1606 Miel Direct - Link Stratégie - Google Docs. Managing sku prestashop. Managing Tags. The tagging feature enables you to associate your products with keywords. Your customers can use the keywords to easily and quickly find the products they are looking for. For instance, let's say customer wants to find a MP3 player in your shop. In order to find the product corresponding to his or her search, there needs to be a tag to associate "MP3 player" with "iPod Nano". Products tags are not the same as page keywords: they have no direct impact on search engine placement. To work on your search engine placement, open the "SEO" tab of each product's create sheet. You have two ways to set up this feature. You can associate several tags to your product from the moment you create it in PrestaShop, directly in the "Tags" field in the product's "Information".
The "Tags" page under the "Catalog" menu enables you to create new tags and manage existing tags. To create a new one, click on "Add New", and a creation page appears. Name. Modules PrestaShop de Gestion de Stocks et des Fournisseurs - PrestaShop Addons. Sku management software. Sage geode prestashop. Fonctionnalités Connecteur SAGE Prestashop.
Synchronisation des catalogues Sage vers Prestashop. Les champs nécessaires à la bonne synchronisation avec Prestashop sont tous personnalisables tel que : Nom sur Prestashop : Le nom de votre catalogue sur Prestashop.Description : La description de ce catalogue.Balise title : La balise title de votre catalogue.Meta Description : Les métadonnées descriptions de votre catalogue.Meta mots clefs : Les métadonnées mots clefs de votre catalogue.Url simplifié : L’url simplifié de votre catalogue. Cette Url est auto-générée lorsque vous saisissez la balise title de votre catalogue mais peut également être saisie manuellement.Actif : Permet de rendre actif ou inactif votre catalogue. Le module de synchronisation des gammes vous permet de sélectionner une gamme de Sage et de la synchroniser ou non avec Prestashop. Le module de synchronisation des articles vous permet de sélectionner un catalogue de Sage précédemment synchronisé et un de ses articles et de faire la liaison ou non avec Prestashop.
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) Meaning - Why is SKU Important? Stock Keeping Unit, more commonly known by it’s abbreviation SKU, is a term that is typically used when talking about inventory management. Managing inventory with SKUs is important for any business that sells products. Setting up inventory tracking correctly is crucial and this begins with the setup of the SKU.
SKU Definition Your SKUs are the product codes that you (and others) can use to search and identify stock on hand from lists, invoices, or order forms. To help you implement SKU best practices within your inventory system, we've built an SKU generator just for you! Track Inventory Products that are received at a business need to be properly tracked to know how many are available. Easy Stock-takes Stock-takes are done of a company's inventory to ensure the stock levels of the warehouse match the stock levels of the inventory management system. Identify Shrinkage One crucial aspect for any business is tracking and identifying shrinkage. Replenish Inventory Identify Profits. Gestion avancée des stocks. Contenu La version 1.5 de PrestaShop apporte une nouvelle gestion des stocks : plutôt que d'avoir une simple liste donnant les quantités disponibles de chacun de vos produits, ce menu vous permet d'enregistrer des entrepôts et d'avoir une vision précise de votre stock, de ses mouvements, de votre couverture, de vos commandes de stocks, etc.
Cette fonctionnalité n'est pas forcément utile pour tous les marchands. Elle est donc facultative et une gestion des quantités proche de ce qui est disponible en 1.4 a été repensée. Vous pouvez activer la gestion avancée des stocks en vous rendant dans la page de préférences "Produits", au bas de laquelle vous trouverez la section "Stocks produit". Choisissez "Oui" pour l'option "Activer la gestion des stocks avancée". Afin d'éviter toute confusion avec la gestion des stocks de la version 1.4, il convient de présenter deux concepts distincts : les stocks physiques et les quantités de produits disponibles à la vente. Le cas des packs est particulier. Logiciel de gestion d'entrepot.
Price Rule with Multiple SKUs. Price Rule with Multiple SKUs A single price rule can be applied to multiple SKUs, which makes it possible to create a variety of promotions based on a product, brand, or category. In the following illustration, multiple products are selected for a catalog price rule. Selecting Multiple SKUs for a Price Rule Condition To apply a price rule to multiple SKUs: Follow the instructions to create a catalog price rule.
In the list, click to open the catalog price rule that you want to change. If ANY of these conditions are TRUE Choose the Condition Multiple SKUs Added to Condition. Stock-keeping unit (SKU) definition - Inventory Optimization Software - Lokad. Home » Knowledgebase » HereBy Joannès Vermorel, last revised August 2013 In the field of inventory management, a stock-keeping unit or SKU refers to a specific item stored to a specific location. The SKU is intended as the most disaggregated level when dealing with inventory. All units stored in the same SKU are supposed to be indistinguishable. Introducing the notion of SKU simplifies most inventory control operations. SKU are sometimes used to refer to intangible items such as warranties, however, in this article we focus on SKUs that have a tangible counterpart.
SKUs vs. products Unlike a product, a SKU is bound to a particular location. It is also possible to have multiple SKUs for the same item within a single store. Also a product may have many variants based on attributes such as size, color or conditioning. SKUs matter because they represent the most fine-grained level, hence the most desirable level for inventory optimization. Lokad gotcha.