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AngularJS OC sur Twitter : "Learning about the new #angularjs router from @phidong at @PeopleSpaceOC... NgCordova - Simple extensions for common Cordova Plugins - by the Ionic Framework Team - by the Ionic Framework Team. Ionic: Advanced HTML5 Hybrid Mobile App Framework. Data Visualization With Elasticsearch Aggregations And D3. For those of you familiar with Elasticsearch, you know that its an amazing modern, scalable, full-text search engine with Apache Lucene and the inverted index at its core.

Data Visualization With Elasticsearch Aggregations And D3

Elasticsearch allows users to query their data and provides efficient and blazingly fast look up of documents that make it perfect for creating real-time analytics dashboards. Currently, Elasticsearch includes faceted search, a functionality that allows users to compute aggregations of their data. For example, a user with twitter data could create buckets for the number of tweets per year, quarter, month, day, week, hour, or minute using the date histogram facet, making it quite simple to create histograms. A better way to learn AngularJS - AngularJS Tutorial. Aprendiendo AngularJS – Parte 1. In JavaScript on September 29, 2012 at 9:22 pm Un framework, que ha atrapado mi atención debido a que es una pieza de ingeniería valiosa, en el proceso de construir una aplicación web de una sola página.

Aprendiendo AngularJS – Parte 1

Brindando una robusta estructuración arquitectónica de la aplicación. Basado en la documentación del mismo framework: publicare ejemplos y reflexiones. index.html: ¿Qué paso? Fast prototyping apps using AngularJS, RequireJS and Twitter Bootstrap. Egghead. Ng-google-io/app at master · mhevery/ng-google-io. Abxda : Estudiando #angularjs,... Coffeescript - AngularJS service with promises. Angular JS — An introduction. Has nothing to do with the content Quick introduction to AngularJS Ruiwen Chua, @ruiwen The superheroic Javascript framework. thorium-shielding, eggplant-teleportation, canine-psychokinesis Models / Views / Controllers Resources ... and more!

Angular JS — An introduction

... <div ng-controller="ItemsController"><p>Total items: {{ number_of_items}}<p><ul><li ng-repeat="i in items"><h1>{{ }}</h1><p>{{ i.desc }}</p><p>{{ i.amount }}</p></li></ul><div> I prefer my templates in HTML, not Javascript, thank you. AngularJS promise is resolved before data is loaded. Synchronous $http. You can't do synchronous $http calls.

synchronous $http

You can use Promises to make your code more readable and maintainable. The basic idea is that $http methods do not return the data from the request, they return a "promise" that will allow you to get the data: Now Hosted on Google CDN. As you probably already noticed, one of the core AngularJS values is simplicity. Simple is awesome, but simple and fast is doubly awesome and that's why we also value speed and performance.

Since early beginnings of the project, we strived to make bootstrapping of AngularJS apps as fast as possible and offered to host all of the AngularJS artifacts on our server which follows the best caching and compression practices. Our expertise and server is however no match to the speedy autobahn-like Google CDN (content delivery network). Thanks to your adoption of AngularJS all over the world, we earned the privilege to be hosted on this state of the art infrastructure. AngularJS. Brian Ford. Yeoman is a new tool for simplifying your client-side development workflow.

Brian Ford

It supports a variety of different tools and frameworks, but I'm going to focus specifically on how it helps write AngularJS applications. Out of the box, Yeoman includes some excellent features for building AngularJS apps. The best of these features is its generators. Generators allow you to quickly create new controllers, directives, services, unit tests, and even entire applications. It gives you the speed of boilerplates/seeds but with added flexibility. ImdbController. jQuery UI Slider. Directives. Loading...


Improve this doc Note: this guide is targeted towards developers who are already familiar with AngularJS basics. If you're just getting started, we recommend the tutorial first. If you're looking for the directives API, we recently moved it to $compile. Brian Ford. D3.js is very cool.

Brian Ford

It works at the jQuery level as a wrapper around DOM and SVG with an expressive, functional API. There are a ton of great examples of what can be done with D3.js. By creating AngularJS directives that wrap D3.js, you can use the power of AngularJS's data binding to create apps with beautiful visualizations. We're going to build an app that uses the Github API to allow users to figure out which of their coworkers have been slacking off analyze commit data for a given project. Angularjs - How can I make angular.js post data as form data instead of a request payload. Custom form validation in Angular JS. This article is part of the bigger series about my Software Engineering internship this summer.

Custom form validation in Angular JS

To read all the posts, simply visit the category archive. Today just a quick Angular JS gem on how to create your own form validation directives. I’m still working on the follow up post to the article From Request to Response and it will certainly follow soon, but for now, some more Angular JS action. Form handling in Angular JS Angular JS already has some basic form validation features and explains them well and in detail in their developer guide.

When a validation fails two things happen: The constructor object on the current scope (named by the form name) gets some flags set to new values indicating the failure and the reason for the failure. Form. Based on these fields you can then modify the content of the DOM to give the use guidance on how to fix the error and also to disable form submission. The second thing that happens, might not seem that important: The model does not get updated! A simple search with AngularJS AJAX and PHP. AngularJS and DOM Manipulation. AngularJS Directive Tutorial. AngularJS Directives – Basics. I have recently been working with AngularJS directives and this is probably my favorite feature of the project.

AngularJS Directives – Basics

It is a really clever and powerful way to extend HTML to do new things. As someone who has spent a lot of time doing Flex development, custom declarative markup that represents an underlying component is like an old friend. In this post, we will explore a series of examples that build in complexity to help us understand directives. AngularJS Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢ These tips were developed in AngularJs v0.10.5 v1.0.1.

AngularJS Tips and Tricks [UPDATED] ☢

I'll keep updating this post, so check back often! I've compared a LOT of different javascript frameworks for my company's rewrite, and finally settled on AngularJS because of how rapidly I'm able to produce prototypes. In my opinion, although it's very alpha and fairly lacking on the graphical side, it's excellent for CRUD applications (meaning forms, tables and reports). AngularJS shopping cart with chained selects example.