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Notícias ao Minuto - Eis a catedral onde a canábis é "sagrada" Canábis: Eis a catedral para conhecer a "versão melhorada de si mesmo" © © Acredita no plano metafísico mas não em Deus?

Notícias ao Minuto - Eis a catedral onde a canábis é "sagrada"

Aceita a leitura de uma força superior mas não necessariamente interventiva na ordem do planeta? Na "Cidade do Amanhecer" é possível viver totalmente sem dinheiro. (dr) O Matrimandir, ou “Templo da Mãe Divina”, é um local de meditação e o centro nevrálgico de Auroville, na Índia.

Na "Cidade do Amanhecer" é possível viver totalmente sem dinheiro

É preciso ter muito sentido de humor quando um governo declara que a maioria das notas que se tem na carteira não valem nada. Foi o que aconteceu na Índia quando, no fim do ano passado, o país retirou de circulação as notas de valor mais alto. Num país com 1,2 biliões de habitantes, a corrida para trocar as notas de 500 rupias (pouco mais de 7 euros) e mil rupias (menos de 15 euros) ou depositar o valor em contas provocou grandes filas nos bancos – as notas que deixaram de ter valor correspondiam a 85% de todo o dinheiro em circulação no país. Ikea just launched a DIY flat-pack garden - INSIDER. Dying to be Me! : Anita Moorjani at TEDxBayArea. Bill Hicks Destroys the Illuminati. Chi Energy - master gets animals to sleep. NowThis Weed - This Guy Taught Bees How To Make Honey Out...

The Lie We Live. Pineal Gland - Our Third Eye: The Biggest Cover-Up in Human History. A Higher Conscious Conversation. Wheelwork of Nature Explained - Nikola Tesla - SERIES PART 1. The Best of George Carlin: Exposing our government and fall of humanity one joke at a time. Stanford Scientists Observe Man Travel Out of His Body and Into Space – What He Saw Was Remarkable. NASA’s Pioneer 10 spacecraft was launched into space in 1972.

Stanford Scientists Observe Man Travel Out of His Body and Into Space – What He Saw Was Remarkable

It was the the very first spacecraft to fly directly through the asteroid belt and make observations of the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter. It was also able to obtain closeup images of the planet, something that scientists had never had access to before. (1) Prior to the flyby of Jupiter by Pioneer 10, the CIA and NSA, in conjunction with Stanford University, were involved in what was called “Remote Viewing.”

Remote viewing can be defined in multiple ways. It’s the ability of individuals to describe a remote geographical location up to several hundred thousand kilometers away (sometimes even more) from their physical location.(2)(3)(4) The Mind - Alan Watts. Fresco - Project Venus [Legendado] Cancer Bursting Nanobubbles Prove Effectiveness in Preclinical Trials. Two years ago, researchers at Rice University, led by Dmitri Lapotko, a physicist and biochemist, developed a novel method for killing cancer cells.

Cancer Bursting Nanobubbles Prove Effectiveness in Preclinical Trials

The technique relies on gold nanoparticles infiltrating cancerous cells. When a laser is shone on those cells, tiny bubbles surround them and explode, thereby ripping the cancerous cells apart. If the bursting bubbles don't completely destroy the cancer cell, the weakened state it's left in by the explosions makes it more susceptible to chemotherapy drugs. Now Lapotko and his colleagues are reporting the results of pre-clinical trials using the technique, dubbed “quadrapeutics.”

The term stems from the use of four tools in the destruction of the cancer cells: gold nanoparticles, laser pulse, x-ray, and a drug. Chemotherapy is actually the first step in the four-pronged attack. The cancer cells are then fired upon with near-infrared laser pulses. ​Pot-infused coffee makes debut in Washington state. Wake up! Meditation music. 3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life, Identifies Murderer and Location of Body - The Epoch Times.

The universe is full of mysteries that challenge our current knowledge.In “Beyond Science” Epoch Times collects stories about these strange phenomena to stimulate the imagination and open up previously undreamed of possibilities.

3-Year-Old Remembers Past Life, Identifies Murderer and Location of Body - The Epoch Times

Are they true? You decide. A 3-year-old boy in the Golan Heights region near the border of Syria and Israel said he was murdered with an axe in his previous life. He showed village elders where the murderer buried his body, and sure enough they found a man’s skeleton there. He also showed the elders where the murder weapon was found, and upon digging, they did indeed found an axe there. In his book, “Children Who Have Lived Before: Reincarnation Today,” German therapist Trutz Hardo tells this boy’s story, along with other stories of children who seem to remember their past lives with verified accuracy. Russell Brand - The only thing that matters to any of us is Love. 10 Steps to Free Yourself From the International Conspiracy Against Enlightenment. To those who’ve made the effort to cultivate their spiritual nature and who’ve learned to see beyond the five sense reality that has most of us isolated in the material world, it is clear that enlightenment and higher states of consciousness are part of our original human nature.

10 Steps to Free Yourself From the International Conspiracy Against Enlightenment

Our birthright. The fact that so many of us typically remain in contemporary consciousness is a sign that we’ve somehow been led astray, or spiritually dumbed down. Enlightenment is a concept that is at once appealing to almost all people, while at the same time seemingly unattainable to most people. We are naturally drawn to the idea that we can live a life of peace and universal love, finding happiness and joy in even the most mundane or startling moments in life.

Yet, as seekers, we so often look at enlightenment as an elusive prize that is rewarded to only the most dedicated and ascetic spiritual masters.