Types Of Aerobic Step Movements. Step aerobics may improve not only cardiorespiratory fitness, but also assist with weight management and mood enhancement, according to the American Council on Exercise.
For each one-hour step class routine, include a warm-up and cool-down, start with basic steps to familiarize the class with the moves and increase the complexity of the steps as the class progresses. Adjust the height of the step and the cadence to modify the intensity of the workout. Note that all participants should obtain a doctor’s approval before beginning a new exercise program. Performing a warm-up will gradually prepare your cardiovascular system for activity, increase blood flow to your muscles, help reduce muscle soreness and help to prevent injury. Perform a series of basic warm-up moves for five to 10 minutes before performing any strenuous exercises. Types Of Aerobic Step Movements. How to Do the Charleston in Step Aerobics.