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⚡️ “1 Oz Gold Krugerrand Value 1978” ? ⚡️ “1 Oz Gold Krugerrand Coin Value” 1 Oz Gold Krugerrand Coin Value. 1 Oz gold Krugerrand Value. ⚡️ “1 Oz gold Krugerrand Value” ⚡️ “1 Oz Gold Krugerrand Price” 1 Oz Gold Krugerrand Price. 1 Oz Gold Krugerrands. ⚡️ “1 Oz Gold Krugerrands” 1 Oz Gold Krugerrand. ⚡️ “1 Oz Gold Krugerrand”

1 Oz Gold Krugerrand. Buy 1 Oz South African Gold Krugerrand Coins | Money Metals® 1 troy oz gold South African Krugerrand coins was first conceptualized in 1964 as a legal tender bullion coin marked only with its weight in gold. The coin was created as a means for the private ownership of South African gold bullion coins by the general public and was first minted at the South African Mint on July 3, 1967. (Krugerrand Value) Gold Krugerrands are designed to be durable and are therefore .9170, or 91.7% gold, with the remainder being copper. These popular gold coins also appears closer to an orange shade than coins alloyed with silver.

Each one-ounce coin weighs 33.93 grams (consisting of 31.1 grams pure gold and 2.83 grams copper). The bullion gold coin from South Africa gets its' name from a combination of the first Boer president of the South African Republic, Paul Kruger, and the name of currency from South Africa, the rand. Paul Kruger (obverse) - The coin features the former President of the old Republic of South Africa from 1883-1900, on the obverse of the coin. Buy #Gold Krugerrand #Coins at Low Premiums #moneymetals. The Curious Case of Vanishing Lady Liberty; Only #Gold and #Silver Remember Her #moneymetals. The Curious Case of Vanishing Lady Liberty; Only Gold and Silver Remember Her :: The Market Oracle :: Commodities / Gold and Silver 2016Jul 15, 2016 - 07:55 AM GMT By: MoneyMetals The very first word anyone ever saw on a circulating United States coin was the word “LIBERTY.” From half-cents to silver dollars, each featured the likeness of an unnamed woman.

The images varied, thanks to different engravers, but together they became recognized as Lady Liberty. Many, maybe most, of young America's citizens were illiterate. "Liberty" may have been the first word they ever learned to read. If not, they surely knew her face. The Founding Fathers knew all gold, silver, and copper is sound money and didn't mind that American coinage circulated alongside colonial and foreign coins depicting kings and queens. But Lady Liberty alone belonged to the United States. After all, her picture was right there on the money! Her looks would change with the fashions and the times, as she graced most gold and silver American coins for 154 years.

The Winged Liberty was never intended to depict a Roman deity. #Gold Krugerrands are Designed to be Durable #moneymetals. Gold Krugerrands are Designed to be Durable. Why I Didn’t Sell #Gold and #Silver in 2011 #moneymetals. Why I didn't sell Gold and Silver in 2011 - Bullion.Directory. I’d like to share a personal investment tale with you, the origins of which go back a ways. Bullion.Directory precious metals analysis 20 September, 2017 By David SmithSenior Analyst at The Morgan Report I became involved in physical precious metals/futures trading in 1972 after reading Harry Browne’s book, How to Profit from the Coming Devaluation. Not unlike David Morgan (before we knew each other) I accumulated metal and silver futures contracts, and rode prices into the March 1980 top.

I sold my futures, but held the metal until the Hunt Brothers were knocked out of the game after the CRIMEX changed the rules to contract-offset only, collapsing the silver price. I watched silver drop through Harry Browne’s “sell if it goes below $37.50” call to $10.80. As the new bull market was getting underway in 2001, I decided to write on a piece of paper the following sentence: “On June 22, 2011, win, lose or draw, I will exit my position in the metals and mining shares.” The Bottom Line?