Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress. Just The Shortcodes, Please Plenty of great WordPress plugins focus on providing or including the Bootstrap library into your site. Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress assumes you're working with a theme that already includes Bootstrap 3 and focuses on giving you a great set of shortcodes to use it with. This plugin creates a simple, out of the way button just above the WordPress TinyMCE editor (next to the "Add Media" button) which pops up the plugin's documentation and shortcode examples for reference and handy "Insert Example" links to send the example shortcodes straight to the editor. There are no additional TinyMCE buttons to clutter up your screen, just great, easy to use shortcodes! For questions, support, or to contribute to this plugin, check out our GitHub project Updated for Bootstrap 3.3.x Tested and working in the latest version of Bootstrap! If you like this plugin, check out our companion plugin for Font Awesome, Font Awesome Shortcodes Supported Shortcodes Components.
Longform - Long-form Stories WordPress Theme. Full Aesop Compatibility Longform is the only free WordPress theme designed to be fully compatible with the powerful Aesop Story Engine plugin. It includes beautiful styles for all Aesop story modules right out of the box; no code snippets or extra configuration required. Retina Ready All the theme graphics scale beautifully on hi-def screens. With ultra-sharp graphics Longform theme looks good on any device! Theme Documentation This theme comes with an amazing documentation where we have covered the most important functions. Advanced Options With our Advanced Theme Options Panel you can change the overall Layout of your Website in no time. Ultra Responsive This Theme is completely responsive.
Translation and Multilingual ready Longform is translation and multilingual ready. Plugins used on demo website Aesop Story Engine, Bootstrap 3 Shortcodes, Cimy User Extra Fields, Contact Form 7, Simple Share Buttons Adder, Social Icons Widget, Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack. Simple long form. L’idée de ce plugin est partie d’un besoin qui ne parvenait pas à être rencontré pour monter un #longform de manière simple, rapide, et indépendante du thème WP.
Il est désormais disponible via le répertoire des plugins de WP. Scrollytellers, suivez le guide ! Réalisé avec l’aide (précieuse) du Codex de WordPress, le front-end intègre le jeux de polices de caractères iconiques Font Awesome et le framework Bootstrap.js. Deux thèmes sont disponibles. S’il n’est pas nécessaire de savoir coder pour l’utiliser, ceux et celles qui souhaitent aller plus loin peuvent intégrer des composants de Bootstrap pour booster leur page. Exemple 2 en 1 : <a href=”#mydiv” class=”scrollTo”><button class=”btn”>Texte du bouton</button></a> SLF est conçu pour être simple d’utilisation. Pour chaque section (pour l’instant, elles sont 5 au total, hors chapeau – intro – et pied de page – footer), il est possible d’ajouter une image et un titre qui se logera dans l’image. Aucun champ n’est obligatoire. Simple Share Buttons Adder. The Simple Share Buttons Adder does exactly what it says on the tin – adds share buttons to all of your posts and pages, simply.
This plugin has a dedicated website! Check out Looking for even more? Checkout the Plus version! You can even upload and use your own custom images if you wish! Visit to make your own custom-coloured share buttons! The Simple Share Buttons Adder utilises features that, as a WordPress user, you will be familiar with. By downloading and installing this plugin you are agreeing to the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
Social Icons Widget. Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack. There is no doubt that JetPack packed with tons of features. However, many users don't want all that monstrous codes in their blog for one or two modules. Also, You should connect your blog to to get the JetPack features. I really like that Tiled Gallery with Full Screen carousel module in JetPack and don't want other modules. That's why I've made the this Tiled Gallery Carousel Without JetPack Plugin from JetPack. Tiled Gallery with carousel will completely transform your galleries to new look and your users will love this. Tiled Gallery allows you to display image galleries in following styles, a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid. Demo Tiled Gallery : Demo link.