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#30C3 30th Chaos Communication Congress - dec 2013

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«Tourisme de catastrophe» au congrès du Chaos Computer Club, sur fond d'affaire Snowden. Il est partout.

«Tourisme de catastrophe» au congrès du Chaos Computer Club, sur fond d'affaire Snowden

Placardé sur les murs, collé sur le dos des ordinateurs portables, accroché à toutes les lèvres. Bien qu'il se trouve à des milliers de kilomètres de Hambourg, où a lieu désormais chaque année la grand-messe du Chaos Computer Club, Edward Snowden était le héros fantomatique du 30ème congrès du célèbre réseau de hackers allemand, le plus grand d'Europe. Parmi les 170 conférences qui se sont succédées jour et nuit du 27 au 30 décembre dans les allées et les salles de conférences de l'immense palais des congrès de Hambourg, on comptait de nombreuses plongées en apnée –notamment en compagnie de l'activiste Jacob Appelbaum– dans le système de cybersurveillance tentaculaire sur lequel les documents communiqués aux médias par l'ancien consultant de la NSA ont permis de faire la lumière.

Publicité «Tourisme de catastrophe» Grandes conférences et démonstrations techniques «La NSA vient faire un tour ici» Annabelle Georgen À lire aussi sur Fight the Spies, Says Chaos Computer Club. Logo for the 30th Chaos Communication Congress For years, hackers and programmers have laughed at big-screen portrayals of security agents accessing vast stores of data despite a lack of technological savvy.

Fight the Spies, Says Chaos Computer Club

This year, in the wake of ongoing revelations of surveillance by the National Security Agency (NSA) and others, the laughing stopped. As the 30th Chaos Communication Congress opened today in Hamburg, Germany, members of what is one of the world’s most prominent hacker and digital-civil-rights organizations warned that a “Hollywood” future of increasingly inescapable surveillance is becoming depressingly real. “This year we found ourselves waking up from a bad dream, to a reality that was even worse,” said Tim Pritlove, one of the congress’s organizers. “We have woken to a reality that can no longer be ignored.” So what to do? In 2008, the group acquired and publicized the fingerprints of Germany’s interior minister, demonstrating that they could be used to fool fingerprint readers. 30c3: Sysadmins of the world, unite! (incomplete) Be the trouble you want to see in the world. WikiLeaks' Assange: Sysadmins of the World, Unite! HAMBURG – Faced with increasing encroachments on privacy and free speech, high-tech workers around the world should identify as a class and fight power together, said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Sunday.

WikiLeaks' Assange: Sysadmins of the World, Unite!

In a video speech to the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) here, Assange drew parallels between the labor movements of the industrial age and the technology workers of today. As workers joined into unions to fight for better working conditions, technology workers should unite to fight government encroachments on Internet and speech freedoms, he said.

WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange, speaking over Skype to the CCC. System administrators, who have access to confidential government or corporate documents, have particular ability to play a role in what he painted as a new class war, he said. “We can see that in the case of WikiLeaks, or the Snowden revelations, it’s possible for even a single system administrator to have very significant constructive effect,” he said. #30C3 Sysadmins of the world, unite! Appelbaum, Assange & S.Harrison request more than a trade union by DLF Wissenschaft. Keynote Glenn Greenwald 30C3. Glenn Greenwald Keynote on 30c3. Ggreenwald : So great to be around the privacy... 30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2. Adam Bartholl. Version 1.1b How to make art after Snowden?

Adam Bartholl

USB DeadDrops, IRL map marker in public, FUCK 3D glasses or How to vacuum form a guy fawkes mask. I will present an extensive overview of my art projects from over the last 10 years including the Fake Google car by F.A.T. and moar!! It all started here at the CCC congress! :)) For more info see link ---> Curator blabla The versatile communication channels are taken for granted these days, but how do they influence us?

Hello World! How to make art after Snowden? [30c3] Schedule 30C3. Turing Complete User. Invisible and Very Busy Computers are getting invisible.

Turing Complete User

They shrink and hide. They lurk under the skin and dissolve in the cloud. We observe the process like an eclipse of the sun, partly scared, partly overwhelmed. We divide into camps and fight about advantages and dangers of The Ubiquitous. With the disappearance of the computer, something else is silently becoming invisible as well — the User.

The notion of the Invisible User is pushed by influential user interface designers, specifically by Don Norman a guru of user friendly design and long time advocate of invisible computing. Those who study interaction design read his “Why Interfaces Don’t Work” published in 1990 in which he asked and answered his own question: “The real problem with the interface is that it is an interface”. Of course computers are still distinguishable and locatable, but they are no longer something you sit in front of. The field is abbreviated as UXD, where X is for eXperience and U is still for the Users. Turing Complete User [30c3] Schedule 30C3. 30C3 Streaming. CCC-TV. TV - 30C3 (1/3)