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Related:  Typography

Perdu type Co-op Typopassage Face37 Ltd Article Michel Bouvet Thinking with Type | Home Book Suggestion: Ordering Disorder Grid Principles for Web Design New Typographic creation by Cromso (posters and animation) Hi there ! The new project ” The Original MIXTYPE by Cromso” is online ! What would happen if reproduction between letters from different families was possible ? PICTURES (We can send HD if you need it) : Thanks and have a good day ;) "The Original MIXTYPE" What if the letters could reproduce them? What would such offspring of the Avant-Garde and Garamond? or Din and Bodoni? Or the Gotham and Baskerville? A good excuse to Cromso to launch in this small series of typographic design Who is Cromso? Artistic Director and Street artists, Cromso is definively a passionate of the letter. 2014 marks a turning point in his career to the extent that he decided to focus much his creation in calligraphic and typographic projects. Behance Instagram @Cromso

Video / minute 1 / le travail du vide entre les Type Worship Colourful messages transform the winding favela streets Earlier this year Boa Mistura, an urban art collective formed in Madrid, worked on a vibrant community project near São Paulo, Brazil The collective worked with the children and other residents of Brasilândia Vila, a poor suburb on the outskirts of São Paulo, to fill the narrow streets with colour and words: beleza, amor, doçura, firmeza and orgulho (beauty, love, sweetness, firmness and pride). These one-point perspective messages are carefully painted to reveal themselves to passers-by as they reach a certain part of the the street. I Like It. This new print by Anthony Burrill made me smile. 51 x 77 cm, Gold Hot Foiling on Black Colourplan stock. Design with Beauty • Build in Truth Fantastic stationery for The Architectural Association, produced by master stationers, Downey (more about them and their work to follow). Beautiful. Light Writing These hard-won photos were then used in an advertising campaign for US medical device company.

Loose Collective Selected logos from the last few years.Graphic Design, Branding, Art Direction2011 The folks at MADE NORTH kindly asked us if we'd like to be part of 'Sheffield Design Week 2014'. We like Sheffield so we said "Yes!" We were asked to contribute T-Shirt designs for their exhibition 'Yorkshire in Yellow' — the brief being to create designs celebrating the UK stages of this year's Tour de France which are taking place in Yorkshire. As we're big lovers of the wonderful Yorkshire dialect we thought the combination of the classic French font Didot and some lovely Yorkshire phrases would make the perfect celebration. We produced a number of phrases that worked in a cycling/racing context and picked our favourite two for the final exhibition. Visitors to Sheffield can see the final T-Shirts on display at the city's Millennium Gallery from June — August 2014. Karen Gaskill is an artist, curator and researcher who we've been working with for around seven years now.

Jerome Peignot, poete, ecrivain, essayiste Au fil de la lettre, par Anne-Marie Lallement (2010) © A.-M. Lallement Les jeux de l'amour et du langage, par D. H © Les productions de l'escargot Président du FAP (1972) Intervention d'artistes lors de l'exposition 60-72, douze ans d'art contemporain en France, ORTF, Journal télévisé de 13 H. 17 mai 1972 Critique des travaux de Piero Gilardi (1967) « Art Actualité », ORTF, 29 janv. 1967 Critique des Parapluies de Cherbourg (1964) Tribune sur le film de Jacques Demy, Les parapluies de Cherbourg, ORTF, émission « Jugez vous-même », 24 février 1964

Typojungle Books 30 wonderful (new) business cards - Best of July 2013 30 wonderful (new) business cards – Best of July 2013 on July 18, 2013 Share this: by Francesco Mugnai fr Formations ecoles, metiers , interviews: La Typo dans tous ses états Comment la typographie investit notre environnement, affiches mais aussi murs peints et génériques de films. Le concept de l'exposition est aussi simple que bienvenu: montrer la richesse de la typographie et de ses utilisations en rassemblant dans l'Ecole des Gobelins un échantillon des meilleurs savoir-faire dans tous les domaines d'application de la discipline. De quoi montrer aux élèves et visiteurs que la typographie n'est pas une science ésotérique, réservée à quelques techniciens et praticiens érudits, mais qu'elle est présente partout, et qu'un peu tout le monde en fait d'une façon ou d'une autre, comme Monsieur Jourdain faisait de la prose sans le savoir. C'est d'ailleurs ce que démontrait Michel Bouvet lors de la conférence inaugurale de l'exposition le 31 janvier 2012. Gonzalo Garcia Borcha A sa suite, Gonzalo Garcia Barcha a détaillé ses travaux pour adapter littérature et surtout poésie à de nouveaux supports comme les applications pour tablettes. Paul Schmitt, février 2012
