The Coolest High School Movie Cliques. Cool Kids and Losers: The Psychology of High School students in Peer Groups and Cliques: True Clique. What are the different high school cliques. Preps- typically good at sports good at being social and rich.
These kids used to run schools, and get picked as home coming queen. (my year two band geeks got picked as homecoming king and queen) jocks- good at sports, sometimes they date prep girls goths- wear black, act sad, desperately try to make statements. They may wear clothes of the opposite gender, make out more openly in the hallway than other people, or protest general injustices in a angry and ineffective way emos were after my time, but they fall into a similar category only they don't try to shock quite as much band geek- in band and maybe orchestra, choir, or other musical clubs tend to be clean cut, and fairly smart may also be jocks or brains nerds, or brains- this was me- you get asked to be other people's lab partners because you're smart, sometimes get picked on for liking school too much, especially as a freshman. depending on the size of your school there may be large activities that develop their own cliques.
Cliques in Schools. Printer-friendly version Framework What happens when one or two members of the friendship group control the others, or when these leaders are the only ones who can allow or forbid other people entry into the group?
This is when a friendship circle becomes a clique. Cliques are rampant in schools across the country today. Every adolescent is familiar with the “classic” cliques and their nicknames, as epitomized in countless teen movies: jocks, preps, geeks, nerds. In this lesson, students will examine the cliques within their school community. This classroom activity was designed in support of the Mix It Up program. Professional Development Boundary Crossing Students explore the barriers that exist in their school community. Survey.pdf. Left-out.pdf. Bullying: Tips for Students. Printer-friendly version This checklist provides suggestions for what kids can do when bullying occurs – written for students being bullied, students who witness bullying and the bullies themselves.
If you are being bullied... Reach Out Tell an adult. Sometimes you may have to tell more than one trusted adult. Be Cool in the Moment Stay calm and confident. Change the School Community Work with others to stop bully behavior; your whole school will benefit. If you witness bullying... Stand next to, or speak up for, the person being bullied. Get Help Walk away and get help. If you are the bully... Peer Exclusion. Printer-friendly version This web-exclusive curriculum is proven to counteract gender bullying in the early grades.
This is a part of Gender Doesn't Limit You! , also available as a PDF. Note: Substitute your school's name for "St. Francis. " Problem: Sometimes a group of children won't let another kid play with them just because of their gender. Bullies Act Out. Printer-friendly version This activity will remind students that no one deserves to be bullied and that everyone has a responsibility to report unkind acts.
Materials Classroom tablebulletin board paperart supplies,paper lunch sacks Procedures Explain to students that the class will put on a puppet show to shed light on the problems associated with bullying. Let them know that in order to create a puppet show you all will need to identify a problem and a solution (or plot); a location (or scene); characters; and props. First, ask students to define what a bully is to them. Next, have students identify where bullying happens the most at your school (the cafeteria, the playground, in the hallway, etc.). Discuss with students ways in which they can stop a bully from picking on others. As a class, decide on a cast of characters. Next, create a basic dialogue or script for the puppet show. Once you've chosen characters and written a script, divide students into two groups. School Climate Questionnaire.pdf.
School Climate Questionnaire.pdf. Cliques in Schools (Middle Grades) If you were in a clique... High School Cliques. High School Cliques.