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Michael meme. Emoney meme. Kayla meme. Axel meme. Tori meme. Erik meme. Kelsey meme. Rosa meme. Andrew meme. Funny or Die - Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, and Funny Jokes. CollegeHumor - Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, Funny Links! The 77 Greatest U.S. Presidents Ever. 1.

The 77 Greatest U.S. Presidents Ever

George Washington2. Abraham Lincoln3. Thomas Jefferson4. John AdamsT-5. Theodore RooseveltT-5. 10. 20. 30. 40. 45. 46. 10 Parts In The Indiana Jones Movies That Still Bother Me. Ahhh, the Indiana Jones Trilogy: Three unforgettable adventure films that shaped our childhood, still hold up incredibly well today, and that contain a couple specific parts that are memorably, lovingly, COMPLETELY RIDICULOUS.

10 Parts In The Indiana Jones Movies That Still Bother Me

In the ripoff spirit of our ruminations on Home Alone, let's waste a couple minutes in the year A.D. 2013 discussing the 10 Parts In The Indiana Jones Trilogy That Still Bother Me. For the record, we'll only focus on Raiders, Temple Of Doom, and Last Crusade; as far as bother-moments go, we'll count "96% Of Crystal Skull" as a given. Now, onto the nitpicking of Thing We Love! What You Can Do After Sex, Based on How Long You've Been Together. T-dog meme. YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. Is Pluto a planet? Can Texas Secede from the Union? How to Become Pope. What are Continents? Funny or Die - Funny Videos, Funny Pictures, and Funny Jokes. 10 People Who Should Be Immediately Unfriended On Facebook from Steve Heisler. Unfriended because I don't care how far you ran Unfriended because I don't care what you're listening to Unfriended because I don't care that you finally figured out the Internet almost six years too late.

10 People Who Should Be Immediately Unfriended On Facebook from Steve Heisler

A Special Black History Month & Presidents Day Tribute from Andy Maxwell, Darryl Gudmundson, and Funny Or Die. Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation. Zero Punctuation is The Escapist's groundbreaking video review series starring Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw.

Video Galleries : Zero Punctuation

Every Wednesday Zero Punctuation picks apart the games so you don't have to. Called "hilariously cutting ... first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory" by Boing Boing, see why gamers love it and developers fear it. South Park: The Stick of Truth - Yes, There Really Were Crying Koalas. Dorkly. 7 Pokemon In Their Later Years. 7 Quotes That Could Have Saved The Star Wars Prequels.

7 Recent Drink Recipes From the Drunken Moogle. Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard Ingedients: Charmander:-1 splash of grenadine-1 oz Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey-.5 oz Bacardi 151 Charmeleon:-1 spash of grenadine-1 splash of scotch-1 oz Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey-Fill with ginger ale Charizard:-2 oz Fireball Cinnamon Whiskey-2 splashes of grenadine-2 splashes of scotch-1.5 ounces Bacardi 151-Fill with ginger ale Directions: For the Charmander shot, pour a slash of grenadine into the bottom of a shot glass.

7 Recent Drink Recipes From the Drunken Moogle

These drinks scream fire, from the cinnamon punch, to the smoky scotch aftertaste. Dirt Block (Minecraft cocktail) Ingredients: -1 1/2 oz french vanilla Kahlua-1 1/2 oz Amaretto-Around 3 oz chocolate milk-Oreo cookie crumbs Directions: Mix ingredients in a rocks glass over crushed ice. Elderflower Scrolls: Skyyrum (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Cocktail)Created by James Dance of Loading Ingredients:-Skyy vanilla vodka-Sparkling elderflower presse-Spiced rum (Sailor Jerry)-Orange peel Blue Knight (Castle Crashers shot)

7 More Drink Recipes From The Drunken Moogle. Hadouken - Ryu (Street Fighter shot) Ingredients:3/4 oz blue curacao3/4 oz Fireball Cinnamon WhiskySplash of Bacardi 151 Directions: Mix the blue curacao and Fireball in a shot glass.

7 More Drink Recipes From The Drunken Moogle

Layer a thin bit of Bacardi 151 (or other overproof rum) on the top and light on fire. Block to extinguish and drink! Add more Bacardi 151 to the top to make it a Shinkuu Hadouken. Shirley Templar (Assassin's Creed cocktail) 7 More Videogame Cocktail Recipes From The Drunken Moogle.