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Wordpress themes

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Portfolios. If you’re hoping to use your site to show off your portfolio separate from your blog posts and pages, the Portfolio content type will let you manage all your portfolio projects in one place.


It also gives you a number of different ways to display them on your site. Activating a Portfolio and Setting Portfolio Projects Per Page If your theme doesn’t have the Portfolio feature active by default, you can turn it on by going to My Sites → Manage → Settings → Writing → Content Types and turning on the “Portfolio Projects” option. Choose the number of projects you’d like to display on portfolio pages. Keep in mind that some themes may override this number for design reasons, such as keeping a portfolio grid even. Adding and Managing Portfolio Projects. Argent – Description. Projects – Blask. Free responsive portfolio WP theme. Baylie WordPress Theme. 9 Responsive WordPress Themes. High-quality WordPress themes always come in handy whether you use them as they are or you build customized designs upon them.

9 Responsive WordPress Themes

A responsive web layout has the ability to adapt to a multitude of displays and devices. Using this themes, you can eliminate the need to create device-centric designs (like a “mobile” site for iPhone, iPad and other mobile devices and wide screens), and allow your content to be displayed from a single source, on an unlimited number of mediums. This post pulls together 9 magnificent responsive WordPress themes with an impressive layout.

Enjoy! Aware – Responsive WordPress Portfolio Theme Aware is an interactive, responsive portfolio theme perfect for freelancers, web designers, photographers and videographers alike. 20 amazing FREE WordPress themes for designers. The WordPress community is big.

20 amazing FREE WordPress themes for designers

Really big. We're talking thousands of designers and developers, tens of thousands of writers, and millions of users, all contributing to pushing WordPress forward. And one very popular way to do this is designing and developing free WordPress themes. 20 Thèmes Wordpress Photo Professionnels. Y a-t-il des photographes dans la salle ? Si vous lisez cet article ça ne fait aucun doute ! Retro MacOS. A whimsical homage to the days in black and white, celebrating the magic of Mac OS.

Retro MacOS

Dress up your blog with retro, chunky-grade pixellated graphics to evoke some serious computer nostalgia. In all its remembrance and respect, Retro MacOS also supports recent functionality. Read on to learn more. Custom Menu Create your own Custom Menu to replace the first set of icons to the right. Custom Header and Background If you upload a Custom Header image, it will appear right below the blog title. Other Customization Options Retro MacOS comes with a full-width template and two footer widget areas.

Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels): The main column width is 438.The main column width on the full-width template is 739.The footer sidebar widgets are 310.Header image is 758 in width and 180 in height. Google+Blog, un plugin WordPress pour importer ses posts et commentaires Google+ dans son blog WordPress. Lorsque Google+ a publié la semaine dernière la dernière version de son API intégrant notamment la possibilité de gérer les commentaires, il n’était pas très difficile d’imaginer que les développeurs proposeraient rapidement des applications concrètes de ces nouveautés, notamment pour les blogs.

Google+Blog, un plugin WordPress pour importer ses posts et commentaires Google+ dans son blog WordPress

Lorsque Google+ a publié la semaine dernière la dernière version de son API intégrant notamment la possibilité de gérer les commentaires, il n’était pas très difficile d’imaginer que les développeurs proposeraient rapidement des applications concrètes de ces nouveautés, notamment pour les blogs. En voici une première illustration avec Google+Blog, un plugin WordPress développé par Daniel Treadwell et Colby Brown, et décrit en détail sur son blog. THÈME WORDPRESS FACEBOOK TIMELINE WP. Il n’aura pas fallu attendre bien longtemps pour qu’un petit malin s’attèle à la création d’un thème WordPress inspiré par la nouvelle «Timeline» Facebook que je vous ai présenté la semaine dernière (cliquez ICI pour découvrir la présentation détaillée de «Timeline») et qui n’est d’ailleurs pas encore disponible pour le grand public, c’est dire la réactivité du garçon… Reprenant chaque élément de cette nouvelle version du profil Facebook, ce thème baptisé «Timeline WP» est une pure merveille!


Les questions de goûts mis à part, chaque élément de «Timeline» a été réutilisé avec maîtrise et ingéniosité. Facebook Timeline Like Wordpress Themes and Plugins. Les 50 meilleurs thèmes gratuits pour Wordpress. 10 Best Parallax Wordpress Themes. 20+ Video Blog WordPress Themes. If you are looking to create a video website and need a fresh new look for your blog.

20+ Video Blog WordPress Themes

Word Press you are in the right place to showcase your Videos. you have a youtube channel, a vimeo channel, or a video/audio podcast. 6 Pinterest WordPress Plugins. Pinterest is the latest addition to the fast growing social networking and the site is gaining a lot of attention these days as individual and brands are signing in at a fast rate.

6 Pinterest WordPress Plugins

For details and other plugins visit Source. How to Create a Custom Theme for Your WordPress Blog with Minimal Coding Required. Simpler than the method outlined above is to install a child theme of an existing well coded theme.

How to Create a Custom Theme for Your WordPress Blog with Minimal Coding Required

After installing your blank child theme, your default is the mother theme. You then make all your changes to just two files (style.css, functions.php) in your child theme without touching anything else (and most especially you don't touch files of the mother theme). That way you don't have to worry about various best practices related to typography, css coding, setting up widgets, etc.