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Amit’s Game Programming Information. What’s on this page?

Amit’s Game Programming Information

I’m interested in producing complexity out of simple parts. This page contains bookmarks that I collected while working on games; I did not write most of the content linked from here. As a result the set of links here reflects the types of things I needed to know: only a few specific topics (not everything related to game programming), general ideas instead of platform-specific information (graphics, sound, compilers), and ideas and designs instead of source code (I find it easier to go from an idea to code than from code to an idea). Other sites, like Gamedev Tuts+, Gamedev, and Gamasutra, cover lots more topics than mine does. Determining how to move around on a map is an interesting problem. These pages are about specific techniques for pathfinding and object movement: My current favorite algorithm is A*, because it can handle varying terrain costs well, and it seems to be faster than most graph searching algorithms.

Code and Demos. Integration Basics. Introduction Hi, I’m Glenn Fiedler and welcome to the first article in my series on Game Physics.

Integration Basics

If you have ever wondered how the physics simulation in a computer game works then this series of articles will explain it for you. I assume you are proficient with C++ and have a basic grasp of physics and mathematics. Nothing else will be required if you pay attention and study the example source code. A game physics simulation works by making many small predictions based on the laws of physics. Exactly how to implement this integration is the subject of this article. Integrating the Equations of Motion You should remember from high school or university physics that force equals mass times acceleration. Principles Of HTML5 Game Design. Visual effects in games define their overall look and feel, and gameplay.

Principles Of HTML5 Game Design

Players are attracted to high visual quality, which generate more traffic and reach. It’s key for creating successful games and providing a lot of fun for players. In this article I want to present a few ideas of how to implement different visual effects in <canvas>-based HTML5 games. These examples will be based on effects we made in our game, Skytte1. I will explain the basic ideas supporting them and provide the effects used in our work. Tuts+ Free Game Development Tutorials. Game development.

Gaming is one of the most popular computer activities.

Game development

New technologies are constantly arriving to make it possible to develop better and more powerful games that can be run in any standards-compliant web browser. Develop web games Welcome to the MDN game development center! In this area of the site we provide resources for web developers wanting to develop games. You will find many useful tutorials and technique articles in the main menu on the left, so feel free to explore.

We've also included a reference section so you can easily find information about all the most common APIs used in game development. Note: Creating games on the web draws on a number of core web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Port native games to the Web To get started, see: About Emscripten for an introduction including high-level details. Inspitrational HTML5 Websites. Inspirational HTML5 websites that will give you ideas, inspiration for your next web project.

Inspitrational HTML5 Websites

There’s been a lot of talk about HTML5. What does this mean for designers and how will it change the way we design. what makes HTML5. HTML5 promises to make the Internet more functional and interactive. It will transform the web of flat, static pages into one filled with web applications — as compelling as desktop versions — running in browsers. HTML5 represents the progression of the core language that underlies the Internet. Gallery of free HTML snippets for Twitter Bootstrap. Periodic Table of the Elements - Josh Duck. Web Creative5 - Interactive evolution. Tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour réaliser des jeux HTML5 avec Canvas et SVG - David Rousset.

Au sommaire : - Canvas et SVG : 2 façons de dessiner à l’écran - Les librairies et les outils utiles - Les frameworks de jeux - Les tutoriaux pour démarrer - Des exemples de réalisations en ligne et des retours d’expérience Je passe mon temps ces derniers temps à expliquer en boucle comment faire des jeux en HTML5 à des étudiants, des passionnées, des professionnels voire même à des profs.

Tout ce qu’il faut savoir pour réaliser des jeux HTML5 avec Canvas et SVG - David Rousset

Plutôt que garder cela en petit comité, je me suis donc dit qu’il serait plus intelligent de structurer tout cela et d’en faire un billet sur mon blog. Il est donc basé sur ma propre expérience. Interactive Experiments Focused on HTML5. It`s All about TAG`S !!! Responsive Design: 160 useful tools, plugins and resources. Since many of you out there are still struggling to find it all in one spot, when all you may need is just one main source that answers all your questions on Responsive Web Design, here at we’ve summed a full collection of 160 Resources that cover all Web Responsive Design related topics sorted in categories that go from framework, grid, bookmarklet, typography, tutorial, media-centric, useful articles, WordPress and Google Chrome; so that whatever it is that you’re looking to find related to web responsive design you’ll find it here at

Responsive Design: 160 useful tools, plugins and resources

HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default template for HTML5 awesome. 60 Frameworks et Moteurs de jeu HTML5. Suite à l’article « RPG JS, moteur de jeu en HTML5 gratuit & OpenSource », j’ai eu la surprise d’avoir un retour courriel plutôt important me demandant si je connaissais d’autres ressources… à ce moment là, non Mais après quelques recherches, voici une liste (probablement pas tout à fait exhaustive mais déjà bien fourni) qui devrait vous aider à trouver le moteur de jeu que vous avez besoin.

60 Frameworks et Moteurs de jeu HTML5

Comme vous pourrez le voir, il existe une soixantaine de moteurs de jeu en tout genre… Toutefois, j’aimerais mettre en avant un plugin jQuery : pp3Diso, développé parJean-François RENAULD.