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Linguistics Research Digest ENGLISH EXTENSION / AMPLIACIÓN DE INGLÉS KBSLEnglishA - Streetcar Scene Six Neurasthenic personality "The utter exhaustion which only a neurasthenic personality can know is evident in Blanche's voice and manner." (stage directions) A Neurasthenic personality refers to a person suffering from Neurasthenia, a psycho-pathological term used to denote a condition including symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, headache, neuralgia and depression. The reference to a neurasthenic personality is significant to the characterization of Blanche, as with various factors, including the new environment, new culture, and new people, Blanche at times appears to be suffering from Neurasthenia. Her constant drinking, flirting, and uptight mannerism contribute to her 'Neurasthenic personality.'Lake Pontchartrain“they have probably been out to the amusement park on Lake Pontchartrain,” (stage directions) Originally named lac Pontchartrain by French colonialists, Lake Pontchartrain is a brakish estuary located in southeastern Louisiana.

The blog formerly known as English Language @SFX What Ed Said | A blog about learning East Norfolk English Language iniciaBlog - Todo para iniciar y mejorar tu blog usando Blogger How to make your lessons outstanding Kelly Wood is assistant head at Southdale C of E junior school in West Yorkshire and she won the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust Award for Outstanding New Teacher of the year in 2010. Here Kelly shares some of her top tips for making your lessons outstanding. Give students ownership I believe that giving children more ownership of their learning is vital if you want them to have a deeper level of engagement with and understanding of their education. The Mantle of the Expert approach developed by West Yorkshire teacher Dorothy Heathcote is a fantastic way to do this. At our school, Southdale CofE Junior in West Yorkshire , the children were set the challenge of creating a Second World War museum for our local community. In effect, what they came up with was the plan for the term, so they had huge ownership of the teaching and learning. The Royal British Legion visited as special guests and the museum was a great success. Understanding pupils

Jeremy Harmer | ELT writer, presenter, teacher & trainer Language Log Kids Cook USA 30 Books I'm Glad I Read Before 30 In various ways, these 30 books convey some of the philosophy of how Angel and I live our lives. I honestly credit a fraction of who I am today to each title. Thus, they have indirectly influenced much of what I write about on this site. A medley of both fiction and nonfiction, these great reads challenged my internal status quo, opening my mind to new ideas and opportunities, and together they gave me a basic framework for living, loving, learning and working successfully. If you haven’t read these books yet, I highly recommend doing so. Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert – Gilbert, a Harvard professor of psychology has studied happiness for decades, and he shares scientific findings that just might change the way you look at the world. What are your favorite books? Photo by: Katie Harris

Vicky Loras's Blog | A Blog About Education
