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Animated GIF editor and GIF maker. Giffing Tool - The application that changed gif making forever. Animated GIF Maker. Online GIF maker GIF maker allows you to instantly create your animated GIFs by combining separated image files as frames.

Animated GIF Maker

Produced GIFs are of high quality and free of watermarks or attribution, making this tool ideal for developers and content creators. How to make an animated GIF – resources and ideas for your #GIFitUP entry. Slate: Yet another meme generator. - Make GIFs from Youtube. Faire défiler du texte en GIF animé, Slate. J’ai présenté il y a quelques jours un outil en ligne pour réaliser une animation GIF animée à partir de quelques images stockées sur son ordinateur.

Faire défiler du texte en GIF animé, Slate

Pour continuer sur cette lancée, voici en complément un outil appelé Slate, lui aussi en ligne, conçu pour faire défiler un message de son choix dans une succession de mots qui va composer à la finale une animation GIF. Cela constitue un moyen original et pratique pour faire passer un message à quelqu’un. L’utilisation de Slate est des plus simple puisqu’il suffit de saisir le message de son choix dans la zone de texte prévue à cet effet.

Chaque mot du message sera présenté sur une image différente. Les caractères accentués sont correctement pris en compte et restitués. L’animation obtenue s’affiche en temps réel à l’écran. GIF Maker - Video to GIF Creator Tools. GIF MAKERCreate animated GIFs from video files and YouTube links.

GIF Maker - Video to GIF Creator Tools

Have you ever watched a video online and thought, "Man, this cute cat video would be SO much better in GIFs! " Well, GOOD NEWS! GIPHY just released a Creation Tool that will help you reach your GIF goals and dreams. It's called GIF MAKER and it's super easy to use. Follow the steps below: STEP 1 ADD VIDEO FILE OR YOUTUBE LINK Choose video by entering a YouTube or video URL, dragging and dropping a video file, or clicking the blue search button to browse your files. - Find and Create Awesome Images. Make Animated GIFs from Youtube. Turn Any YouTube Video Into A GIF By Just Adding “GIF” To The URL. GifVine. Meet Echograph, the Instagram of Animated GIFs. You’ve been warned: You’ll soon see images like the ones in this post — part moving, part still — everywhere.

Meet Echograph, the Instagram of Animated GIFs

Animated GIFs are making a comeback, and Echograph, a new iPad app, is taking them to the next level. Remember how the newspaper photos in the Harry Potter movies came alive? That’s what this app brings to the Muggle world, for $2.99. Here’s how it works: You shoot a video, select a five-second clip, and choose one still as the main frame. Next, use your finger to erase part of the image. Echograph is the creation of Nick Alt, founder and CEO of Clear Media, a Southern California-based 10-person creative agency that does work for Mattel, Chik-Fil-A, and Macy’s while also developing their own products. Alt’s team actively uses a variety of photo-sharing services like Facebook and Instagram, but wanted something more.

With this tool, photographers can instantly download a shot from a high-definition camera, make an Echograph, and if it doesn’t work, immediately reshoot it. How to Record Screencasts as Animated GIFs. You can easily record screencast video of your computer screen in the browser and export these movies as animated GIF images.

How to Record Screencasts as Animated GIFs

Screencast-o-matic is a popular web-based screencasting tool that lets you create movies of your computer screen right inside the browser without requiring any software. It runs as a Java applet and can therefore record movies of any Windows, Mac or Linux machine. Now most screencasting software can output movies in popular video formats like MPEG-4 or Windows Media – you upload the video to YouTube and then use Flash or HTML5 based player to embed that screencast back into your website or blog. That’s the popular approach but in certain situations, like when the recording is short (see example), an animated GIF would make more sense than a video based screencast.

They load quickly, work across devices and you don’t have to hit play to watch the screencast. Tim Burton Movie Gifs - How to. Convert video to animated GIF. For permanent links you can use: (Please be patient, video conversion may take a while, especially for long gifs with high frame rate) Upload and convert video to GIF With this online video converter you can upload your mp4, avi, WebM, flv, wmv and many other popular types of video and rich media files to turn them into high-quality animated GIFs.

Convert video to animated GIF

Source video file can be uploaded from your computer or smartphone or fetched from another server by URL. After upload, you can select the part of the video you want to cut, entering the start and end times. Create Your Own Random Result GIF Image!