The Economist explains: How Guy Fawkes became the face of post-modern protest. ON NOVEMBER 5TH Britons up and down the country will light bonfires and set off fireworks to mark the execution of Guy Fawkes, a 17th-century Roman Catholic terrorist.
More recently activists have appropriated the day as one of mass protest. Anonymous, an online "hacktivist" group, is encouraging people to march against their governments. The London faction of the "million mask march" will gather outside the Houses of Parliament, many of them wearing masks of a grinning Guy Fawkes. How did he become the face of post-modern protest? In 1605 Fawkes was part of a Roman Catholic group that plotted to blow up the House of Lords during the state opening of parliament. In the 1980s graphic novelists Alan Moore and David Lloyd created a comic strip, "V for Vendetta", in which the main protagonist is a cloaked anarchist who wears a grinning, moustachioed Guy Fawkes mask while battling against a fascist authoritarian state.
Les Anonymous recrutent ! Par Bertrand Garé, le 31 août 2012 11:47 C’est le site Softpedia qui relaie le message du réseau de hackers sur un post du Blog AnonPR.
Ce post est un guide simplifié pour indiquer la procédure à suivre pour rejoindre le réseau et y faire entendre sa voix ! Bon, devenir hacker peut sembler super sympa, genre Robin des bois des temps modernes, mais le message met d’abord en garde les futurs redresseurs de tous les torts qu’ils doivent d’abord organiser leur clandestinité. Aux orties, les boîtes mails habituelles. Il faut se construire une nouvelle identité toute neuve en totale rupture avec les relations antérieures.
Anonymous - Fighting Trapwire. (#OpTrapWire) Anonymous attaque la muraille de la censure chinoise. Le groupe Anonymous promet de continuer à cibler la Chine après avoir revendiqué ces derniers jours le piratage de quelque 300 sites internet chinois pour protester contre la censure de la Toile par les autorités de Pékin.
«Cela va se poursuivre. Les cibles sont déjà sélectionnées» , a assuré, dans un courriel à l'Agence France Presse (AFP) le mouvement militant, décentralisé et sans chef. Anonymous veut casser Internet le 31 mars. Bonne chance. Anonymous' 'Million Mask March' goes global. Hundreds of protests around the world sparked up on Tuesday in what the hacking collective Anonymous called the "Million Mask March.
" Donning Guy Fawkes masks, the demonstrators' goal was to "defend humanity. " The protests were scheduled for 450 cities and towns worldwide -- from Tampa, Fla., to Amsterdam to Mumbai. According to the group's Facebook page, the demonstrations were meant to help people "remember who your enemies are: billionaires who own banks and corporations who corrupt politicians who enslave the people in injustice. " In Washington, D.C., demonstrators chanted "Obama. Come out. In promoting the march, Anonymous said that violence would not be tolerated. Despite a few arrests here and there, it appears the protests have stayed relatively peaceful. Anonymous is typically known for waging its protests in the online world via hacks, data leaks, and denial-of-service attacks. Protesters gather around the world for Million Mask March.
Protesters wearing the white-faced Guy Fawkes masks that have become synonymous with the Occupy movement and the hacktivist grouping Anonymous have taken part in hundreds of gatherings around the world in opposition to causes ranging from corruption to fracking.
Demonstrations in more than 400 cities had been planned as part of the event - billed as the "Million Mask March" - that coincided with Guy Fawkes Day. One of the largest protests of Tuesday night took place in central London, where the comedian and advocate of "complete revolution" Russell Brand was pictured among crowds of people wearing a Guy Fawkes mask. "Whatever party they claim to represent in the day, at night they show their true colours and all go to the same party," said Brand on Twitter, using the #MillionMaskMarch hashtag. Anonymous Has Just Released Its Own Operating System. For reasons unknown at the moment, the famous and perhaps infamous hacker group Anonymous has just released its own OS.
As described on Source Forge, “Anonymous-OS Live is an ubuntu-based distribution and created for educational purposes, to checking the security of web pages.” It was created under Ubuntu 11.10 and uses Mate desktop. A Tumblr blog was set up to provide updates on the development, and its About page reveals more details on the project. Perhaps to keep the developers safe, the blog actually notes that the operating system should not be used “to destroy any web page.” The warning, as it was awkwardly written: If you attack to any web page, might end up in jail because is a crime in most countries! It’s interesting to note that DuckDuckGo appears to be the default search engine for the OS. Anonymous OS supprimé de SourceForge. La réaction des responsables de SourceForge n'aura pas traîné.
Face aux inquiétudes suscitées par le projet Anonymous OS, un système d'exploitation aux couleurs du mouvement hacktiviste, la plate-forme d'hébergement a opté pour une solution radicale. Le logiciel a été supprimé purement et simplement du site communautaire, au motif que sans confiance, l'open source ne peut avancer. Deux raisons ont conduit SourceForge à suspendre ce projet.
La première concerne son nom. Anonymous OS est sorti… et il s’agirait d’un gros piège ? Attention, une mise à jour importante a été publiée (voir à la fin de cet article).
Alors qu’il apparaît que les internautes possèdent de plus en plus d’influence sur les décisions prises dans la vraie vie (recul de l’ACTA ou de la SOPA par exemple), le pouvoir symbolique des Anonymous n’est plus un paramètre à ignorer lors d’un communiqué officiel. The 2012 Anonymous Primer – What Anonymous is and What Anonymous is not <br />Guest Post by Natter. The 2012 Anonymous Primer – What Anonymous is and What Anonymous is not Guest Post by Natter This is not a time line, biography, or history lesson, nor is it in any way complete.
There are numerous articles and opinion pieces of varying accuracy and bias available on the web that already attempt to do those things. We'll begin with what Anonymous is not. Anonymous is not legion (digital bots don't count), omnipotent, monolithic, or all that particularly skilled at what it does (there are some individuals who are very skilled in differing fields to be mentioned later in this primer). Anonymous is not anonymous, nobody ever is on the Internet. Anonymous is not just some pimple-faced kid sitting in his parents basement smoking weed, eating Cheetos, and gulping down energy drinks, (though that does pretty thoroughly account for the bulk of the Johnnie-Come-Lately teenage fanboy's after the summers of 2009-2011). Lulzsec est mort, vive Anonymous. 7 mars 2012 Parlons peu, parlons bien, parlons « internet is serious bizness ».
Jeudi dernier, au salon du livre de Bruxelles, je discutais avec une coolos lectrice du blog qui m’a dit “c’est dommage que tu ne parles plus des Anonymous, par exemple Lulzsec, c’était intéressant”. C’est vrai, mais déjà maintenant tout le monde en parle, et puis il ne s’est rien passé qui m’inspirait particulièrement.
Parfois, les attaques DDOS passent et se ressemblent. L’opération com d’Anonymous. La branche française du collectif informel Anonymous a décidé de prendre la parole, collectivement, en suivant un protocole strict. Pendant plusieurs heures vendredi soir, cinq médias ont assisté par canal de discussion interposé, à cette drôle de conférence de presse, qui révèle quelques paradoxes du mouvement. Paroles d'Anonymous. Protestation contre SOPA, PIPA et ACTA, affaire Megaupload, clash avec Christophe Barbier, membres mis en garde à vue en France...
Newspaper seller, Paris. DCRI contre Anonymous. Viewpoint: V for Vendetta and the rise of Anonymous. 9 February 2012Last updated at 20:03 ET By Alan Moore Author On Saturday protests are planned across the world against Acta - the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement. The treaty has become the focus of activists associated with the Anonymous hacking network because of concerns that it could undermine internet privacy and aid censorship. First published in 1982, the comic series V for Vendetta charted a masked vigilante's attempt to bring down a fascist British government and its complicit media. Many of the demonstrators are expected to wear masks based on the book's central character. Ahead of the protests, the BBC asked V for Vendetta's writer, Alan Moore, for his thoughts on how his creation had become an inspiration and identity to Anonymous. Rushton Triangular Lodge appears in Mr Moore's novel Voice of the Fire It would seem likely that the treatment afforded to the elder Tresham played some part in the general mix of grievances from which the reckless scheme ignited.
Mastermind Neglect.