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Sans titre. From:Cazenovia, NY 13035, USA Posted: July 14, 2014 What is the size of the pump? GPM/GPH? Also Would the pump burn out as stated on many other websites when the water level gets low? I was hoping to find a pump that would shut off when the level goes low. . +5points 5out of 5found this story helpful. Was this helpful? Hi there! Des succulentes pour l'hiver.. : atelierdezoé. Quelques pots en porcelaine.. ..des succulentes qui s'ennuient dans leur jardinière, là, dans le froid un feutre, quelques croquis préparatoires quelques heures de repos puis de cuisson plus tard une petite pincée de vert dans notre intérieur.. I ♥ Etsy - Eloise Renouf. Gravures de la semaine... - Frimousses et Cornichons. Des Tampons qui sentent bons le Japon deux commandes un Koïnobori et une Kokeshi. Je n'ai pas résisté et d'autres sont nés sous mes petits doigts... toute une après-midi y est passée... toujours autant de plaisir à graver.... voici les pas à pas pour vous encourager à vous y mettre.... celui en dessous est mon nouveau chouchou...beaucoup d'entre vous me demande si je les vends ça va venir, je suis lente mais ça va venir...patience;) celui là fera parti de la liste à vendre !

Bonne journée à vous merci pour vos nombreux passages n'hésitez pas à laisser vos impressions... à bientôt. DIY Decor. A new selection of Rifle Paper arrived in the shop this week, which got us inspired to do a little redecorating! There are so many things that can be done with gift wrap, from decoupage to art; and although these ideas are not new, they're inspiring just the same.

With such pretty papers we couldn't resist! For this set we used the Emerald Peonies paper. We have a record player in the shop that's getting a lot of use, but the red lining inside clashes with everything! (So we covered it up)! We also made a print using some wooden screen door trim (thanks Fiona Richards for the tip!) And the small leftover pieces we used to cover a notebook. 1.

How we did it: To measure, we placed the paper in front of the area we wished to cover, and marked each end of the width where we were going to cut it using scissor marks. 2. What You Need: Screen door trim (we picked ours up at Home Depot). 3. Make a budget notebook look more special by covering it in your favorite papers. Bougeoir Scandinave cheval de dala par DesignAtelierArticle. Quand les Palettes Customisent les Jardins (22 photos)

25 Snow Inspired Crafts - Do Small Things with Love. Medallion Snowflakes. Last week, I had posted that some friends and I were going to be making snowflakes to send to the Connecticut PTSA to help decorate a new school for the students of Sandy Hook Elementary. Since then, they have posted on their website that they are no longer taking donations of snowflakes, as they have, in a way, been snowed in with the generous contributions of people from all over the world. In their message, they have asked that we create winter wonderlands in our own homes to show empathy and solidarity for the Newtown families. We won’t be having a link party now, but we will be showcasing our snowflakes in our homes in remembrance and in honor of the students at Sandy Hook Elementary School. There is plenty of snow outside, and we have been sledding in the backyard, rolling around in the snow and trying to build snowmen, all in an attempt to wear out J, so the winter break isn’t filled with never-ending episodes of Bob the Builder and Yo Gabba Gabba.

Supplies: Instructions: 1. 2. 3. Les trouvailles de la semaine #196. Lot étoile & cœur de noël en laine MULTICOLORE sur Izaneo.


Design Improvised. 13. I’ve been super excited to share a new DIY video series with you all! Today we will be making an ombré painted picnic blanket. i’ve always found myself using old sheets for park or beach picnics because i didn’t want to ruin my nicer blankets. when natalie suggested that we paint a drop cloth that has a plastic underside I looked at her and said “girl, now that’s smart.” a stylish blanket that we can customize and that doesn’t get stained — let’s make it! (make sure to watch the video for a detailed step by step!) What you’ll need: • 1 drop cloth with plastic lining on the underside (available in the paint section at hardware stores) • 1 roll of 2 inch ScotchBlue Painter’s Tape • 3 colors of paint in sequential rainbow order (ie red/ orange/ yellow or blue/purple/red) • 5 small paint rollers • 2 containers to mix paint the steps: • start by taping a a pattern of your drop cloth.

. • using small paint rollers start in the middle of your design and paint a row with your first color. Tissue Paper and Tulle Flower Tutorial. Well, here it is - a tutorial on how to make a tissue paper flower (with tulle). Good luck and please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section if anything is unclear. First of all, assemble your stuff - tissue paper (2 colours if desired), tulle, string and scissors.

Cut two rectangles of each colour and two rectangles of tulle. The flower I have made used 38cm x 25.5cm sheets but it doesn't really matter, just so long as the pieces are all rectangular and of the same size. Lay the six sheets on top of each other. If you are using colours, I tend to put the darker sheets on the bottom, lighter ones in the middle and tulle on top however, living in the creative world we do, don't let me stifle you. Once the folding is complete, bend it in half like a fan and tie it tightly (so that it gathers) in the middle with string Snip the ends with scissors to make a petal shape.

Fan out one side into a half circle. Continue separating and And then you are done!!! P.s. Décorations diverses. Dans cette boutique Etsy vous trouverez différents modèles de guirlandes à base de motifs géométriques ou figuratifs réalisées en papier ou en tissu, cousus entre eux. Que vous ayez envie de camaïeux de couleurs, de motifs, de paillettes ou encore de représenter un thème particulier dans votre décoration (le voyage par exemple), une jolie guirlande bien placée dans votre salle devrait faire mouche ! La boutique : Le Petite Fest.