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Lectura comprension en inglés

Language for Resilience: a virtual event on language programmes for refugees and migrants. From 9 a.m.

Language for Resilience: a virtual event on language programmes for refugees and migrants

(UTC – 3.00) Organized and hosted by the British Council and the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Register to the event. The Importance of Creating Inclusive Content - EnVeritas Group. Chances are, in your marketing plan, you know what personalities you’re trying to appeal to with the content and social media marketing efforts you make.

The Importance of Creating Inclusive Content - EnVeritas Group

You probably also know the age range, gender, and key economic demographics. It’s vital to go into marketing with a target audience in mind. Digital Pedagogy. Untitled. Untitled. Audio-Visual Communication Handbook Compiled and Edited by Dennis W.


Pett Content Beryl B. Untitled. Key writings by artists and theorists chart the shifting relationship between film and photography and how the rise of cinema forced photography to make a virtue of its stillness.


The cinematic has been a springboard for the work of many influential artists, including Victor Burgin, Philip-Lorca diCorcia, Stan Douglas, Nan Goldin, Douglas Gordon, Cindy Sherman, and Jeff Wall, among others. Much recent cinema, meanwhile, is rich with references to contemporary photography. Video art has taken a photographic turn into pensive slowness; photography now has at its disposal the budgets and scale of cinema. This addition to Whitechapel's Documents of Contemporary Art series surveys the rich history of creative interaction between the moving and the still photograph, tracing their ever-changing relationship since early modernism. Still photography—cinema's ghostly parent—was eclipsed by the medium of film, but also set free.

Untitled. Michael Lengsfield starts by taking a broad look at screen stories.


Anyone who’s been to the pictures will have a perfectly good notion of how screen stories operate. For example, most of us are pretty clear that we like particular movie genres: we might like RomComs and hate SciFi, or vice versa. And we know that movies from these genres produce a certain response in us: Comedies, make us laugh; Horror movies will scare us, and so on. So we may not think about it, but we see most movies with a pretty good idea of what to expect from the story. Untitled. Advanced Grammar in Use Advanced Grammar in Use A reference and practice book for advanced learners of English Third Edition without answers c a m b r i d g e u n i v e r s i t y p r e s s Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, More information Psychology for Language Teachers Psychology for Language Teachers CAMBRIDGE LANGUAGE TEACHING LIBRARY A series covering central issues in language teaching and learning, by authors who have expert knowledge in their field.


In this series: More information English Grammar in Use A reference. Untitled. Untitled. Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans. Untitled. Introduce your students to the imagination and mystique of Greek mythology while teaching concepts of cause and effect with this no prep and easily extendable lesson.


The heroism and tragedy of Greek myths make them perfect springboards into a variety of writing and philosophical elements for elementary children. However, their complexity can make prep a chore. Save time for yourself with this completely prepared presentation – all you have to do is open and run the slideshow on your interactive whiteboard or computer. And if you want to keep going with the topic, the included extension tasks will keep kids busy for at least one more lesson. Untitled. Intercultural communication The report is now online and can be downloaded from the British Council website.


E-learning offers many new pedagogic opportunities as well as challenges but while it has grown in prominence, it is still far from a normalised part of English Language Teaching (ELT). Similarly, the importance of the cultural dimension in ELT has also gained in importance. However, the use of English as a truly global language, going beyond the traditional 'native speaker' English countries, has raised concerns about how users of English are able to cope with the variety of contexts and interlocutors they may encounter. One approach to answering this challenge has been the inclusion among the goals of ELT of intercultural communication skills and the knowledge and attitudes associated with 'intercultural awareness' (ICA).

Here is some sample interactive content from the online course: • Defining culture • Intercultural communication and the Internet • Intercultural awareness. La organización retórica del resumen o abstract del artículo de investigación en educación. La organización retórica del resumen o abstract del artículo de investigación en educación* The rhetorical organization of research article abstracts in education.

La organización retórica del resumen o abstract del artículo de investigación en educación

Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Note: This page reflects the latest version of the APA Publication Manual (i.e., APA 7), which released in October 2019.


The equivalent resources for the older APA 6 style can be found at this page as well as at this page (our old resources covered the material on this page on two separate pages). The purpose of tables and figures in documents is to enhance your readers' understanding of the information in the document; usually, large amounts of information can be communicated more efficiently in tables or figures. Tables are any graphic that uses a row and column structure to organize information, whereas figures include any illustration or image other than a table. Necessity Visual material such as tables and figures can be used quickly and efficiently to present a large amount of information to an audience, but visuals must be used to assist communication, not to use up space, or disguise marginally significant results behind a screen of complicated statistics.

Untitled. eComma - Digital Social Reading. Downloads - The K. Patricia Cross Academy. 3-2-1 In the 3-2-1 technique, students write about 3 things they learned in the lecture, 2 things they found particularly interesting from the lecture, and 1 question they still have about the lecture content. Download Materials (PDF) Active Reading Documents Active Reading Documents are carefully prepared forms that guide students through the process of critical and careful reading. Download Materials (PDF) Advance Organizers An Advance Organizer is a tool that professors can present to students prior to a lecture to help them structure the information they are about to learn.

Download Materials (PDF) Affinity Grouping In Affinity Grouping, individual students generate ideas and identify common themes. Then, students form groups to sort and organize the ideas accordingly. Download Materials (PDF) Analytic Teams In Analytic Teams, each team member assumes a different role with specific responsibilities to perform while listening to a lecture or watching a video. Untitled. Untitled. Daily classroom meetings and one-on-one teacher check-ins are still part of each student’s day at Inly School, an independent Montessori-based school for grades PreK–8.

A full schedule of curricular and co-curricular classes are still delivered by each teacher, along with after-school enrichment activities like yoga, cooking, ballet and Taekwondo. In the Upper Elementary and Middle School classes there are additional “help desk” hours, where students can pop in, hang out, and ask questions — just like they’d do on an ordinary school day. But while physical facilities are closed during the pandemic, these all happen virtually through Inly At-Home Learning, a technology platform designed to help students stay connected and stay on course, wherever they may be.

To minimize disruption to learning, the new Google-based platform was developed by a team of Inly tech specialists and teachers over the school’s spring break in March. Untitled. As we face changes, disruptions, and uncertainty in every part of our lives, one thing that has emerged from the last three months with absolute clarity is the importance of teaching online. For many teachers, the shift has been a challenging one. Practically overnight, they were asked to switch from classroom teaching to purely online classes — and often without any training or assistance.

That’s total immersion. Since it appears that online teaching and distance learning is here to stay for the foreseeable future, we thought it would be helpful to share practical ideas from teachers and students in different teaching and learning contexts around the world. Untitled. Introduction While technology is widely perceived as a catalyst for educational transformation, new teaching and learning approaches are also considered as equally important.

Competency-based education approaches to K-12 are being promoted in many regions of the world (Anderson-Levitt, 2017 Anderson-Levitt, K. (2017). Global flows of competence-based approaches in primary and secondary education. Cahiers de la Recherche sur L’éducation et les Savoirs , 16, 47–72. [Google Scholar]; Bristow & Patrick, 2014 Bristow, S. Untitled. The Report presents an overview and summary of actions taken by local government, schools, universities, and public engagement, focusing on different levels of education in Shanghai, a member of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on education was extrapolated to outline recommendations for enhancing the resilience of education in the future from experts’ perspectives. It contains 18 case studies collected from preschool, primary, secondary and higher education, vocational education, and technical training, formal and informal learning for parents, the elderly and the public.

It reflects approaches to ensure education continuity in different situations and for different groups of learners, including rural areas, students with special needs, and psychological issues in the times when classes disrupted. Download publication. Moodle. In their landmark book, Improving Adult Literacy Instruction: Supporting Learning and Motivation (2012), the National Research Council of the National Academies states clearly the goal of all learning: expertise. Instructional Design, therefore, they point out, must be such that learners develop ‘conceptually rich and organized representations of knowledge that resist forgetting, can be retrieved automatically and can be applied flexibly across tasks and situations’. Those who design instructional systems, therefore, must keep that goal in mind as they create their system.

Let's explore some basic principles of effective Instructional Systems Design (ISD). 1. Instructional Design Should Proceed At An Efficient Pace Since students need many hours of practice in a skill to achieve expertise, an instructional program should teach material efficiently, encouraging students to practice every chance they get. Untitled. ‘Connectors’ are used to link large groups of words: phrases and sentences. You can also use them to connect paragraphs to give them coherence.

Untitled. LECTURA DE ENTRADA: CUALQUIER PARECIDODicen los cronistas que cuando los españoles llegaron a las cos­tas de Colombia creyeron haber en­contrado el paraíso. Lo mismo (3) pen­saron millones de televidentes cuando vieron las primeras imágenes de las islas panameñas donde los participantes del programa de televi­sión Expedición Robinson iban a con­vivir y realizar sus pruebas.(1) Sin em­bargo, tal como sucedió en el actual territorio de Colombia, la idea del paraíso muy pronto le dio paso a otra (4) menos romántica.

Intrigas, compo­nendas, pactos secretos y trampas en medio de aguaceros inclementes y nubes de mosquitos han sido el día a día de los protagonistas del progra­ma. (...)Expedición Robinson cada vez se pare­ce menos a Robinson Crusoe y cada vez más a Colombia. REFERENCIA DEMOSTRATIVA: Constituida por los determinantes y adverbios demostrativos, mediante ellos el hablante señala y localiza el referente; eje. Expedición Robinson se grabó en una isla de Panamá. Text, Texture and Cohesion (Reference, Substitution, Ellipsis) Untitled. Identifying reference in the text. Every text has a structure. It is not just a random collection of sentences. Text, Texture and Cohesion (Reference, Substitution, Ellipsis) Guia Referencia Lexicogra. Untitled. La hiperaula: construyendo entornos educativos flexibles.

Existe un mito que dice que si alguien hibernado despertara hoy, enloquecería en todos los ámbitos menos en uno: el aula, un espacio que, a pesar de las muchas innovaciones que se han aplicado en la educación, va cambiando muy poco a poco. Cuando entramos en un aula tradicional podemos deducir que el docente que imparte clases en dicho espacio educativo lo hace mediante clases magistrales cargadas de conocimientos, donde el docente es la figura principal, con una comunicación prácticamente unidireccional y sin una gran participación del alumnado. Con esto, no estamos diciendo que esta estrategia didáctica no sea buena, ya que para dar mucha información en poco tiempo, puede ser muy efectiva. Sin embargo, tenemos que tener en cuenta que podemos utilizar y/o combinar otras metodologías dependiendo de los objetivos de aprendizaje. Por todo esto, es importante disponer de infraestructuras que ayuden a implementar la metodología que queremos utilizar en cada momento.

La hiperaula.

Social work

Audiovisual Communication. Teacher Resources. Untitled. Games Zone - online English language games (learn English through games) Nussbaum Lang. Arts Reading Comprehension (Online) Activities. Untitled. Who wouldn’t like a better memory? Refugees and Migrants. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. This section will talk about strategies for effectively reading academic texts in English. These are intended as additional notes for ESOL students to those given in the reading section. Before discussing these strategies it is important to outline some of the pitfalls of reading and translating from texts written in your own language.

The Dangers of Translating. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Untitled. Open Professionals Education Network. Untitled. Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup. Open Educational Resources (OER): Resource Roundup.

Untitled. Confined — Traducción en español - TechDico. Online resources for translators and other linguists. Spanish English translation online, dictionaries and resources. Online resources for translators and other linguists. Teaching & Learning in Social Work. MERLOT. Planning to Read or Write - The Roadrunner's Guide to English - LibGuides at Dalton State College. Prereading strategies. Web Sites - Social Work with Older Adults - LibGuides at Dalton State College. Blc.berkeley. OpenStax. "Arts Integration in Elementary Curriculum: 2nd Edition" by Molly Zhou and David Brown.

Arts Integration in Elementary Curriculum: 2nd Edition. "Educational Learning Theories: 2nd Edition" by Molly Zhou and David Brown. Pedagogies of Online Welcome. User Experience Magazine - The Magazine of the User Experience Professionals Association. Designing Great Voice User Interfaces—More than Creating Good Conversations User Experience Magazine. Systems Analyst Careers. Latin America Archives - MINING.COM. School of Media and Communication. Online Dictionaries. Reading - OpenLearn - Open University - GSG_3. Reading evidence - OpenLearn - Open University - DD100_8. Texts. Professional Development / Reading Comprehension. Affixes. Expressing purpose; reason/cause; result/effect - learn English,grammar. Claves de la traducción científica. En. Topics. Harlem Education History Project. LA LECTURA. Why context matters for social and emotional skills.

Does the use of educational technology in personalized learning environments correlate with self-reported digital skills and beliefs of secondary-school students? Effects of Overcrowded Classrooms – WH Magazine. Post-Stroke Rehabilitation Fact Sheet. Affixes. Understand New Vocabulary Using Roots and Affixes. Vocabulary: Building. EAS: Reading Web Resources - Unit 1. Guides & tutorials – University of Reading. Guided reading. Effective Teacher Professional Development. EAS: Instructor Login.