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The Official GMAT Website

The Official GMAT Website

Free GMAT Practice Test | GMAT Practice Exams | GMATPill Is the GMAT Pill Practice Test computer adaptive? Yes. The real GMAT Exam will be computer adaptive and this GMAT Pill Practice Test uses a computer adaptive algorithm. Upon answering questions correct, you have a high probability of getting questions of higher difficulty. Is the GMAT Pill Practice Test free? The GMAT Pill Practice Test is a free addition to the GMAT Pill Online course. Clicking this button will send you to the signup page with the coupon code applied for the GMATPill Free Diagnostic Practice Test. What browser should I use? We recommend using the Google Chrome Browser. How long is the GMAT Pill Practice Test? 3 hours. What if I lose internet connection during my gmat practice exam? Not to worry. Will doing more practice tests improve my score? Highly doubtful. What really DOES matter is your approach. So bottom-line, doing thousands of practice questions will NOT help you break the upper limit of your existing score range. I'm done with my Practice Test and scored horribly.
