Connectivism and Global Collaboration in Education | Learning for Life. Connectivism, introduced in the mid 2000’s, is an idea based on the premise that knowledge exits within systems and is acquired by individuals who interact collaboratively within activities related to that knowledge. Whether you view connectivism as a learning theory or a “pedagogical view”, the movement has significant connections to behaviorism, congnitivism, and constructivism. Marcy Perkins Discroll, in her book, Psychology of Learning for Instruction, defines learning as “a persisting change in human performance or performance potential…[which] must come about as a result of the learner’s experience and interaction with the world.” Connectivism embodies this definition within it’s core principles. According to Wikipedia, the eight core principles of connectivisim are: Connectivism is not really a new idea, but new technology has given us ways to “connect” or “interact” faster and more easily.
The following infographic, in my opinion, is a good representation of the concept. What are 21st century skills? The 21st century skills are a set of abilities that students need to develop in order to succeed in the information age. The Partnership for 21st Century Skills lists three types: Learning Skills Critical Thinking Creative Thinking Collaborating Communicating Life Skills Flexibility Initiative Social Skills Productivity Leadership New Skills for New Jobs These skills have always been important for students, though they are particularly important in our information-based economy. To hold information-age jobs, though, students also need to think deeply about issues, solve problems creatively, work in teams, communicate clearly in many media, learn ever-changing technologies, and deal with a flood of information.
Demand in the Workplace These are not just anecdotal observations.
Connectivism. Connectivism is a hypothesis of learning which emphasizes the role of social and cultural context. Connectivism is often associated with and proposes a perspective similar to Vygotsky's 'zone of proximal development' (ZPD), an idea later transposed into Engeström's (2001) Activity theory.[1] The relationship between work experience, learning, and knowledge, as expressed in the concept of ‘connectivity, is central to connectivism, motivating the theory's name.[2] It is somewhat similar to Bandura's Social Learning Theory that proposes that people learn through contact.
The phrase "a learning theory for the digital age"[3] indicates the emphasis that connectivism gives to technology's effect on how people live, communicate and learn. Nodes and links[edit] The central aspect of connectivism is the metaphor of a network with nodes and connections.[4] In this metaphor, a node is anything that can be connected to another node such as an organization, information, data, feelings, and images. El blog de Alcanjo: ebook. Hace un par de semanas os comenté que estaba buscando un libro electrónico, había varios que me interesaban, pero sobre todo uno, el Kobo eReader, un libro electrónico que por ahora sólo se comercializa en Estados Unidos, Canadá y Australia.
Buscando como comprarlo dejé un comentario en el foro MobileRead y alguien contestó diciendo que me hacía el favor y me lo enviaba desde Canadá. Desde aquí quiero dar las gracias a Stefan, se ha portado de lujo. En menos de una semana ya lo tenía en casa, sin ningún tipo de problemas de aduanas ni tasas. El Kobo eReader tiene una pantalla de 6 pulgadas con una calidad excelente, apenas tiene reflejos y la nitidez con la que se muestran las letras es asombrosa. Entre sus características se encuentran dos tipos de letra, 5 tamaños de fuente, memoria interna de 1 GB, ranura para tarjetas SD y conectividad Bluetooth. eBooks con estiloLa biblioteca de todosTodo ebooks También incluyo este vídeo que grabé hace unos días mostrando un poco su funcionamiento.
21st Century Education in New Brunswick, Canada. Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning. ShareThis Reading Teaching Digital Natives: Partnering for Real Learning by Marc Prensky was a fantastic experience. This book details the importance of real learning is our students. As a teacher, I am always looking to share connections with my students. I want them to ask, “Who cares about this topic?” I have a great answer.
Prensky says, “Partnering gives students the primary responsibility for: finding and following their passion, using whatever technology is available, researching and finding information, answering questions and sharing their thoughts and opinions, practicing (when properly motivated, e.g. through games), creating presentations in text and multimedia.” Changing roles of student and teachers can be scary, but as Prensky says, “When you feel such fear and need the courage to proceed anyway, it often helps to remember the lion in the Wizard of Ox—you don’t need the medal, because the courage is inside you all the time.” 1. 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lisa Niver Rajna, M.A. Protección de menores y contenidos adultos en Internet. 14 de Marzo de 2012 La presencia de los menores en Internet, es hoy día algo incuestionable.
Redes sociales como Haboo, Tuenti o incluso el propio Facebook copan los minutos y las horas de ocio de los más pequeños. Alonso Hurtado Bueno,Socio de LexTic Abogados S.L El tiempo medio de conexión de los menores a Internet, está experimentado en los últimos años un incremento realmente llamativo, muy probablemente debido a los cambios de hábitos entre los más jóvenes, además de por la alta penetración de los teléfonos móviles inteligentes o Smartphone en estas franjas de edad. Este cambio de hábitos está provocando que, tanto las instituciones públicas y privadas, como el propio legislador, regulen normativamente aspectos directamente relacionados con la protección de menores en Internet, debiendo destacar con especial atención la protección de datos personales, protección del derecho al honor, intimidad y propia imagen, consumidores y usuarios, entre otras. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Comente este contenido. Cesicat - inici. Internet segura. How Video Games Are Changing Education.
Mobile. Consider some of the basic symbols of education in the United States: the textbook, the chalkboard, and the apple. Thanks to technological innovations and cultural forces, we’ve seen textbooks supplanted by videos and e-books, SMART Boards replace chalkboards, and the apple on the teacher’s desk pushed aside by the latest gadgets from, well, Apple. Just as our classrooms have changed significantly since the 1800s, so have our ideas about the purpose of schools. Our views on education were defined by John Dewey's theory, which states—and I'm simplifying—that the general purpose of school is to transfer knowledge and prepare young people to participate in America’s democratic society. But today's students live in a modern, global society that is interconnected as never before. As a result, Dewey's explanation of the purpose of schools now seems insular and inadequate. I propose that the purpose of schools must be preparing children to compete in the global environment.
Yet, there is hope. 8 Crucial Resources For Flipped Classrooms. Have you “flipped” yet? My colleagues have this week; it’s PSSA week in Pennsylvania (PSSAs are standardized tests.). That’s not the flipped I meant, however. I meant, have you flipped your classroom yet? Well, if you have or are thinking about it, here are some tools you might want to consider using for those after-hours background knowledge sessions.
YouTube This might be the most popular tool teachers have used for flipped instruction. You don’t have to establish a class list to allow for student discussion. Other services, such as those that approximate a LMS, require a lot of preparation before a teacher can use it. You can edit the video online (somewhat). Evernote Tutorial as a Cartoon Trim and stabilize Swap audio tracks Change the look of the video (for instance, make it look like a cartoon) Add annotations Add captions Download the new version of the video for offline use It’s easy to share with colleagues, friends, and professional development organizations.
Edmodo Schoology. Geoff Mulgan: A short intro to the Studio School. The Flipped Classroom: Turning the Traditional Classroom on its Head. 15 frases célebre sobre educación. #infografía #infographic.