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Le château d’eau de Falguéric. Sarah Nicolas École Condé Paris, master 2, diplôme 2011 Contact : Réhabilitation d’un patrimoine - Un château d’eau en un point d’observation dans la réserve ornithologique de Falguéric (Séné) - Il s’agit de réhabiliter un château d’eau pour lui attribuer une nouvelle fonctionnalité, intégrée au patrimoine national utilisé.

Utiliser le patrimoine industriel existant et désaffecté pour accueillir les services permet de le sauvegarder. Le château d’eau, par son ancienne fonction avait un rôle vital dans la vie quotidienne, par son apport en eau potable dans les foyers. De la même façon, ils pourraient très bien être considérés, non plus comme des vestiges sur le paysage, mais comme des éléments d’embellissement, notamment en développant l’aspect créatif ou artistique de son apparence. Garder la dimension du grand corps, vide de son eau, grande carcasse/structure pleine de la mémoire de cette énergie vitale et de la mémoire que chacun y injecte. Eau en Poitou-Charentes : RPDE. Dlandstudio. Newsflash: Huîtres Occuper le Gowanus | ECO BROOKLYN INC. We are now accepting checks to buy oysters. Here’s the deal: around the corner from lies the heavily polluted Gowanus Canal. The industrial landscape of this former tidal creek is surreal in its bleakness – but to us it offers the exciting possibility of a rock bottom wasteland that has nowhere to go but up.

Kate Orff gave this inspiring TED talk on her vision to restore the Gowanus Canal (highly recommended). The idea is that most of the canal pollution can be filtered by growing oysters. Simply put, they get a food source, and we get clean water. Great idea. We call it Guerrilla Remediation. We see no need to sit and wait for someone else to fix the Canal. So join us! Send a check and we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll take photos and film it so you know we aren’t spending your money on beer. Please make checks out to Eco Brooklyn with the comment “Gowanus Oysters”. Lets do this together! *courtesy. Programme estuaire de la rivière d'Hudson - État de New York Département de conservation de l'environnement.

Skip to main navigation Helping people enjoy, protect & revitalize the Hudson River & its valley NEW on the Hudson River Estuary Program Pages: The Hudson River at Cornwall Bay (S. Stanne) What is the Hudson River Estuary Program? The Estuary Program protects and improves the natural and scenic Hudson River watershed for all its residents. The program was created in 1987; its work focuses on the tidal Hudson and its adjacent watershed from the federal dam at Troy to upper New York harbor (see map of Hudson River Estuary Program Boundary (PDF), (489 kB). Ensure clean waterProtect and restore fish, wildlife and their habitatsProvide water recreation and river accessAdapt to climate changeConserve the world famous scenery How does the program work? The program is guided by an Action Agenda-a forward-looking plan, developed through significant community participation up and down the river.

What are some of the program's accomplishments? Resources for the Public: eMbyá | Paisagens & Ecossistemas. Accueil | Trame verte et bleue - Centre de ressources.

RExHySS : Impact du changement climatique sur les Ressources en Eau et les Extrêmes Hydrologiques dans les bassins de la Seine et la Somme | ONERC.


MAP. Pour ceux qui veulent parler de nous, la technologie RSS ? - PICRI Gestion citoyenne de l eau en Ile-de-France. Assainissement. Tradition. Shade and Cooling | PWP Landscape Architecture. Projet mémoire Master. R&D. Aquaponie. Water footprint. Géo-Hyd. Remédiation. World Business Council for Sustainable Development. Launched in 2007, the Global Water Tool (GWT) is a free and easy-to-use tool for companies and organizations to map their water use and assess risks relative to their global operations and supply chains.

More than twenty WBCSD members formed an advisory group, led by CH2M HILL, to develop and provide oversight and pilot testing of the GWT. Expertise was provided by The Nature Conservancy and the Global Reporting Initiative. By comparing a company’s sites with the best available water, sanitation, population and biodiversity information on a country and watershed basis, the GWT allows to answer the following questions: How many of my sites are in extremely water-scarce areas? More than 300 corporations have used the tool which has been regularly updated with improved datasets and functionalities as well as customized to various industrial sectors. The tool consists of two parts: Key benefits expressed by the companies that have already taken advantage of the GWT.

Water front

6ème Forum Mondial de l’Eau.