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Preah Vihear

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Temple de Preah Vihear. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le temple de Preah Vihear, est situé au Cambodge dans la province à laquelle il donne nom. Il a été érigé dans la première moitié du IXe siècle. C’est un site bien préservé. Il peut être vu de loin puisqu'il est situé sur le bord d’un plateau dominant la plaine du Cambodge. Temple de Preah Vihear. Temple of Preah Vihear Situated on the edge of a plateau that dominates the plain of Cambodia, the Temple of Preah Vihear is dedicated to Shiva.

Temple de Preah Vihear

The Temple is composed of a series of sanctuaries linked by a system of pavements and staircases over an 800 metre long axis and dates back to the first half of the 11th century AD. Nevertheless, its complex history can be traced to the 9th century, when the hermitage was founded. This site is particularly well preserved, mainly due to its remote location. The site is exceptional for the quality of its architecture, which is adapted to the natural environment and the religious function of the temple, as well as for the exceptional quality of its carved stone ornamentation.

Preah Vihear - photos.