General knowledge
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> Knowledge 32 Things You Always Believed That Simply Aren’t True. This changes everything!
The concept of the sugar rush is a myth. The hyperactivity you feel after ingesting sugar is just a placebo. Despite popular belief, the Great Wall of China is not the only manmade object you can see from space. You can actually see a lot of manmade objects from space. It’s not actually harmful to pick up baby birds and return them to their nests, and it will not cause their mother to reject them. Birds don’t actually have a very powerful sense of smell, so they wouldn’t even know if you handled their babies. Human blood is never actually colored blue in your body. Deoxygenated blood has a deep red color, and oxygenated blood has a light cherry-red color.
50 Common Latin Phrases Every College Student Should Know. While there may not be cities and countries full of people speaking Latin these days, that doesn’t mean the ancient language is something you can just forget about.
Not only are many of our words in English (not to mention many other languages) derived from Latin, but many of its words words are still used in today’s daily speaking and writing. So while you may not need to learn to speak or read the Latin language fluently, it can still be a big help in your quest for higher education to know a few words and phrases.
Raumwahrnehmung. 6.4 Binokulare Tiefenkriterien.
Tetrapharmakos. The Tetrapharmakos (τετραφάρμακος) "four-part remedy" is a summary of the first four of the Κύριαι Δόξαι (Kuriai Doxai, the forty Epicurean Principal Doctrines given by Diogenes Laërtius in his Life of Epicurus) in Epicureanism, a recipe for leading the happiest possible life.
They are recommendations to avoid anxiety or existential dread.[1] The four-part cure[edit] As expressed by Philodemos, and preserved in a Herculaneum Papyrus (1005, 4.9–14), the tetrapharmakos reads:[4]
Tip of My Tongue - Chirag Mehta : 21 Incredibly Important Diagrams To Help You Get Through Life.
Semantic satiation. Free expressions meanings, words, phrases origins and derivations. If you have corrections or further details about the words, cliches, expressions origins and derivations on this page, please send them.
If you are trying to find origins or derivations for words, expressions, phrases, clichés, etc., that are not listed here, then please use the research sources suggested below before you contact me. I'm not able to answer all such enquiries personally although selected ones will be published on this page. The derivations quiz demonstrates that word and expressions origins can be used easily in quizzes, to teach about language, and also to emphasise the significance of cultural diversity in language and communications development.
If you like words/language quizzes see the diversity/words quizzes quizballs 182 and quizballs 184. See also: tips for using books for researching language origins acronyms and abbreviations origins - for training, research, speaking, writing, quizzes and exercises money slang and (English) money history. 25 Everyday Things You Never Knew Had Names. Misused Expressions. Strunk, William, Jr. 1918. Elements of Style. How to Eat a Pomegranate - emptyage. They're deliciously tricky. Puzzling, even, with their tough skins and all those little red seeds. But splitting one open and getting all that fruit is actually pretty easy. Here's how to do it. Find yourself a Pomegranate.
Short Words to Explain Relativity. So, have a seat.
Put your feet up. This may take some time. Can I get you some tea?
Seven Wonders of The Ancient World. Roman Numerals. The Romans were active in trade and commerce, and from the time of learning to write they needed a way to indicate numbers.
Philographics on Behance. Why Are There 5,280 Feet in a Mile? Making Sense of Measurements. One Question IQ Test. Sushi-etiquette.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 500 × 791 Pixel)
Guide for Writers: Latin Phrases. Handy Latin Phrases - Sprachliche Stilmittel.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt)
Play Trivia Quizzes online at Triviaplaza. List of common misconceptions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Etymologically Speaking...
From the old Arabic word "hashshshin," which meant, "someone who is addicted to hash," that is, marijuana.
Originally refered to a group of warriors who would smoke up before battle. Aaron White adds: You may want to explore the fact that the hashshshins were somewhat of a voodoo-ized grand conspiracy scapegoat cult (the very fact of their existence is impossible to confirm).
Online Etymology Dictionary. Etymologic: the toughest etymology (word origin) game on the Web. Expressions & Sayings Index. If you prefer to go directly to the meaning and origin of a specific expression, click on its relevant entry in the alphabetical list below.
Use this alphabet to speed up your search: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Paraprosdokians - 37 Examples. Word Dynamo - Free Study Guides, Quizzes, Games, and Flashcards. - Learn Words - English Dictionary. Expand your vocabulary!
10 Psychological States You've Never Heard Of... and When You Experienced Them.
The Quick 10: 10 Things You Didn’t Know Had Names. The Story of Stuff Project. Alien_contact_infrographics.png (PNG-Grafik, 1920 × 1200 Pixel) - Skaliert (49%)