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5 actors we'd like to see cast in that Fantastic Four Reboot. Apparently Fantastic Four is set to begin filming this summer.

5 actors we'd like to see cast in that Fantastic Four Reboot

You know what the production needs? Actors. Here are our picks. All cards on the table, we get why there haven't been any names thrown in the ring for this reboot -- finding the right actors for these parts ain't easy! A lot of big-name actors already play important roles within the Marvel universe. Add to that the fact that Fantastic Four has a dubious-at-best history with movies and you've got a real challenge. We've selected actors for the core four, plus Doctor Doom. So here we go -- the actors we'd like to see in the new Fantastic Four! Iron Man 3 director reveals the story Marvel wouldn't let him tell.

You can credit a lot of Marvel’s box-office success to the fact that they take the comic canon seriously, but there’s apparently one Iron Man storyline they still won’t let make it to the big screen.

Iron Man 3 director reveals the story Marvel wouldn't let him tell

So what is it? The acclaimed “Demon in a Bottle” storyline from the late 1970s, which focused on Tony Stark’s struggle with alcoholism, is apparently off limits. It was groundbreaking at the time, and represented a real, human trial for Iron Man. But in film? Apparently Disney and Marvel think it’s a little too dark. “The drinking. Disney wants these flicks to appeal to as wide an audience as possible, and alcoholism is a pretty heady subject to throw into a superhero movie. Watch Carol Marcus talk Kirk down in new thrilling Trek 2 TV spot. There’s a new Start Trek Into Darkness TV spot that includes some cool snippets of new footage as well as more Capt.

Watch Carol Marcus talk Kirk down in new thrilling Trek 2 TV spot

Kirk (Chris Pine) with Dr. Carol Marcus (Alice Eve). The new tidbits in the 33-second TV spot are mainly blink-and-you’ll-miss-them kinds of stuff, but there’s some thrilling things happening for both Kirk and Spock (Zachary Quinto) in this short trailer. Jonkay01 : Wow. Flying again. A 1940s... Perspective_pic : Cat Man. BBC to face inquiry over Rowan Atkinson's Comic Relief sketch. Rowan Atkinson's controversial Comic Relief sketch, which prompted more than 2,200 complaints to the BBC, is to be investigated by media regulator Ofcom.

BBC to face inquiry over Rowan Atkinson's Comic Relief sketch

Atkinson appeared in the sketch as a fictional version of the Archbishop of Canterbury, comparing boy band One Direction to Jesus's disciples and saying praying "doesn't work". Broadcast before the 9pm watershed as part of BBC1's Comic Relief marathon which raised £75m, Atkinson's comic creation told viewers that Jesus said love your neighbours but "it doesn't mean shag your neighbours".

The BBC later apologised for the sketch and removed it from its iPlayer. It said it was "intended to amuse and entertain" but said it was "clear from feedback that [it] was problematic for a number of different reasons". Now the corporation faces a further investigation by Ofcom over the broadcast on 15 March this year. The regulator is understood to be investigating the programme on grounds of offensive language and generally accepted standards. Sex manual offered to ultra-Orthodox Jews - FrontMotion Firefox. 21 April 2013Last updated at 19:19 ET By Daniel Estrin PRI's The World, Jerusalem Sex is a touchy subject - not least among Israel's highly conservative ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Sex manual offered to ultra-Orthodox Jews - FrontMotion Firefox

But an Orthodox therapist and an Orthodox teacher in Jerusalem have co-written a sex guide aimed specifically at this community. There used to be a sex shop on the way to David Ribner's office in central Jerusalem. The art that Google Street View built - FrontMotion Firefox. Huge six-legged robot built in UK by enthusiast - FrontMotion Firefox. 22 April 2013Last updated at 06:07 ET By Zoe Kleinman Technology reporter, BBC News Inventor Matt Denton shows off his robotic spider creation A giant-mantis robot with hydraulic legs has been unveiled by a designer who spent four years creating it.

Huge six-legged robot built in UK by enthusiast - FrontMotion Firefox

Matt Denton, from Hampshire, estimates his "very expensive toy" has cost him hundreds of thousands of pounds. He says a mining company and a marine research organisation are now interested in his design and he hopes it might be used at science fairs. During its development the machine had one outing, at a music festival, where Mr Denton says it was well received. "It's an entertainment vehicle," he said. The project was only initially intended to take 12 months, Mr Denton, who usually specialises in small-scale animatronics for the film industry, said. "After 18 months we tried the model out. Bath confirm Henson interest - FrontMotion Firefox. Just not cricket. - FrontMotion Firefox. SPORT is a funny old thing.

Just not cricket. - FrontMotion Firefox

On the one hand it's supposed to be competitive, attract millions of pounds in sponsorship, and be performed by people trained to within an inch of their mental and physical limits. And on the other it's supposed to be friendly and nice and you can take your children to watch it and any little problem can be resolved with a handshake because everyone involved is as honourable as the younger son of an earl.