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10 Steps To The Perfect Portfolio Website

10 Steps To The Perfect Portfolio Website
Advertisement You may have a personal portfolio website for a number of reasons. If you’re a freelancer, then you’d need one to showcase your work and allow people to contact you. A personal portfolio website is all about promoting you. You may want to take a look at the following related articles: What makes for a good personal portfolio website? 1. Your logo is usually the first thing a user sees. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your name, but if you’re trying to promote yourself online, then it’s a good idea to go by your name. 3Mohit goes by the alias of CSS Jockey. 4Jason Reed uses a signature-style logo of his name. 2. Once the user sees who owns the website, they’ll want to know what it is you do. Things to ask yourself when writing your tagline: What are you? 5Sarah Longnecker makes it clear that she puts together videos and is good at it. 3. This is a personal portfolio website after all, so your portfolio will determine whether the website is interesting or not. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Building a Great Web Design Portfolio – 10 Best Tips & 40 Examples To a prospective client, you as a designer are often perceived only to be good as your portfolio. They’re checking you out for the first time, and if you don’t impress them enough, you just won’t get their work. And if you don’t get work, you don’t get paid. What it ultimately comes down to is quickly answering the question “why?” Have a Clear Logo and Tagline Let’s cover the basics first. The unique logo from the portfolio of Inal Djafar. Make the logo representative of your design style and personality, and make the tagline short and descriptive of the value you can give to a potential client. The tagline from the portfolio of Mike Etheridge. Make Your Portfolio Easy to Navigate This is pretty forehead-slapping common sense. The simple navigation from the portfolio of Robin Man. Make your portfolio super-easy to navigate. Make it Easy to Contact You What’s the ultimate point of making a portfolio? Matthew Miller uses a unique method for pushing the email/contact button towards you.

10 Useful Web Apps for Designers DesignWoop welcomes this guest post by Tomas Laurinavicius. Since the iPhone and iPad entered the market you can hear lots of news about apps for these devices. Tons of apps available today and you can find everything you want. But today I would like to share 10 handy web-based apps for designers. To use these apps you don’t need to buy an iPhone or iPad, you can use them without any additional software or device, you just need a web browser. Invoice Bubble Invoice Bubble is free invoice software that lets you create an invoice and send to your client in seconds. Gridulator Tell Gridulator your layout width and the number of columns you want, and it’ll spit back all the possible grids that have nice, round integers. Browize Useful tool for resizing current browser window size to set or custom resolutions. Screenr Screenr is a web-based tool that lets you create screencasts without installing any software. Launchlist Kuler Favigen Easily generate favicon for your website. Fillerati

What is Responsive Web Design? Responsive design is a style of web design that responds to the user as they arrive at the web page. Rather than forcing a mobile user to see a desktop site, a laptop user with a small screen to scroll horizontally to see a wide-screen monitor site, or a wide-screen monitor to view a site as a mobile customer might like, instead the design looks at each of these scenarios and adapts to display the content most effectively. Web Pages Must Be Flexible and Adapt I've said it many times, the web is not print. And with more and more different types and sizes of devices coming online, the sooner you accept that your pages will look different, no they must look different depending upon what is displaying them, the happier you will be. The best web designs are the ones that make things easy. Creating a Whole Separate Website is a Bad Idea It can be tempting, and I admit I've done it myself, to create a “mobile” site with a separate sub-domain or site location. CSS media queries are the answer.

50 Beautiful And Creative Portfolio Designs Advertisement Design portfolios come in various forms. Traditionally, they have been print-based and something you would carry to a client pitch or meeting to showcase what you’ve done and how you did it. Today, many designers take advantage of the Internet to publish and showcase their work via their online portfolios. With many portfolios online, it’s often hard to stand out from the sea of competition out there. In this showcase, you’ll find a variety of beautiful, unique and highly creative portfolio designs. You may also want to take a look at the following related articles: Creating A Successful Online Portfolio1031 In this article, we review five pitfalls that commonly plague portfolio design. 50 Beautiful and Creative Portfolios Pikaboo2 This portfolio showcases a creative navigation scheme; use the scroll button on the mouse to navigate up and down the showcase. Lyndon Wade4 This portfolio effectively integrates the interface of the design. chris woods18

Henry Brown | UK Freelance Web Designer & Developer 55 Inspiring and Clever Online Portfolios If you're a designer/creative, you probably already know that having an online portfolio is very important. Not only do you need to have something to show your potential clients, but these days it's important to be present online for many reasons. If you leave the address of your portfolio when you're communicating in social media, through blog comments, contests and so on, you'll see that you can even get work from that alone. Inspiring and Clever Portfolios A portfolio can make or break you. It's important to show your best work, your variety and stand out. Marie Bocquet Tobias Wenzel Teodora Jason Murphy Thorsten Haak Mintz Nicolas Beaufils Ryan Lum Josh Sender Adham Dannaway Matt Bango Leon Felix Menard Ryan O'Rourke Gabriel Ceniza Sam Clarke Will Phillips Steven Hylands Joshua Giblette David Bushell Valentine Makhouleen Nick Jones Ralph Millard Vasjen Katro Mohan Balaji Jay Dalisay Mikal Morello Tom Bradshaw James Charlick Conway Anderson Rosekilly Steve Schoger Bryant Taylor David Arazim Christopher Meeks Wing Cheng

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The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King If you’re a designer, entrepreneur, or creative – you probably haven’t been asked for your resume in a long time. Instead, people Google you – and quickly assess your talents based on your website, portfolio, and social media profiles. Do they resonate with what you’re sharing? Do they identify with your story? Are you even giving them a story to wrap their head around? one are the days of “Just the facts, M’am.” To help you with this, your bio should address the following 5 questions: Who am I? Your bio is the lynchpin for expanding your thought leadership and recognition, especially online. Here’s the challenge: who taught you how to write your bio? Admittedly, most of us never got a lesson in this essential task. The personal branding industry has only muddied the waters. Instead, share more of what you really care about. With all this in mind, here’s a few key pointers for reinventing your bio as a story: 1. You’re a creative. 2. 3. Think frugally here. 4. What’s Your Take?

Steven Little Design : Web Design, Print Design, Identity Design… really anything design I Want To Have Adventures With You Poster I Want To Have Adventures With You Poster Mind Body Health Services Logo Mind Body Health Services Logo Beginners guide to HTML5 Canvas | Features The HTML5 Canvas element is arguably the most important addition to the next-gen specification, providing an array of possibilities for bringing graphical capabilities natively into the browser. As well as helping to make UIs richer, it has fuelled some progressive web work that spans animation, video and games – with the latter providing some experimental projects that push visual boundaries and those for user interactivity. By allowing designers and developers to create amazing 2D graphics with relatively little code opens up the door to some amazing possibilities in the field of image and video manipulation. This article defines what Canvas is all about, where it came from, what it means to work with and, perhaps most importantly, how some of its powerful functionality can be used in your own projects. What is the Canvas tag? A good way to look at the Canvas element is by comparing it to an Etch-a-Sketch mixed in with a bit of Microsoft Paint. Browser support Anatomy of the element Silk

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