Valentina Durán
Edutopia-guía-para-padres-aprendizaje-siglo21. Gold Standard PBL: Essential Project Design Elements. Adapted from Setting the Standard for Project Based Learning: A Proven Approach to Rigorous Classroom Instruction, by John Larmer, John Mergendoller, Suzie Boss (ASCD 2015).
This post is also available as a downloadable article. It’s encouraging that Project Based Learning is becoming popular, but popularity can bring problems. Here at the Buck Institute for Education, we’re concerned that the recent upsurge of interest in PBL will lead to wide variation in the quality of project design and classroom implementation. If done well, PBL yields great results. But if PBL is not done well, two problems are likely to arise. To help teachers do PBL well, we created a comprehensive, research-based model for PBL – a “gold standard” to help teachers, schools, and organizations to measure, calibrate, and improve their practice. Student Learning Goals Student learning of academic content and skill development are at the center of any well-designed project. Why We Changed Our Model of the “8 Essential Elements of PBL” Back in the day – September 2010 to be exact, but it feels like long ago - the Buck Institute for Education (BIE) published an article entitled “7 Essentials for Project-Based Learning” in ASCD’s Educational Leadership magazine.
Soon thereafter we added an eighth element, “Significant Content,” to counter stereotypes that PBL was not an effective method for teaching standards-based knowledge, understanding, and skills – and to remind teachers to design projects with a clear focus on content standards. These “8 Essential Elements of PBL” became the framework for our publications and “PBL 101” workshop, which had now been experienced by over 50,000 teachers. That article, and the hexagonal graphic below, has been widely circulated and cited over the past few years.
Green Bronx Machine: National Health and Wellness Center at PS 55. Green Bronx Machine: National Health and Wellness Center at PS 55. Driving Question Tubric 2.0. Project Planner. Project Team Work Plan. Blogs tagged with 'how To Do PBL' Project Team Work Plan. Project Based Learning. Project Planner. Healthy Choices = Long Life! El MOOC Canvas: Un marco conceptual para que los educadores describan y diseñen MOOCs. Reflexiona El MOOC Canvas ofrece un representación visual de los principales elementos a tener en cuenta al diseñar un MOOC desde cero.
De esta manera, el profesorado puede reflexionar y discutir acerca de los principales elementos con el soporte de un conjunto de preguntas predefinidas. Diseña El MOOC Canvas ayuda al profesorado a ser consciente de los recursos disponibles antes de tomar decisiones acerca de cómo diseñar el MOOC. Comparte El MOOC Canvas es útil para ver la descripción del MOOC de un vistazo, y para compartir la experiencia de diseñar un MOOC con otros educadores que se enfrentan a decisiones de diseño similares en sus cursos.
Publicaciones Alario-Hoyos, C., Pérez-Sanagustín, M., Cormier, D., Delgado-Kloos, C., Proposal for a conceptual framework for educators to describe and design MOOCs, Journal of Universal Computer Science (JUCS), Special issue on Interaction in Massive Courses, (en prensa - publicación esperada en enero de 2014). MOOCCanvas_ES.png (PNG Image, 960 × 720 pixels) Modelo Canvas: los 9 pasos para que tu negocio sea un éxito. Uno de los objetivos fundamentales cuando desarrollamos un negocio es agregar valor a nuestra idea empresarial.
Desde 2008, el modelo Canvas propone una metodología sencilla para que nuestro negocio tenga éxito. Cuando un emprendedor se plantea por primera vez una idea de negocio, no resulta fácil trasladar inicialmente el proyecto que flota en su cabeza a una realidad tangible, que pueda ser rentable a corto o medio plazo. Desde hace años, las diferentes escuelas de negocio enseñan estrategias que puedan asegurar que nuestra iniciativa llegue a ser un éxito. Este cometido choca en ocasiones con la realidad. Y es que los diferentes modelos de negocio existentes no siempre representan las soluciones perfectas para nuestra propuesta empresarial.
La metodología, desarrollada por Alexander Osterwalder, está consolidándose como una alternativa real para agregar valor a las ideas de negocio. Modelo-canvas.jpg (JPEG Image, 2897 × 1708 pixels) - Scaled (35%) The 30 Minute Business Plan: Business Model Canvas Made Easy. See also ‘Workshop-Business Model Canvas‘ What’s the Business Model Canvas?
If you’re already familiar, you can skip to the next section, ‘How do I get started?’. The Business Model Canvas (BMC) gives you the structure of a business plan without the overhead and the improvisation of a ‘back of the napkin’ sketch without the fuzziness (and coffee rings). The Canvas has nine elements: Together these elements provide a pretty coherent view of a business’ key drivers– Customer Segments: Who are the customers?
The Canvas is popular with entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs for business model innovation. How do I get started? The first time you engage with the canvas, I recommend printing it out or projecting it on a whiteboard and going to town (see below for a PDF). If you’re ready to put together something a little more formal (for distribution, presentation, etc.) here’s a Google App’s template you can copy or download as MSFT PowerPoint: The 30 Minute Business Plan: Business Model Canvas Made Easy.