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Heading Out on Your Own: 31 Life Skills in 31 Days — Series Wrap-Up

Heading Out on Your Own: 31 Life Skills in 31 Days — Series Wrap-Up
Happy September first! Yesterday we completed the series we ran every day last month: Heading Out on Your Own: 31 Basic Life Skills in 31 Days. The goal of the series was simple: to help young men heading out on their own for the first time learn some of the very basic life skills they would need to succeed at living independently. To this end, each day last month we published one article on a variety of basic life skills from personal finance to home-ec know-how. While we couldn’t have possibly covered every single skill a young man will need to know to successfully live on his own, I really believe we covered nearly all of the important essentials. If you missed any of the days during the series, or would like to go back and revisit them, here are links to all 31 articles: Day 1: Develop a Self-Reliant Mentality Day 2: How to Do Laundry Day 3: How to Open and Manage a Checking Account Day 4: Keep a Regular Grooming and Hygiene Routine Day 5: Create a Weekly Attack Plan Gone Fishin’! Related:  Being a Human Being, a Person, and a Man

Manly Honor Part IV — The Gentlemen and the Roughs: The Collision of Two Honor Codes in the American North Welcome back to our series on manly honor. In our last post, I said that Northern and Southern honor would be covered in one article, and that future posts would be shorter. Neither turned out to be true. An exploration of honor in the American North during the 19th century offers a fascinating framework from which to build on and expand many of the concepts we discussed in our post on Victorian England’s Stoic-Christian honor code, while also digging into the tensions that emerged as a result of its creation – tensions that are still with us today. The Stoic-Christian Honor Code in the American North The Middle and Upper Classes: The Honor of Gentlemen The North experienced many of the same economic, geographic, and social changes – the rise of industrialization, increased mobility and urbanization, the spread of evangelical Christianity (which took the form of the Second Great Awakening in the US) — that had shaped Victorian England. The Working Class: The Honor of Roughs Conclusion

How to Be a Hobo Source: Life Am I the only boy who secretly dreamed of becoming a hobo? Riding the rails, traveling across the country, and carrying everything you own on your back has a romance that appeals to every man’s desire to wander. In a 1937 issue of Esquiremagazine, an anonymous writer penned an article called “The Bum Handbook.” Unlike most bums, he had chosen his vagabond lifestyle. Although much has changed since the 1930′s, if you by chance find yourself a hobo during this Great Recession or desire to become a bum by choice, perhaps you can learn some tips from hobos of old. Keep yourself clean. Stay away from the cities. Avoid intermediaries. Travel by highway and not be rail.Automobiles provide slower travel but the rails have more serious disadvantages, not only the filthy and bumpy riding of the freight cars but also in danger. Speak forthrightly. Do not use hyperbole. How about other necessaries: tobacco, clothing, beer?

50 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do Anywhere Who needs a gym when there’s the living room floor? Bodyweight exercises are a simple, effective way to improve balance, flexibility, and strength without machinery or extra equipment. From legs and shoulders to chest and abs, we’ve covered every part of the body that can get stronger with body resistance alone. Full Body 1. Inchworm Stand up tall with the legs straight, and do like Lil’ Jon and let those fingertips hit the floor. 2. Standing with the knees slightly bent, jump up as high as possible (pretend Jeremy Lin is watching!) 3. Embrace that inner grizzly. 4. Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg. 5. Ready to catch some air? 6. Turn those stairs into a cardio machine—no magic wand necessary. 7. Beginning on all fours with the core engaged, slowly walk the hands forward, staying on the toes but not moving them forward. 8. 9. Nope, we’re (thankfully) not walking the plank. 10. Legs 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Be the CEO of Your Life: Using Resource Allocation To Become the Man You Want to Be In the business world, managers spend a lot of time juggling resource allocation. Every company has a finite amount of resources — whether it be financial capital or human capital — to use and spend in order to achieve the company’s strategic goals. Effective allocation generates growth and success, while ineffective allocation results in loss and failure. This delegation can become overwhelmingly complex and difficult because there are often several departments within an organization competing for a limited pool of resources. Stock market analysts often look to a company’s resource allocation to determine the health and direction of that business. How Do You Allocate Your Resources as a Man? In his book How Will You Measure Your Life? Imagine that an independent analyst opened the ledger book of your life and looked over reports detailing the way you spend your time and money. Time Spent in Given Week: Become the Boss of Your Life: How to Effectively Manage Your Personal Resources Mint.

DIY: Essential Tools for your Toolbox Your girlfriend needs help putting some furniture together. Your wife asks you to install a ceiling fan. Your kid needs her bike fixed. If you’re one of those younger gents who just never got around to stocking a toolbox, below we’ve included a list 12 basic tools that we think every toolbox should have. Before You Buy A few things to remember before you head over to the hardware store and go on a shopping spree: Fork over the money for quality tools. One at a time. Claw Hammer Image from 1exile08 A good, solid hammer can be used for driving nails into wood as well as small demolition jobs. Flathead Screwdriver Image by CBJason A flathead screwdriver has a single blade that fits into the single slot of a flathead screw. Phillips Screwdriver Image by milliped Invented by Henry F. Tape Measure Image by redjar Whether you’re building a gun cabinet or measuring to see if that flat screen TV will fit in your den, a dependable 25′ retractable metal measuring tape is a must. Crescent Wrench Crosscut Saw

Tech | Oddity Central - Collecting Oddities - Part 3 Well, it’s not exactly as advanced as you’re used to seeing in sci-fi movies, but China’s colorful robot-themed restaurant can be a sign of things to come. They’re probably going to render us extinct one day, so we might as well enjoy their servitude, while it lasts. A unique restaurant, in Harbin, China’s Heilongjiang Province, has 18 different robots doing all kinds of jobs, from ushering in guests to waiting tables and cooking various dishes. A Primer on Greek Mythology: Part II — The Mortal World and Its Heroes Editor’s note: This is a guest post by Tony Valdes. Welcome back to our series on Greek mythology. In the last post we defined what a myth is and examined the pantheon of Greek gods and goddesses. Today we will leave the lofty heights of Olympus and come down to the mortal world. Don’t forget, we’re headed towards some ideas for application at the end of the series. That being said, remember that the goal here is not to delve into every detail and variation, but rather to paint with broad strokes to get the big picture. The Creation of Man Now that the Olympians were enthroned atop Mount Olympus, the human race could make its debut. Version #1 – Metal Men In this version, the Olympians themselves created men out of metal, starting with gold. Version #2 – The Gift of Prometheus In the more common Greek creation myth, Zeus put Prometheus and his brother Epimetheus in charge of creating men and animals. The First Woman The previous myths pertain only to the creation of man. Theseus Perseus

Hygiene and Grooming Routines for Men I know. I know. You’re probably thinking, “Does Brett think all young men are a bunch of uncouth ignoramuses who need an article reminding them to practice basic hygiene?” No. No, I don’t. But from my own personal experience and observing the lives of young men heading out on their own for the first time, I do know that keeping up with regular hygiene practices falls to the wayside for many young gents. This post is just a friendly reminder to keep up those regular grooming habits you hopefully formed in your youth. Let me be clear. Brush and floss every day, morning and night. Invest three minutes of your day, morning and night, into proper dental hygiene. Shower regularly. Don’t be this guy. I’ve had several young folks ask me if there’s some sort of special “manly” soap or shampoo they should use. Go easy on the cologne. Make friends with Gold Bond Powder. Keep your nails trimmed. Unless you have extended-wear contacts, take your contacts out every night. Keep your hair trimmed.

How to Be an Awesome Uncle Psychologists tell us that one of the most, if not the most important factor in our happiness is the number of quality relationships in our lives. Decades ago, such relationships were easy to come by. You were very likely to be surrounded by extended family who all got together often for loud and boisterous celebrations. As you grew up, you got to know your cousins, and your aunts and uncles as well. These days, many families live far apart, and family reunions are few and far between — often non-existent, it seems. But everybody still wants to feel part of a clan, and family ties are just as important as they ever were. In the role of uncle, you have a chance to forge those ties in positive ways with your nieces and nephews. Uncles have a unique and important role to play in families. The uncle role is especially important for men who are unmarried and don’t have kids of their own. How to Be an Awesome Uncle Interact with them. Offer to babysit if you live nearby. Be a good example.

How to Get a Drink at a Busy Bar Editor’s note: This is a guest post from AoM’s resident bartender, Mike Hagan. Mr. Hagan has previously written on classic cocktails and non-alcoholic drinks. Drunk Fella: “Hey Chief! My co-worker: “If that guy calls me ‘Chief’ one more time, I’m cutting him off.” As I write this, I’m sitting at my bar, just off of work on a Friday night. “Chief!” What Drunk Fella doesn’t know is that he is being ignored on purpose. When Mr. 1. An elephant never forgets. Let’s be honest: if you don’t have money to tip, go to a liquor store, buy your favorites, and watch the game at home. Here’s a tip: tip big on the very first round. And guys, your phone number is not a tip. 2. Hopefully, I’ve gotten there just as your group has approached the bar and I’ve asked you what you’d like to have. Case in point: for some reason, I always end up being the “order guy” for my group. We understand that if we approach you, we’ve caught you off guard and you may not know who needs what. 3. The list goes on. 4. 5.

How to Network & Socialize Effectively: A Comprehensive Guide Now, despite the fact I write about style and own a custom clothier, I rarely go out and socialize. Being a father of three young children and living in a small Wisconsin town…well, it just doesn’t happen. To put it bluntly – I really had to prepare for this! This article is based off my experience and lays out the steps I took to ensure my time spent out on the town was worthwhile. Here’s the scenario: You’re in a large city, heading to an upscale evening social event. This is my advice on how to prepare for a night of networking and socializing, and how to make the most of this opportunity. Before You Go: Basic Logistics Any Boy Scout knows you should always be prepared. With that in mind, here are some basic steps to review before you depart: 1. This one should be fairly obvious, but know where you’re meeting people. The address is the starting point, and here are a few other details you may need to know depending on what sort of event you’re attending: 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2.

Jack London on What It Takes To Be Successful Editor’s note: We’ve recently been researching the life of Jack London for a future post(s), and came across this bit of advice he gave to writers — which really applies to those in any vocation in life. From “Getting Into Print,” 1903By Jack London Don’t dash off a six-thousand-word story before breakfast. Don’t write too much. Concentrate your sweat on one story, rather than dissipate it over a dozen. Study the tricks of the writers who have arrived. See that your pores are open and your digestion is good. Keep a notebook. And work. The three great things are: GOOD HEALTH; WORK; and a PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE.
