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Comic Book DB

Grand Comics Database ULTIMATE RAPADURA AÇUCARADA Amazing Marvel and DC Superhero Mashup Art I've seen a few Marvel and DC character mashups in the past, but this series created by artist Eric Guzman is the best one yet. He's taken several of our favorite comic book heroes and villains from the two big comic universes and mashed them together to create this amazing geek art awesomeness! The character design above is called The Amazing Spider-Bat. Captain Krypton Banenom The Joking Goblin Thunder God Ms. Poison Scorpion Dr. The Scavenger

Free Online Comic Books Two of the greatest obstacles that comics have in reaching readers are exposure and cost. Fortunately, the internet has provided remedies for both. Many comic book creators and publishers have put their comics online, available as full issues and at absolutely no cost to the reader. And unlike torrents or scanned files, these comics are completely legal. Whether you have been meaning to try a new title, or if you've never read a comic in your life, there's still something here for everyone. If you know of more online comics I could add to the list, or discover that any of these links have gone bad, please e-mail me. And if you find yourself wanting more, click on the button adjacent to an issue to view or purchase a collected edition of that comic. DC | Marvel | Image | Dark Horse | Oni | BOOM! Non-Fiction The 9/11 Report: A Graphic Adaptation Action Philosophers - By Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey. Comic Book Comics - By Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey. Independents Kitjutsu Aw Nuts!

Tudo Free Downloads For the Fans, By the Fans Instead of the usual bio section with hundreds of short bios that would need constant updating, Uncanny X-Men Net has decided to create this unique Spotlight On ... category. Each entry will put the focus on one X-related character with a very rich and confusing history, preferably those that are currently a team member in one of the monthly titles. Each character will be featured with a very detailed history, an issue checklist, a costume gallery and important events in the person‘s life will be illustrated with scanned pictures from the actual issues. The authors of the texts are credited within the entries. If you find any errors that need correcting, or if you would like to contribute to this section please contact: Dean Clayton. [To the Top]

s Best Comics of 2010: #1 -- Duncan the Wonder Dog The relationship between people and animals is often complicated, and has always been complicated since the first moment of domestication, when we made an animal more to us than just a living vessel of protein. What could we do? It followed us home. Given enough time, animals have a habit of making their way into our affections, despite the fact that we frequently slaughter them for food, sport, or resources. It gets even more complicated when they can talk. Duncan the Wonder Dog, the best graphic novel of 2010, explores a world that is in many ways like our own, except that animals can understand and speak human language, a change that affects our society through: a) more complex relationships between owners and pets, b) an increasingly violent animal rights movement lead by animals themselves, c) exponentially more upsetting slaughterhouses, or d) all of the above. The answer is d). Except that Adam Hines just did it. That is the human story, but that is not the only story.

Nostalgia do Terror - As HQs de Terror estão de volta! Fitness Models Portray Marvel and DC Characters With The Help of Body Paint Some people say that comic book super heroines are drawn unrealistically; that they’re a gross misrepresentation of the female form. I have a hard time agreeing with that statement. Not when super bods exists in real life. The human form comes in all shapes and sizes. While the majority of us land on the average scale, there are those that rock the god bod. It’s these select few that can truly embody the idealistic form seen between the pages of action comics. Check out the (slightly NSFW) gallery below: They actually look like they popped out of the books! You, reader, are welcome to comment. Source: J.M. Category: Cool Stuff, Cosplay Tags: Body Paint, DC, Marvel Advertisements
