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Jams and Butters. Goodbye India: A correspondent's chance meeting in an Indian slum changes her outlook on life. Updated.

Goodbye India: A correspondent's chance meeting in an Indian slum changes her outlook on life

Weapons of maths destruction: Are calculators killing our ability to work it out in our head? The voices behind IndigenousX - AWAYE! Under 30 and out of luck: the age of entitlement truly is over - The Drum. Opinion Updated. Jehovah's Witness Church must change after Royal Commission hearings - The Drum. Career wise which is better: Doctor or Scientist? - Quora. 9 things mentally strong people do every day. They seek to grow stronger.

9 things mentally strong people do every day

This $150 watch is terrifying for Apple and luxury companies. The Sistem51 watch.

This $150 watch is terrifying for Apple and luxury companies

Watch out, Apple — a cheaper competitor is coming for you. Sales of the Apple Watch have been disappointing amid criticism that it's uncomfortable, difficult to read, and too complicated to use. And on top of that, it's really expensive. The classic version starts at $549. There's the cheaper Sport version that is $349 to $399, and the very high-priced Edition version that can cost you between $10,000 and $12,000. The Surprising Power of Spacing Out. Are You an Undercover Narcissist? Something introverts really like to do, it seems, is read and talk about their own introversion.

Are You an Undercover Narcissist?

A commenter on a recent Science of Us post on the four kinds of introversion summed matters up quite nicely: "Gosh, introverts are just so FASCINATING! — Introverts. " Vegemite sales may be limited after claims it's used to make alcohol. Vegemite is best known as a black yeast spread with a divisive taste, but in some areas, it may be a key ingredient in more than just toast.

Vegemite sales may be limited after claims it's used to make alcohol

The Australian government has warned that bulk amounts of the condiment are being used in remote rural communities to make alcohol, and is asking local authorities and businesses to take action. Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion wants sales of the spread restricted in some areas, along with other high-yeast products that can be used for home brews, the Courier Mail reported. He said children were arriving at school hungover from homemade alcohol, and that the drink was a factor in domestic violence cases. The government is focused on Vegemite sales in dry communities in northern Australia that have predominantly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations. 8-year-old drawing champ owns Google's Singapore front page.

As his country turns 50 on Sunday, a little Singaporean boy's drawing will be seen by his countrymen on Google's front page as its Google Doodle.

8-year-old drawing champ owns Google's Singapore front page

Eight-year-old Haydn Moh won a nationwide search to have his drawing featured as Google's commemorative logo for the occasion. He was the overall winner across five categories of students between the ages of four and 18. Haydn's drawing for Google imagines a future with rocket trains and public transportation lifted into off the ground tunnels. His mother, Jeslin Ong, who is an art director at an advertising agency, says her son has the attention span to draw for hours each day, and can churn out up to 20 pieces a session.

Moh hasn't had formal art classes, but has been able to produce fairly complex art for his age, she added. Single Chinese women, banned from freezing their eggs, flock abroad. SHANGHAI — When China’s most famous blogger weighs in on a contentious issue, a social media storm is certain to follow.

Single Chinese women, banned from freezing their eggs, flock abroad

Such was the case when Han Han, a 32-year-old author, film director and race car driver, posed a simple question to his nearly 42 million followers on Weibo: "Can't a woman want a baby without being married to a man? Can't she use her own eggs? " Han’s post, liked 107,000 times by Thursday afternoon with 18,000 comments, was part of a larger social media debate in China this week about the reproductive rights of women in China — and specifically why China bars single women from freezing their eggs for future use. The law is not new, nor is it limited to China among Asian countries. But the topic received fresh attention after a popular Chinese actress, 41-year-old Xu Jinglei, revealed in an interview last month that she had gone to the United States two years ago to freeze her eggs.

Texas judge orders man to marry girlfriend or face jail time. This is what happens to our bodies when we die. (Jane Tyska) This is where the real crime scene investigation takes place Death is an inescapable yet fascinating process, and the only ones who can explain that are the ones who deal with it on a daily basis.

This is what happens to our bodies when we die

Business Insider spoke with Dr. Judy Melinek, CEO of PathologyExpert Inc. and a practicing forensic pathologist in the San Francisco Bay Area, to find out what exactly happens when a person dies. Melinek, who has performed over 2,500 autopsies in her career, says: "The first thing that happens when you die is that your heart stops beating and blood flow ceases. Eventually, bacteria from the gut and upper respiratory tract enter your bloodstream and cause putrefaction, while your body's cellular enzymes digest its cells, a process called autolysis.

Why You Should Go to the Movies Alone. Would you go to a movie alone?

Why You Should Go to the Movies Alone

For some people, the question elicits a quick and easy nod — of course! Why not? For others, panic: The idea of sitting there, all alone, surrounded by people who aren’t alone is humiliating. August: 10 things to do for $10 or less. Summer is winding down, but there are still lots of entertaining events and educational opportunities to enjoy as you get ready for students to return to campus later this month.

August: 10 things to do for $10 or less

Explore these 10 things to do in August, all costing $10 or less: 1. Get to know "Spider Woman," then dive into "The Waters and the Wild. " No, not the Marvel Comics superhero. Spider Woman is an important figure in Native North American mythology, often associated with the creation of the earth. Thousands of Ebola Survivors Face Persistent Joint Pain and Other Problems. The Ebola virus is leaving an indelible mark on survivors. Emerging findings, amassed by tracking unprecedented numbers of people who recovered from the disease in west Africa, suggest it causes joint pain in about half of Ebola survivors and often leads to vision problems. S1OOHoV.jpg (JPEG Image, 3264 × 2448 pixels) - Scaled (31%)

Want To Go To Mars? NASA's Online Tools Let Public Join In Mars Exploration. The space agency created Web-based tools to allow the public to take part in explorations of the Red Planet. Two websites, Mars Trek and Experience Curiosity, can take citizen scientists on a unique virtual journey. (Photo : NASA/JPL) As NASA's Curiosity rover racks up its third year of exploring Mars, the space agency is debuting two online tools that will let the public take part in exploring the Red Planet. The tools, from the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., will make use of images captured by Curiosity in addition to data from 50 years of NASA robotic missions and explorations of Mars. One tool, Mars Trek, is a free Web-based app providing high-quality visualizations of the planet, gathered from those decades of Mars missions, to allow astronomers, students and citizen scientists to study surface features of the Red Planet. Interactive maps and analysis tools will allow visitors to the site to examine and make measurements of surface features of Mars.

Supersonic Plane That Can Reach Speeds Of Mach 4.5 Patented By Airbus. The U.S. -patented supersonic Airbus plane has a Mach 4.5 speed, double that of the two previously known fastest aircraft, the Concorde and the Charger, and produces very minimal sonic boom. (Photo : Airbus | U.S. Thalidomide Hero, Dr. Frances Kelsey, Dies At 101. Frances Kelsey, the FDA reviewer who helped prevent the anti-nausea drug thalidomide from being sold in the U.S., died at the age of 101. (Photo : The U.S. Food and Drug Administration) Frances Oldham Kelsey, the FDA reviewer whose opposition to an anti-nausea drug for pregnant women in the 1960's helped spare the U.S from one of the worst public health tragedies, has died on Aug. 7 at the age of 101. How Do You See The Color Yellow? It Depends On The Time Of Year, Study Finds. Changes in the natural environment change how we perceive colors, a study finds. It's particularly true for the color yellow, they say.

(Photo : Sean Gallup | Getty Images) The Most Lavish Tech Company Job Perks. 17 Tricks to Master Microsoft PowerPoint - Start with a Blank Canvas. Click To View Slideshow» Ready to master the presentation software that drives business? These tips will have everyone else in the office jealous of your expertise. How Flipagram Makes Anyone a Storyteller. How Flipagram makes anyone a multimedia storyteller. 8 Ways Humans Have Hunted for Aliens - See More Slideshows. Sure You Can Work All the Time ... But Should You? Mobile apps promise a revolution in how we work. Along with social apps, mobile apps let knowledge workers stay in touch with colleagues better and perform tasks wherever they happen to be.

Jet Targets Amazon After $140 Million Funding Round. E-commerce start-up, the latest project of Marc Lore, who famously sold to Amazon for $545 million, has just announced it has raised another $140 million on top of the $80 million it already raised. The Wall St. Journal reported that the investment, in the form of debt that is convertible into equity, is expected to value the company at nearly $600 million, according to people familiar with the matter. When joining a startup, don’t ask what position, what role: Paytm's Ruchi Sanghvi. Now available in Metro Manila: Mille Crepes from Paper Moon. Got a tip? #BabyRP is so creepy, and it's why you should be VERY careful posting baby pictures. Did you know that the average new parent posts 973 photos of their child on social media before their fifth birthday?

Using social media to find dates can be a good or bad idea. Hungry yet? (50 Photos) 25 Hidden Chrome Features That Will Make Your Life Easier. The Definitive List of Google Search Easter Eggs. 12 Things You Can Replace With a $38 Tablet. 10 Apps Every Lazy Person Needs - Blower. 12 things you didn't know you could do with Gmail - Aug. 3, 2015. 26 Innovative Ideas By School Students That Will Blow Your Mind Away! What I do for money — invironment. 25 Insightful Quotes From 25 Legendary CEOs.

7 Interview Questions That Determine Emotional Intelligence. Gigster - Hire a quality developer. 3 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Want to Quit. Every Stare Directed at a Street Photographer in a Single Image — Vantage. Notegraphy. Steve Jobs Insult Response: An Analysis — UX Launchpad: Notes on Design. Don’t compete. Create. — Higher Thoughts. 33 Websites That Will Make You a Genius — Personal Growth. This app lets you make money off your posted pics. What I Learned Writing a Haiku Every Day for 100 Days — The Lighthouse. Easy Breakfasts.

Fox News wore Jon Stewart down: How 16 years of debunking right-wing lies exhausted the last honest man. Working Next to Death in the Pathology Lab. How Doctors Die. Do you live in 'Bro' country? Lower your stress levels with some geek humor. Planning_fallacy.html# If you stabilize the stars it will show the beautifully rotation of Earth. Experience the art of stone balancing. Question_of_evidence. Improve Your Decisions - Free Courses On Reasoning and Decision Making. Sir Martin Rees and Charlie Rose discuss the nature of the universe (Classic Dump) Sick of not being able to see the real you when you look in the mirror? Every force in nature. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s most astounding fact (video plus comic) New 'Star Wars' behind-the-scenes footage revealed at Comic-Con. The ultimate guide to Gmail backup. Antibiotics: Superbug Threat Leads Doctors To Advise A Full Course Of Treatment. Overcoming Fear, Be It Of Spiders Or Public Speaking, Means Reteaching Your Brain To Think.

But Seriously, Let’s Talk About Millennial Poverty. Why the Great Glitch of July 8th Should Scare You — The Message. Neil Gaiman on How Stories Last. Grieving in the Time of Lulz  "Mad Men" Creator Matthew Weiner's Reassuring Life Advice For Struggling Artists. WorkFlowy - Organize your brain. What's the Point of Handwriting? Write or Die 2.

DIY Phrosties Recipe. How the Ice Cube Became a Multimillion-Dollar Industry. A World-Famous Shock Cartoonist Is Publishing the Ultimate Life Guide for Tweens. Carl Sagan: “Reincarnation Deserves Serious Study.” Years Later & The Results Are In. 21 Snacks Every Filipino Grade Schooler Had In Their Lunchbox. 15 Junk Food Snacks from Childhood that We Still Binge on Until Today - Who is Really Teaching Who?: An Exclusive Peek into the Mentor-Protege Relationship Between Mugaritz's Andoni Aduriz and VASK's Chele Gonzalez - Can You Solve a Puzzle Unsolved Since 1996? Can a Liberian Hospital Keep Up Its Post-Ebola Improvements? Photos of the Week: 5/23-5/29. From Amy Schumer to John Oliver, How Comedians Became Public Intellectuals. Steady State: Slacklining as Conversation: Taking the Middle Road. Death Is Having a Moment.

What Good Is Thinking About Death? Kow-Cheong Yan's "Singapore Math" blog shares the best news and views on the good, the bad, and the ugly about Singapore math. Learn what you won't usually read in the mainstream media! Learn from him the tips and tricks on the best of Singapore math! GOOD Magazine. Monotony and the sacred: a brief history of drone music - Earshot. The secret history of stationery - Late Night Live.