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Drewry - News - Satisfaction survey in container transport: Shippers dissatisfied with clarity of surcharges and transit times. “The survey results reinforce the opinion already expressed in the recent ESC Position Paper and in the message addressed to the EU Directorate-General for Competition on the Consortia BER that more transparency is needed from maritime carriers,” said Jordi Espin, ESC Maritime Transport Policy Manager.

Drewry - News - Satisfaction survey in container transport: Shippers dissatisfied with clarity of surcharges and transit times

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What We've Learned From Nafta - Room for Debate. It Lowered Wages, as It Was Supposed to Do Dean Baker, Center for Economic and Policy Research A main purpose was to let U.S. firms locate in Mexico without fear of nationalization or restrictions on repatriating profits.

What We've Learned From Nafta - Room for Debate

Everyone Benefited From a Larger Economy Eugene Beaulieu, University of Calgary Nafta facilitated an integrated North American economy, letting producers obtain and produce goods continentally and compete globally. It Successfully Undermined Regulations Yves Smith, Naked Capitalism Arbitration panels designed to protect transnational investments have precedence over domestic courts and the rights of Americans. Mexico’s Growth Has Helped the U.S. Gerónimo Gutiérrez, North American Development Bank U.S. goods account for 40 percent of the value of imports from Mexico. Konjunkturindikatoren  Europe’s economic rules: Brussels v Berlin. World. Principles of Microeconomics. Die größte öffentliche und frei zugängliche Datenbank der Welt -

Overpopulation Is Not the Problem. Angebot für Lehrkräfte. Brazil Protests, But What About Other Latin American Countries?


Rogall: Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. "Prof.

Rogall: Ziele einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung

Holger Rogall gehört zu den prominentesten deutschen Wirtschaftswissenschaftlern die sich mit der Problematik der "nachhaltigen Entwicklung", die noch früher als Ökoentwicklung bezeichnet wurde, auseinandersetzen. Holger Rogall weist mittels seiner Bücher auf die Möglichkeit der Handlung der einzelnen Akteure zu verschiedenen Ebenen hin, wobei er der globalen und europäischen Perspektive große Aufmerksamkeit widmet. [...] " Der Streit um Reinhart/Rogoff in Grafiken. Der Ökonomenkrach um Staatsschuld und Wachstum kommt nicht zur Ruhe.

Der Streit um Reinhart/Rogoff in Grafiken

Ein Überblick über den Stand der Debatte in Grafiken. Die Ökonomen-Debatte um den Zusammenhang von Staatsschuld und Wirtschaftswachstum kommt nicht zur Ruhe. Geldpolitik: Kurz erklärt: Was ist der Leitzins? Germany Wins a Popularity Poll. It hasn’t won many fans for its reaction to Europe’s financial crisis — but a new poll suggests that Germany is actually more popular than some might suspect.

Germany Wins a Popularity Poll

In the survey conducted by GlobeScan for the BBC, over 26,000 randomly selected people from 25 countries were asked to rate 16 countries and the European Union on whether their influence in the world was “mainly positive” or “mainly negative.” (The 16 countries were: Germany, Canada, the U.K., Japan, France, Brazil, the U.S., China, South Korea, South Africa, India, Russia, Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and Iran.) Germany, which knocked Japan off the top spot, got positive reviews from people in Spain, France, Ghana and Australia. But Greece was less impressed — with 52% of people asked saying Germany was a bad influence. That may be due to the fact that many Greeks blame Germany — and the harsh austerity measures it has insisted on as regards the euro crisis — for their country’s economic woes.

What is consumer price index (CPI) Staatsverschuldung: Die Ökonomen-Seifenoper. What is Monopoly. The Basics of Currency Fluctuations. The Basics of Currency Fluctuations - InvestorGuide Staff PUBLISHED ON: Jan 25, 2013 At any given time, national currencies move relative to one another.

The Basics of Currency Fluctuations

Reihen — - Bundesverband deutscher Banken. Charles Lane: Austerity and Keynes can coexist. For those of us trying to sort out the debate over economic “austerity,” there’s a limit to what can be learned by inspecting the credentials of the contending economists.

Charles Lane: Austerity and Keynes can coexist

Yes, the fiscal-stimulus vanguard includes a couple of famous Nobel winners, but those pesky Swedes also gave their prize to the harshest postwar critic of Keynesian economics, a man whose signature policy proposal was the balanced-budget amendment. Charles Lane is a Post editorial writer, specializing in economic policy, federal fiscal issues and business, and a contributor to the PostPartisan blog. View Archive. The Basics of Finance and How it Determines Success.

Owning a business can be one of the most rewarding and satisfying ways of meeting financial goals and ensuring that a person’s future is secure and fulfilling.

The Basics of Finance and How it Determines Success

Exports and the economy: Made in Britain. JUST over a mile from Liverpool John Lennon Airport, named for one of Britain's most successful exports, sits the Halewood operations of Jaguar Land Rover. Its foreign sales would make a Beatle envious. Over the December holidays the Tata-owned car factory ran extra shifts to keep up with demand.

An expansion to the facility, which could create 1,500 jobs, is reportedly under consideration. JLR is already building a new engine plant in Wolverhampton. Other car firms are enjoying similar success. As Britain's economy stumbles toward a likely recession, hopes are pinned on exports, particularly to faster-growing parts of the world. There are some encouraging signs. A deeper concern is that Britain has become too dependent on moribund rich-world markets. The emerging economies of Asia and Latin America seem a better long-term bet than Britain's established markets. The recent success of Britain's car industry suggests all is not lost. The Economist explains: Why is youth unemployment so high?