Magickal theology
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> Esoteric studies
Dark Shamanism: Embracing the Shadow « Prehistoric Shamanism. I once visited a place in Siberia that local people considered so evil that I needed to purify beforehand, bathing in sacred waters and staying the preceding night close to a mountain sacred to Buddhist tradition.
To me, the rock plateau that my guides took me to was beautiful, with views far across the Mongolian steppe, but it was not a place to linger. At the base of the rock lay 36 black shamans, killed whilst in trance by a Buddhist monk and buried there for their spirits to fester malevolence for all time. That salutary visit made me realise that not everything about shamanism was either positive or pleasant. Many traditional shamans can curse as well as cure. For them, illness and bad fortune is often a direct result of dark shamans inflicting malignant energy upon an individual, usually via spirit arrows they send whilst in trance. There is a huge divergence between our Western practice of shamanism and the darker ways of traditional shamans from tribal societies.
A Partial Re-Translation of John Dee’s Monas Hieroglyphica - Nancy Turner and Teresa Burnes.
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues: Part IV. The Individual Numerals: Twelve. 12.
Numbers, Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues, by W.
Wynn Westcott, [1911], at p. 102. Untitled Document. Is not available. A Practical Guide to a Magical Consciousness: Part 4 - Sigils - Who Forted? Magazine. In the previous three parts of our guide to obtaining a magical consciousness we’ve covered everything from basic magic theory and practice, the relationship between the ritual magician and drugs, and the “four weapons” used by a magician.
Finally, in the last part of our series, we’re going to cover the one thing every person runs into each day whether they dabble in magic or not: sigils. Part IV: Sigils and the State of Magic Masturbation and Magic. Serpentflame/The Serpent Flame-Vol_2-Num_1.pdf. Chaos magic. The chaosphere is a popular symbol of chaos magic.
Many variants exist. For more, see Symbol of Chaos. General principles[edit] Chaos magicians are often seen by other occultists as dangerous or worrisome revolutionaries.[2] History[edit] Origins and creation[edit] This magical discipline was first formulated in West Yorkshire, England in the 1970s.[4] A meeting between Peter J. Influences[edit] Following Spare's death, magicians continued to experiment outside of traditional magical orders. Early days[edit] The first edition of Liber Null does not include the term "chaos magic", but only refers to magic or "the magic art" in general.[6] Texts from this period consistently claim to state principles universal to magic, as opposed to a new specific style or tradition of magic, and describe their innovations as efforts to rid magic of superstitious and religious ideas.
Encyclopedia: Principles of Ceremonial. This article was written by Melita Denning & Osborne Phillips on June 25, 2003 posted under Ceremonial Magick Magical ceremonial can be built up and elaborated to forms of great subtlety and complexity, but the initial principles which cause its creation are simple in the extreme.
In the first place, ceremonial is a different thing from meditation, and it is a different thing from merely wishing or praying that a certain result should come about: the magician sets himself to move the Astral Light in an especial way, and for that purpose certain acts, certain movements and gestures, sometimes an entire dramatic presentation, have to be co-ordinated appro priately. If they are not only chosen for their correspondence to this or that aspect of the Light but also to evoke an inner response in the psyche of the operator, they will have twice the potency which they might otherwise have had. Magical principle is in this sense "artificial," and owes its effectiveness to that artifice. II b).
An Introduction to Banishing Rituals. If I had a £1 for every person I've met over the years who's said, "oh I don't bother with banishing rituals" - and then wondered why they started to have problems with their magic - I'd probably have, er..well enough money for a meal in a decent London restaurant.
A Banishing Ritual is one of the first practical exercises that you should learn in magic (in my view, anyway), and by doing so, you can save yourself a lot of trouble later on.
Vibration: A Key to Magick. After several thousand years, scientific theory has caught up with occult theory to realize that all matter is made up of energy that vibrates.
Thisresults in the conclusion that if we can control vibration, we can control matter.
View topic - The Sling Shot Effect. Original post: Ekron I've just finished reading for the second time "Ceremonial Magic and the Power of Evocation" by Joseph Lisiewski, Ph.D.
He list 10 Axioms similar in style to the Aphorisms of "The Arbatel of Magick". One in particular is of great interest to me which I give here. "Axiom 7- in the process of evocation to physical manifestation, there exists the possibility of what I term "The Sling Shot Effect", while this effect is more severe in the evocational act, it is a distinct possibility in any magical act, including that of simple invocation. In general it results from an improper subjective synthesis and the resulting subconscious belief system. 1) money comes to the Operator- it ranges from several hundred to several thousand dollars. 2) an event occurs that takes some of the recently acquired money away from the Operator- usually about one-quarter to one-half.
Solomonic Magic - 72 Spiits of Goetia. Depending upon your model of the world, you may view these spirits as existing outside of you, or as existing within your own mind as archetypes, or as energies vibrating at a frequency not readily perceptible to physical senses.
In Solomonic Magick, these spirits are "summoned to appear", however the appearance is more likely to be perceived in one's mind, or as a feeling of the presence, rather than as witnessing the presence of something that is as tangible as the human body. On the other hand, the effects of summoning these spirits are very tangible and sometimes even instantaneous. In Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, the symbols presented on this page are intended to influence the mind (brain) and stimulate a corresponding effect upon the subconscious mind. It is important to create a safe space (I mean mentally and emotionally, rather than just physically) before working with these energies (spirits).
Plane (esotericism) - Human Design System. Manifesting Picture Book. Magical Wood Properties and the Magical Properties of Wood by DragonOak. Feminine energy.
Elder is a sacred tree of Celtic Astrology 25 November to 23 December.
Willowroot ~ Real Magic Wands. "By the power of the Elements I dedicate this Magic Wand to heal the Earth, to Channel my Power, to Harm None and Find Truth.
" I dedicate this Magic Wand in name of the Wizards and Witches of Ancient Times.
" "By the Power of All that is Good, All that is True, My Wand honors & amplifies the Magic in me and the Magic in you.
" "So Mote it be!
" When you have finished, stand and draw a circle around you with your Wand, saying "I consecrate this circle as a Magickal space between worlds". Point your Wand to the north, south, east, and west, greeting the elements and the powers of Earth, Air, Fire and Water (in that order) asking that they Bless your Magical work.
Bard Woodcrafts: Wood. The wood used in Bard Woodcrafts wands comes from several sources: our own wanderings and prunings here in Minnesota, friends who send us branches from their trees, and some wood from milled sources supplied as carving stock.
Using Your Wand.