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10 Forgotten Truths to Help You Get Through Hard Times. 10 Ways to Develop Your Creativity. If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed.

10 Ways to Develop Your Creativity

Thanks for visiting! **Editor’s Note: The following is a guest post by Catharina F. de Wet, Ph.D and author of One View of Giftedland, a blog focusing on talented and gifted education. Google the word “creativity” and you will get almost 84 million hits. The first few has to do with defining creativity and it ranges from the cerebral Wikipedia definition: “Creativity (or “creativeness”) is a mental process involving the generation of new ideas or concepts, or new associations between existing ideas or concepts” to a simple definition by Henry Miller: “ The occurrence of a composition which is both new and valuable.” Because of research we know a significant amount about the creative process and creative people. Generally speaking, when we talk about a creative person, we have in mind two kinds of people. 25 Ways To Ask Your Kids How Was School Today. This year Simon is in 4th grade and Grace is in 1st grade and I find myself asking them every day after school, “So how was school today?”.

25 Ways To Ask Your Kids How Was School Today

And everyday I get an answer like “fine” or “good” which doesn’t tell me a whole lot. Or at get at least a full sentence. 25 Ways to Talk So Children Will Listen. A major part of discipline is learning how to talk with children.

25 Ways to Talk So Children Will Listen

5 Psychology Studies Every Awkward Teenager Should Read. We've demonstrated before that, even according to science, being a teenager sucks.

5 Psychology Studies Every Awkward Teenager Should Read

So one could logically assume that if being a normal teenager sucks, then being a shy teenager must be even worse. But if we ever got the chance to go back in time to visit our lonely teenage selves ... well, first off we'd deal them an epic backhanded mouthslap (butterfly effect be damned). But once they recovered, we'd tell them to keep their chin up, because ... #5. No Sex Now = Greater Life Satisfaction Later. 5 Tips to help your tween girl become a physically and emotionally healthy woman. Talk, talk, talk with your tween Everyone is texting and tweeting and no one is communicating.

5 Tips to help your tween girl become a physically and emotionally healthy woman

Choose an activity you can do together to give you a chance to talk. My daughter and I cleanse our skin together before bed, and I use those few minutes as a time where she tells me about school, her friends and whatever else is on her mind. If a child feels you are present and not distracted by your cell phone, it will help her feel secure in herself going forward. After all, if your own mother doesn't want to hear about your life, who will? 50 Rules for Dads of Daughters {by Michael Mitchell} I was in tears as I read through this list, as I’m sure many grown daughters will be.

50 Rules for Dads of Daughters {by Michael Mitchell}

Mothers – bookmark this list of rules and encourage your daughter’s daddy to read them, memorize them, and put them in to action. And, to all you Dads out there – be sure you pay close attention and heed these wise words. About Michael Michael Mitchell is an (almost) thirty-something dad who blogs daily tips and life lessons for dads of daughters at He spends his days practicing the arts of fatherhood and husbandry, while attempting to be a man of God and a professional raiser of philanthropic funds.

Communication. Defusing Power Struggles: It's Not About Getting the Last Word. Mrs.

Defusing Power Struggles: It's Not About Getting the Last Word

Nelson is teaching a lesson when she notices Mason's head on his desk with distracting noises coming from him. She cruises his way while still teaching, leans in as she nears him and quietly reminds him to sit up and stop making noises. As she walks away and resumes teaching, Mason mumbles an inappropriate epithet that contains denial of the deed and offensive language. Other students sitting nearby turn their attention away from the lesson, collectively showing a look along with a few "oohs" that unmistakably challenges their teacher with the question, "What are you going to do about it?

" Mrs. Many power struggles start over issues of consequences, fairness, embarrassment and being told what to do. The Most Effective Word. Discipline Tactics For Every Age. Discovering the gifted ex-child. Discovering the Gifted Ex-Child Abstract Most of the attention given to the gifted over the years has been devoted to gifted children, a population identified by unusual mental processing that sets them apart from the norms.

Discovering the gifted ex-child

Gifted adults, however, are recognized in our society solely by their achievements. The innate qualities of mind that are found in gifted children do not disappear as the children grow up. The unusual developmental trajectory of the gifted creates an extraordinary experience of life for the individual at any age, whether or not that individual is able to achieve in ways society recognizes and values.

The achievement orientation that has always existed for adults and is now taking over the field of gifted education, makes it difficult for the gifted to understand the qualities of mind that make them different. Emotion Coaching: One of the Most Important Parenting Practices in the History of the Universe. According to John Gottman, one of my all-time favorite researchers, emotion-coaching is the key to raising happy, resilient, and well-adjusted kids.

Emotion Coaching: One of the Most Important Parenting Practices in the History of the Universe

His research—30 years of it—shows that it is not enough to be a warm, engaged, and loving parent. We also need to emotion coach our kids. Emotion-coached kids tend to experience fewer negative feelings and more positive feelings. The three steps below are adapted from Gottman's book Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child, which I can't recommend highly enough. Father Daughter Relationships - Life Lessons at WomansDay. While equally important to a son, there’s no doubt that a dad plays a unique role in his daughter's life.

Father Daughter Relationships - Life Lessons at WomansDay

Not only does he give her a sense of safety and stability, but he can also guide her through important life challenges just by being a loving male role model. “So much of what a father teaches his children is not necessarily done by sitting down and talking to them, but by behaving the way he wants his children to behave,” says Matthew Weinshenker, PhD, assistant professor of sociology at Fordham University. Read on to learn what principles a man should teach his daughter to show her that Dad really does know best. 1. Embrace your assertiveness. To dispel the stereotype that women should avoid confrontation at all costs, it’s important for young girls to accept their "anger and assertiveness," says Linda Nielsen, EdD, educational and adolescent psychologist at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and author of Between Fathers and Daughters. 2.

Fighting. Parents often ask me how to get along with their suddenly volatile preteen daughter. It’s a shock when your previously sweet little girl starts tantrumming again. Twelve year old girls can be moody, over-dramatizing, self-centered, focused almost solely on friends, close-mouthed, surly, back-talking and condescending to parents. They can, of course, also be mature, affectionate and delightful, but at their worst they’re a cross between the most challenging aspects of toddlers and teens. Funny/Crafty. I used to get annoyed when people told me, “Oh, you have no idea about having kids until you have them.” Sure I did. Who doesn’t know that although kids are cute, they are also a lot of work? That’s why you get a dog to practice before having a kid.

Like, duh. Now that I have three kids, it’s my turn to pass on this knowledge to people I know having their first kid. Not that anyone asked, but if I were going to give advice to first-time parents, I wouldn’t just state the obvious about their life changing forever. . #1: Kids Are Gross. These, my friends, will not be isolated incidents. And while we’re on the topic of kids doing gross things, I’d like to put this fact out there: Kids eat their boogers. . #2: Kids Are Dirty. Healthy Sex Talk: Teaching Kids Consent, Ages 1-21.

A list of parenting action items, created in the hope that we can raise a generation of children who have less rape and sexual assault in their lives. The ongoing horror of rape in the news, from Penn State to the young women raped and killed in India to Steubenville, has proven to be a wake-up call for many parents. Help your 12 month old child to talk. Helping Boost Your Toddler's Vocabulary. Ten tips for building your toddler's vocabulary Denise Morrison Yearian. How do I teach my children about sex so that they will stay pure until they are married? Talking about sex may be the single most powerful way you can enter into the lives of your children. Why? Because sex education means more than teaching them the facts of human reproduction. Of all the discussions we have had in our family about sex, probably 95 percent of them have concerned character issues.

We've had discussions about God's purposes for sex, the importance of sex and marriage, and why you should wait for marriage before you have sex. How Parents Can Talk to Christian Teens About Sex - Sex Talk - Christian Teens - Parents. How to Homeschool Preschool. How to teach your kids it's OK to have less than their friends. Mom topics Jacoba Urist TODAY contributor July 25, 2013 at 8:46 AM ET. Increase Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence. Learning Style - Grouper. Did you score as a grouper in Ron Gross's learning style quiz? Lies About Sex - Dating - How Far Is Too Far - Christian Teens - Untruths - Misunderstandings - Christian Teens - Advice - Sex - Dating - Kissing. So, how far is too far? Mean girls, tween girls: What parents can do. Natalie. Online Quizzes for Parents of Teens.

Parenting Tips- 10 ways to be light hearted. Positive Reinforcement - How to Talk So Kids Will Listen. Praise versus Encouragement. Puberty & Growing Up. Quotes. Raising Kids Ages 9-12. Social and Emotional Learning: What is it? How can we use it to help our children? Start Signing! Why Kids Should Learn Sign Language. Talking about Sex: 10 Bases to Cover. Teachers Top 100 Books for Children. The Role of Parents in Infant/Toddler Development. Top 10 skills children learn from the arts. Welcome to What is puberty for girls. Parenting Tips For Raising Successful Kids. ZERO TO THREE.