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The Restart Project

The Restart Project
Related:  TO SORTÉnergie & environnement

Working The Cloud | The Ultimate Online Guide for Business Energy Storage - EASE - European Association for Storage of Energy OPAC The Computerized Catalogue has replaced the old Card Drawer System in libraries that have been computerized. It lets you browse items by author, title, subject, class or ISBN number and a Keyword search is included as well. Another major advantage of this service is that one can browse items not only pertaining to the library from where he/she is making the search but is automatically browsing all the material that is present in all the Public Libraries (and the National Library) both in Malta and Gozo. Clients are also informed of whether the item in question is available or is currently on loan, for example.

Projet | CANOPEA - Solar Decathlon Europe - Madrid 2012 Comment une ville peut-elle combiner la vie sur un territoire géographiquement limité et le confort individuel tout en étant proche de la nature ? La Team Rhône-Alpes développe CANOPEA®: un projet d’habitat écologique innovant, en lice pour la compétition internationale Solar Decathlon Europe 2012. Le projet de la Team Rhône-Alpes propose un collectif de petits immeubles, appelés « Home-towers », qui s’inscrit dans un quartier. Cet écosystème, inspiré de la canopée – étage supérieur de la forêt captant 95% de l’énergie solaire et 30% des précipitations – présente quatre caractéristiques qui font écho aux enjeux du milieu rhônalpin et plus largement aux métropoles : Un confort individuel recréé dans un collectif : chaque immeuble, composé au maximum de 10 étages pour une densité maîtrisée, est présenté comme une imbrication d’espaces individuels, où un étage correspond à un appartement.

Michael Cerdeiros - Cerious Productions | 101 Useful Websites Changelog and Updates The following websites were part of the original list but they are either no longer available or have been replaced with better alternatives. 327k Shares Life Beyond Growth How to install Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2: 6 steps to bake a micro computer Introduction Windows 10 is out. If you didn’t know, you can get a free upgrade if you currently run Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. You lucky things. However, Microsoft has also made a totally free version of Windows 10 for Raspberry Pi 2, the super-affordable circuit board computer. It’s easy to get, too. All you need are a Raspberry Pi 2, a microSD memory card with SD adapter (Microsoft recommends at least 8GB) and a Windows computer with an internet connection and an SD card slot or USB reader. One other thing to note before you get too excited is that Raspberry Pi 2 runs a special developer version of Windows 10, designed for IoT devs. Check out the rest of our Windows 10 coverage Like this? 1. The reason installing Windows 10 on Raspberry Pi 2 is so easy is that Microsoft has made a single disk image containing everything you need. Download this to whatever directory you fancy, then ‘run’ it. Running Windows 7? 2. They’ll appear in the apps menu, under the Microsoft IoT header.

E4tech: Strategic thinking in sustainable energy GroupZap — Welcome
