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Paper-Tape Dress Form. David Coffin Photo: David Coffin by David Coffin.

Paper-Tape Dress Form

Dolls - Costume & Clothing Tutorials. Page 5 - Attach Lace on Finished Side of Skirt Hems & Contrasting Top Stitch This is an easy method to attach lace to the finished side of skirt hems of your doll dresses. 1.

Dolls - Costume & Clothing Tutorials

The first step is to determine how long the finished skirt is to be. 2. Dolls - Costume & Clothing Tutorials. Doll Clothing Construction Tips. What Holds It All Together?

Doll Clothing Construction Tips

~Selecting Sewing Notions for Dolly’s Clothes~ As a sewer, you know that every project presents unique opportunities to learn something new. Use this spirit as you immerse yourself more fully in the exciting world of sewing from our doll clothes patterns and the many sewing notions available to add the perfect touch. You most likely have the basics on hand, but now it is time to expand in order to get ready for your new venture. Keep your notions for sewing dolly clothes separate from your others for easy access and so they don’t get mixed up. Here are just a few sewing notions to add to your collection: Small, flat decorative buttons. Doll Boutique - How To Sew In Tiny Scale.

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Doll Boutique - How To Sew In Tiny Scale

Simplicity Creative Group © 2013 All rights reserved. Powered by <a href=" target="_blank">shopping cart</a> Nightgown Patterns for Bitty Baby and 18 inch American Girl Dolls. Diy American Girl Doll Dress. With four little kids at home the majority of projects on my list are for them and I don't mind, it just doesn't give my little blog much variety.

Diy American Girl Doll Dress

This is what we made girl's have been wanting to get matching clothes for them and their doll's. They see all the fancy outfits in the American Girl Magazine and they are a little out of our price range so we came up with this. We made this red gingham dress a couple years ago for my little girl after she had been watching Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and loved the dress Milly wore at the Barn know! Oh you don't, well it's only the best show ever and my very favorite growing up. 18" Doll Pillowcase Dress Tutorial To Fit AG Dolls. Anny's Corner Samantha is Ready for Spring One of my most favorite things I used to do was to make patterns and create designs for my daughters dolls.

18" Doll Pillowcase Dress Tutorial To Fit AG Dolls

Out of necessity, I sewed doll clothing through designer children's shops and craft fairs to help the budget. Now with time and two granddaughters I am returning to my roots. Last night I created this outfit and with it will begin my creating kidstuff blog. 18" Doll: Cloth Doll Shoes Patterns - Stitch 'N Stuff. Twirly Doll Skirt tutorial for American Girl Doll. So there are a million other things that I should be doing today.

Twirly Doll Skirt tutorial for American Girl Doll

My house is a wreck from having the kids home for 2 weeks and I’ve got some deadlines to meet for some sewing projects… BUT instead of doing any of those things, I got a “bee in my bonnet” last night and decided to make this today: Remember this skirt? Doll Clothes we made (or remade : ) I have made lots of clothes since we first got Grace that first Christmas.

Doll Clothes we made (or remade : )

I thought I would share some of them with you. I like to reuse clothes that my kids have outgrown or holes in the knees. Royal Bridesmaid Dress Pattern for 18 Inch Dolls. Royal Bridesmaid Dress Pattern for 18 Inch Dolls by Susan Kramerinspired by the wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate On the left is Gotz 18 inch doll, Emily, and on the right is American Girl 18 inch doll, Gwen in Royal Bridesmaid Dress Here are instructions for making short sleeve bridesmaid dresses to fit 18inch (45cm) American Girl, other American historical dolls, Corolle dolls, Gotz Precious Day Girl Dolls, and dolls with similar body types.

Royal Bridesmaid Dress Pattern for 18 Inch Dolls

The model above on the left is my 18 inch Gotz Precious Day doll, Emily. Sleeveless Jumper Pattern for American Girl, AG Type 18 Inch Dolls. Sleeveless Jumper to Fit American Girl Type 18 Inch Dolls Clothes Patterns for 18 Inch Dolls and Bitty Baby Dolls & Costumes WebsiteSusan Here are instructions for making sleeveless jumpers to fit 18inch (45cm) American Girl, other American historical dolls, Gotz Precious Day Girl Dolls, and dolls with similar body types.

Sleeveless Jumper Pattern for American Girl, AG Type 18 Inch Dolls

The model above is my American Girl doll, Gwen. Important Note: my Corolle doll (not shown) has fabric and vinyl arms so this dress is not the best for her. You may use the pattern for yourself or gifts but not commercially. Fabric: one third yard or meter. Jumper Sewing Instructions With right sides of back and front jumper facing, sew together at shoulders. On center back side, make a 4 inch long slit down from neck edge for opening. Sew side seams back to front. Before sewing side seams add your decoration to front of jumper. Turn hem up twice one quarter inch and blind stitch. Article and photo credits Susan Kramer ~ please visit again soon! American Girl Sundress Tutorial. If you happen to be the happy owner of an American Girl doll you will agree with me that they are huge money traps. Oh, do they know how to appeal to young girls (and mothers living vicariously through their daughters!). However, you can spend mere dollars on cute little dresses, and save your cash for clothing purchases that actual humans will wear.

;o) I'm going to attempt a tutorial of how you can make a dress without having to purchase a pattern. What you need: --1/4 yard of fabric (you can use a fat quarter, but you'll have to shave a few inches off the width of the dress skirt--I've done it both ways, and it doesn't make a whole lot of difference) --coordinating thread --any extra trimmings/ribbons you might want to add --velcro/snaps/your choice of fastener--but you can skip this altogether --sewing machine, fabric scissors, pins, needle for hand-gathering, ruler Cutting: Spread out your 1/4 yard of fabric and measure an 8 inch by 24 inch rectangle--this will be the skirt.

Cut that out. 18" Doll Pillowcase Dress Tutorial To Fit AG Dolls. Basic Dress Pattern For AG Dolls. American Girl doll clothes can be tricky. Buying clothes from their official website can be fun, but pricey! Man, they can really get you with all those adorable little accessories. Everything is so small and cute...and expensive! The off-brand ones you can buy at the store don't always fit right, and can still cost you a pretty penny.

Dollar Doll Clothes - Free Patterns For AG & 18" Dolls. Recognize the source of these cute small-scale prints for doll clothes? Yes, during a recent foray through the neighborhood dollar store we came across some quality women's underwear seconds and naturally asked ourselves what we might make from them. They are the foundation for a fabulous project--Dollar Doll Clothes! Read on for details! *Fits 18-inch dolls, such as American Girls* l.