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Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright and Fair Use

Frequently Asked Questions about Copyright and Fair Use
What is fair use? The Copyright Act gives copyright holders the exclusive right to reproduce works for a limited time period. Fair use is a limitation on this right. Fair use allows people other than the copyright owner to copy part or, in some circumstances, all of a copyrighted work, even where the copyright holder has not given permission or objects. How does fair use fit with copyright law? Copyright law embodies a bargain. However, copyright law does not give copyright holders complete control of their works. By carving out a space for creative uses of music, literature, movies, and so on, even while the works are protected by copyright, fair use helps to reduce a tension between copyright law and the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of expression. How does the court know if a use is fair? Whether a use is fair will depend on the specific facts of the use. These factors are guidelines, and they are not exclusive. What has been recognized as fair use?

8 Steps for Students to Remove Thier Digital Footprints September, 2014 One of the essential parts of the digital citizenship I have been long talking about in this blog is about digital footprints. Students need to know that whatever they do or create online leaves behind a trail or digital breadcrumbs that others can trace. This "others" can be anyone from prospective employers, to college admission boards, anything you do online should be vetted by a critical lens and if "you don't want your parents to know about it then better not do it". One of the simplest and effective ways to track your digital footprints is through Googling yourself. Step 1 Deactivate primary accounts ( e.g. Source of the visual Who Is Hosting This

About Creative Commons Licenses: Our public copyright licenses incorporate a unique and innovative “three-layer” design. Each license begins as a traditional legal tool, in the kind of language and text formats that most lawyers know and love. We call this the Legal Code layer of each license. But since most creators, educators, and scientists are not in fact lawyers, we also make the licenses available in a format that normal people can read — the Commons Deed (also known as the “human readable” version of the license). The final layer of the license design recognizes that software, from search engines to office productivity to music editing, plays an enormous role in the creation, copying, discovery, and distribution of works. Searching for open content is an important function enabled by our approach. Taken together, these three layers of licenses ensure that the spectrum of rights isn’t just a legal concept.

Grammar and Spell Checker for Better English Communication - Ginger Software Fair Use Frequently Asked Questions | Center for Media & Social Impact By Pat Aufderheide, Peter Jaszi, Maura Ugarte and Michael Miller If I want to use something under fair use, do I have to ask permission, give credit, or use a disclaimer? What is the appropriate length of a clip to fair use? I heard that if you use ten percent of the original length then it's okay. Does it matter if you are a non-profit organization vs. a commercial organization? Isn’t there some material that isn’t copyrighted out there? What about trademark? Isn't fair use just stealing? Has the Statement ever been used in court? I want to use footage, but don't have access to it. Does fair use apply to still photos, book covers, newspapers, and other non-film items? Does the Filmmakers' Statement of Best Practices apply to fiction film? How does fair use work internationally? How does fair use apply to release forms and all that stuff? If I want to use something under fair use, do I have to ask permission, give credit, or use a disclaimer? What about trademark? Isn't fair use just stealing?

Copyright Scavenger Hunt Sara Tilleman Director of English Studies - Ono Academic College Graduate Student at Boise State University Learner Description: This page was created for teachers who download instructional materials from the internet or photocopy materials for classroom use. Introduction – Am I really stealing materials off the internet? The wealth and variety of information available on the internet provides amazing resources for teachers to use in their classrooms. When surfing on the internet, it's easy to feel that all of the materials are intended for public use. In addition, the material from the internet doesn't get outdated as quickly as a textbook and the cost of the materials is unbeatable! The following question, however, needs to be asked: Are teachers stealing, for example, when they download a few instructional exercises and photocopy them for distribution in their class? Directions for the Scavenger Hunt Activity There are three sections, or hunts, in this activity. What is a copyright?

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Protecting personal information | Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner Scams are often sent via email but can also be sent by instant messaging and SMS. According to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) SCAMwatch website anyone can fall victim to a scam. Scams succeed because they look like the real thing and scammers manipulate people into responding. If in doubt about the legitimacy of a website, call the organisation it claims to represent.

Blog2Print - Print your Blog. Save your Blog. Love your Blog Book. Login trouble? The Blog2Print platform makes use of data fed to us directly from WordPress. Your login information is required by WordPress in order to send us the data. If you are having difficulty logging in, or have forgotten your user name and/or password, the WordPress site is the best place to retrieve it. Once you are able to login there, you will be able to submit your login to Blog2Print here and get your book started. The Blog2Print platform makes use of data fed to us directly from TypePad. If you are having difficulty logging in, or have forgotten your user name and/or password, the TypePad site is the best place to retrieve it. Why is this needed? Why do you ask for my TypePad User Name and Password? What do you do with this data? The good news is that you can rest assured we are only using this temporarily to access your blog data. Why do you ask for my WordPress User Name and Password? What do you do with this data? 12/12: 1-day

EFF: Fair Use FAQ Last updated: 6:00pm PST, 2002-03-21 » More in depth information about Fair Use issues can be found at Chilling Effects 1. What is Fair Use? In essence, fair use is a limitation on the exclusive rights of copyright holders. The Copyright Act gives copyright holders the exclusive right to reproduce works for a limited time period. 2. Copyright law embodies a bargain: Congress gave copyright holders a set of six exclusive rights for a limited time period, and gave to the public all remaining rights in creative works. The public's right to make fair use of copyrighted works is a long-established and integral part of US copyright law. 3. There are no clear-cut rules for deciding what's fair use and there are no "automatic" classes of fair uses. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes -- Courts are more likely to find fair use where the use is for noncommercial purposes. 4. 5. 6.

Fair use of copyrighted materials Fair use of copyrighted materials Intro | First steps | Quick guides to fair use in context | Four-factor test | Permission What is fair use? For those of us who would appreciate a clear, crisp answer to that one, we're in luck. But what if your purpose is not transformative? In cases like these we also look at whether the copyright owner makes licenses to use her work available on the open market -- whether there is an efficient and effective way to get a license that lets us do what we want to do. Don't forget, however, that fair use exists within a larger context. There are many other excellent resources online providing guidance for the use of the four fair use factors. Please keep in mind that the information presented here is only general information. First steps You may not need to worry about copyright at all! 1. Copyright does not protect, and anyone may freely use: Any work published on or before December 31, 1922 is now in the public domain. 2. 3. 4. Fair use exemption

Excellent Video Clips on Plagiarism to Share with Your Students 1- What is Plagiarism 2- A Quick Guide to Plagiarism 3- Plagiarism: a film by Murdokh 4- Avoid Plagiarism in Research papers with paraphrases and quotations 5- Before he cheats: A teacher parody 6- 10 types of plagiarism Online Resource Center Frequently Asked Questions What is group registration of unpublished works? What does “GRAM” stand for? How do I register musical works (with or without lyrics) with the same application? How do I register sound recordings with the same application? Can I register a work that was previously published as a single before it was published on the album? How do I register photographs, artwork, or liner notes with the same application? What’s the difference between a “musical work” and a “sound recording”? Can I register a musical work (with or without lyrics) and sound recordings with the same group registration application? Can I register musical works (with or without lyrics), photographs, artwork, and liner notes with the same application? Where can I learn about this group registration option? When did this change go into effect? When was this change announced? Do I need to submit my claim through the electronic registration system? Where do I find information about the online registration system? What is a collective work?

Copyright and Fair Use - UMUC Library Disclaimer The information presented here is only general information. Legal advice must be provided in the course of an attorney-client relationship specifically with reference to all the facts of the particular situation under consideration. Such is not the case here, and accordingly, the information presented here must not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a licensed attorney. Updated January 28, 2011 Consistent with BOR Policy IV-3.20, the UMUC Library has developed guidelines for the use of copyrighted materials. The UMUC Library addresses copyright and intellectual property issues because of its role in teaching and promoting information literacy. An Introduction to Copyright What Is Copyright? What Can be Copyrighted? Tangible, original expressions can be copyrighted. Fixation: The item must be fixed in some way. What Cannot be Copyrighted? Works in the public domain: Ideas are in the public domain. What Does Copyright Protect? Top An Introduction to Fair Use

I love this site because it breaks copyright down and explains how to teach about fair use to our students and teachers. by annambaker Feb 5
