1990-2015 : Photoshop, gomme d'habitude. Nous sommes le 19 février 1990 et le petit monde de la micro-informatique vient de s’enrichir d’un outil formidable : Photoshop, tout nouveau logiciel de traitement d’images, sort en version 1.0 sur disquette.
Sur une unique disquette ! Avec ses 745 kilo-octets, le petit programme avait été compressé tout spécialement pour tenir sur la disquette double face de l’époque. Vingt-cinq ans plus tard, le mastodonte de la retouche photo pèse 1,3 gigaoctet… Bon anniversaire, Photoshop. Tout a commencé en 1987, nous raconte le photographe Jeff Schewe sur son blog. Alors doctorant, l’Américain Thomas Knoll s’est mis en tête d’afficher des images en nuances de gris sur l’écran noir et blanc de son Macintosh. Display serait sans doute resté dans les placards de Thomas Knoll si son frère, John, ne lui avait pas trouvé un potentiel intéressant. John Knoll, un des créateurs de Photoshop, en 2011. C’était déjà une petite bombe que ce logiciel-là… Photo John Knoll Camille GÉVAUDAN. Jennifer in Photoshop, Constant Dullaart 2014. Carroll / Fletcher - 13 June - 19 July 2014. The Guardian: Jennifer in paradise: the story of the first Photoshopped image. It hardly looks like an image that shook the world.
But this photograph, taken in 1987 by John Knoll, could be as central to the modern visual vernacular as Eadweard Muybridge's shots of galloping horses or the first use of perspective. Its subject is Knoll's then-girlfriend Jennifer, topless on the beach in Bora Bora, gazing out at To'opua island. The young couple worked together at Industrial Light & Magic, Lucasfilm's special-effects company, and were enjoying some well-earned R&R after working 70-hour weeks on the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Looking back, Jennifer says: "It was a truly magical time for us. My husband actually proposed to me later on in the day, probably just after that photo. " But the image was to become much more than a record of a perfect moment. The Pixar machine cost hundreds of thousands of dollars and the image-processing software was so complex it required a specially trained operator.
Eventually they had something that John believed they could sell. YouTube: Photoshop: The First Demo. Paris, 17 rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth. TheCreatorsProject: See The World’s First Photoshopped Photograph In Constant Dullaart’s Newest Exhibition. Constant Dullaart: Jennifer in Paradise. Jennifer in Paradise September 12 – October 5, 2013 Jennifer in Paradise is a multiplatform exhibition that will take place simultaneously across physical and online environments.
Material venues include Future Gallery and Import Projects. Constant Dullaart’s work explores contemporary modes of access, visibility and (mis)representation associated with global spread of information technologies. The title of this show by the Dutch artist references the first ever photoshopped image, Jennifer in Paradise [1].
Along with online transparency, hidden information and the multi-tiered infrastructure of the web, it is a catalyst for Dullaart’s meditations upon the act of translating between human and machine, image and code, part and whole. Most commonly used window glass, also known as float glass, has a light green shimmer in it due to the iron in the sand used in its production. . [1] Jennifer in Paradise is the name of the first picture ever to be photoshopped. Press: RhizomeTAZ. Instagram. A Letter to Jennifer Knoll. Constant Dullaart, Jennifer_in_Paradise (2013).
Restored digital image re-distributed online with stenographically encrypted message. Dear Jennifer, Sometime in 1987, you were sitting on a beach in Bora Bora, looking at To'opua island, enjoying a holiday with a very serious boyfriend. The serious boyfriend, John, took a photograph of you sitting on the beach, not wearing your bikini top. John later became your husband and father to your children Sarah, Lisa, Alex and Jane. This photograph of a beautiful moment in your personal history has also become a part of my history, and that of many other people; it has even shaped our outlooks on the world at large.
I still wonder if you felt the world change there on that beach. Did John ask you if he could use the image? Libe: Dullaart, archéologue du numérique. La photo date du mois d’août 1988.
Une jeune femme est assise sur une plage de Bora Bora, photographiée de dos, topless, le regard vers le large. L’auteur est son petit ami d’alors. Elle se prénomme Jennifer, lui John, il la demandera en mariage l’année suivante. Ils sont toujours ensemble, parents de quatre enfants. Ce n’est pas la romance qui a poussé l’artiste néerlandais Constant Dullaart à se lancer dans la quête obstinée de cette image, au centre de son exposition «New Brave Panderers» (maquereaux en français) à la galerie parisienne XPO. Vue d'exposition «New Brave Panderers» (Photo Vinciane Verguethen). «Il y a une certaine absurdité à utiliser l’image de sa future épouse à moitié nue pour en faire un objet à manipuler, à dupliquer. Message. Constant Dullaart — Brave new panderers — Xpo Gallery — Exposition. Ends in about 1 month: April 25 → June 15, 2014 Positively biased sinusoidal functions.
Me and you together, I see you everywhere, you are the other that is everywhere, the everywhere that comes with me where ever I go. Every day our bond crystallizes into dependency. You are the others. You are such a magnificent creation, you busy child. The fastest connection, multiple devices, and the act of looking for new possibilities to engage where ever we go. Who is making the ethical decisions on sensor implementation and deep packet inspection?