What’s a Container and what the hell is Container Orchestration. A Container within the landscape of a Local Development Environment.
Top 7 Mobile App Design Trends for 2019. Le rôle d’intermédiaire avec Camille Roux. Découverte du reactive programming : ReactiveX. Cela fait un moment que je cherche à en apprendre un peu plus sur la programmation réactive et tout particulièrement ReactiveX.
J'ai trouvé un peu de temps pour ça et ce que j'ai appris m'a bien plu. Qu'est ce que ReactiveX ? Pour commencer voyons quelques patterns intéressants. Le pattern Observer C'est un design pattern assez vieux et très connu. Il permet de gérer, en gros, des événements. J'ai des objets "observables" et des objets "observateurs". Ils vont donc lancer / appeler les observateurs au moment le plus opportun. Le pattern Iterator. Kubernetes — Orchestration Guide [A Lovely Symphony 2] This is a part two of our Kubernetes guide, do check out our part1 if you haven’t seen it.
How the “Golden Rule” of React components can help you write better code. The Layers of Javascript. Choosing the right Node.js Framework: Express, Koa, or Hapi? Node.js was first introduced 10 years ago, and in that period of time, has become the fastest-growing open source project on Earth, with +59,000 stars on GitHub and more than a billion downloads.
Part of the reason for the rapid growth in popularity was that Node.js allows developers use the same language for both the client-side and the server-side part of an application: JavaScript. Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment designed for building scalable server-side network applications, and it’s a popular tool for almost any kind of project! Because of its exponential growth and popularity, many frameworks were created to enhance productivity, scalability, the speed of applications, to facilitate quick prototyping, and to automate processes with the help of libraries, templates, and reusable components.
In this article, we will explore the differences between three of the most popular frameworks in Node.js: Express, Koa, and Hapi. Installation. Logging best practices to get the most out of application logging with Slides - Geshan’s Blog. Logs from the application level are the only way your application talks back to you.
DevOps Maturity Assessment — PDF Checklist To Print. How well are you doing DevOps?
JS.weekly() => #34 – JS.weekly() Infrastructure as Code: The Driving Force behind DevOps. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has emerged as one of the key practices of the DevOps movement and is used alongside continuous delivery.
Experts suggest that IaC is really what led to the cloud revolution and is the driving force behind DevOps. What is Infrastructure as Code Simply put, the idea behind IaC is to treat your IT infrastructure as you would treat your software. Common Web Application Threats. Usage Statistics and Market Share of Server-side Programming Languages for Websites, March 2019. Technologies > Server-side Languages Request an extensive market report of specific server-side programming languages.
Learn more This diagram shows the percentages of websites using various server-side programming languages. See technologies overview for explanations on the methodologies used in the surveys. Our reports are updated daily. Rancher 2.0 great update for manage Kubernetes – Vo Thanh Tung. Rancher is a great tool for managing multi clusters and multi providers for kubernetes.
The detail install, setup is very clear on this article. Top 4 Powerful Hybrid frameworks for Cross Platform Mobile App Development - excellentwebworld’s blog. These days, working for hybrid mobile application development makes life less demanding for designers as they can compose once and build mobile applications that keep running on the main platforms with no additional efforts. The application will run on Android and iOS and the code can be reused for progressive web applications and even desktop applications (by utilizing Electron, with certain changes, you can adjust the code for the desktop environment). Modern Monitoring with Legacy Systems – Jakir Patel. There are a lot of tools in the market which can do sufficient monitoring and alert for your application and infrastructure.
The growth of containerized platforms helped to have the monitoring and alerting setups very quickly. But this is the transition phase where large enterprises still run the core systems on legacy and enterprise platforms. Understanding these platforms: Confessions of a Unit Testing Skeptic - Typemock Blog. I genuinely love unit testing and try to evangelize it as much as possible, be it by blogging, public speaking, or in whatever way I can.
This wasn’t always the case, though. When I first learned about the concept of unit testing, I was highly skeptical about the whole thing. I couldn’t understand how writing these so-called tests could bring any value to my application. I thought it was just a massive waste of time. But with time, I started to see the value of unit testing, this practice that, at first, seemed absurd to me. 10 Code Smells a Static Analyser Can Locate in a Codebase. Help! All tests are failing in CI – Down the rabbit hole. Pinpointing the problem. From front-end developer to a DevOps: An intro to CI/CD. Introduction 2019 is a truly amazing time for all aspiring front-end developers. Engineering guide to writing correct User Stories. Originally published in my blog: Agile people are obsessed with writing user stories.
API security in a microservices architecture – Tim Leytens. 10 Lessons Learned Conducting Code Reviews. Why Distributed Systems Are Hard to Develop — and How to Fix It. Docker, just another buzzword? – Jon Svendsen. 10 things to learn for becoming a solid full-stack JavaScript developer. Bruce Lawson's personal site : The practical value of semantic HTML. (Last Updated on 5 July 2019) Bruce’s guide to writing HTML for JavaScript developers.