. The Internet is full of Photoshop Tutorials and you will find a tutorial on each and every tool. With that being said, we understand that these tutorials require time and effort to find so we’ve saved you both. How? Well, basically, we compiled a collection of easy to understand Photoshop tutorials that will aid you with just about every aspect of Photoshop and teach you the essentials of the software. Who knows, after going through these tutorials, you may end up being the next big thing in the world of Graphic Design. This article is divided in 14 Sections: Advertisement Tutorials for Beginners 5 Common Photoshop Myths Solved for Absolute Beginners In this post, author will provide 5 Simple, Yet Useful Photoshop “How-to”s for Absolute Beginners. More Information on 5 Common Photoshop Myths Solved for Absolute Beginners How to Use and Create Brushes in Adobe Photoshop Text Tutorials Fire

Healthy Living for Women through Fitness, Food, & Weight Loss You perform a breast exam in the shower each month. You shoot off to the doctor every time you spot a new mole. But chances are you still don’t notice most of what your body is trying to tell you. See, even the smallest of changes—from a new line on your fingernail to a bump on your eyelid—can be red flags for a host of health conditions, some of which are life-threatening, says Michael Smith, M.D., WebMD's chief medical editor. And since your doctor sees you once a year (for 10 minutes, right?) Here are five of the most surprising… If you see: “Spotting” all month long. It could mean: Most women chalk irregular vaginal bleeding up to stress, and that very well could be the cause. Follow up: See your gyno. If you see: Dark lines on your nail beds. It could mean: Mutating moles aren't the only signs of skin cancer—the disease can also develop under your nails. Follow Up: See your doctor, who may recommend a dermatologist. If you see: Sprouting pimples or thick hair.

10 Sentences that Can Change Your Life The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are some sentences that can give us power to go on. We have sorted out 10 powerful sentences that can change your life for the better. #1 “People aren’t against you; they are for themselves.” #2 “Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.” #3 “You learn more from failure than from success; don’t let it stop you. #4 “The most dangerous risk of all – The risk of spending your life not doing what you want on the bet you can buy yourself the freedom to do it later” #5 “Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.” #6 “The person that you will spend the most time with in your life is yourself, so you better try to make yourself as interesting as possible.” #7 “If you accept your limitations you go beyond them.” #8 “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. #10 “Comfort is the enemy of achievement.”

Amazing Body Now, Proven Natural Weight Loss Secrets — 5 Ways To Lose Belly Fat, Best Weight Loss, Exercise Motivation, Weight Loss Help One man, 100,000 toothpicks, and 35 years: An incredible kinetic sculpture of San Francisco Thirty five years ago I had yet to be born, but artist Scott Weaver had already begun work on this insanely complex kinetic sculpture, Rolling through the Bay, that he continues to modify and expand even today. The elaborate sculpture is comprised of multiple “tours” that move pingpong balls through neighborhoods, historical locations, and iconic symbols of San Francisco, all recreated with a little glue, some toothpicks, and an incredible amount of ingenuity. He admits in the video that there are several toothpick sculptures even larger than his, but none has the unique kinetic components he’s constructed. Via his website Weaver estimates he’s spent over 3,000 hours on the project, and the toothpicks have been sourced from around the world: I have used different brands of toothpicks depending on what I am building. See the sculpture for yourself at the Tinkering Studio through the end of June.
