All good inventions are ones that are built on a recognition of a gap in the market. There might be ideas that are like yours on the market, but if your product can offer something that the current market (and your prospective competition) cannot, then that is half the battle. As InventHelp CEO Robert Susa says, “maybe there aren’t any other products like yours on the market and you don’t have any competitors, but chances are, there are similar products…yours needs to be better, less expensive, or different in some other key aspect”. He could not be more on point, and it is perhaps his take on bringing inventions to the industry that has made InventHelp such a pioneering force in helping keen inventors get their ideas to the industry. Understanding that, to bring a fantastic idea to the world, there needs to be a whole lot of dedication and a leap of faith is paramount to success. Companies like Susa’s are dedicated to helping the most creative minds get their ideas exposure in the industry they so badly want to break into. https://wp.nyu.edu/dispatch/2018/11/12/inventhelp-the-vibrant-business-of-inventing/