#TaGueuleBoutin. The Islamic State's Saudi Chess Match. The Independent sur Twitter : "Isis claims it could buy its first nuclear weapon from Pakistan within 12 months... Ireland gay marriage referendum results: vote-counting begins - live. Jakarta embassy no priority for Vanuatu. Vanuatu's prime minister has downplayed the suggestion made by the foreign minister that it was poised to open an embassy in Indonesia.
Joe Natuman says there is no such policy direction at present as his government has more pressing issues to attend to right now. The statement follows reports from Jakarta that the visiting foreign minister, Sato Kilman, indicated that Vanuatu wanted to open a mission as soon as possible to strengthen co-operation between the two countries. Vanuatu Prime Minister Joe Natuman. WikiLeaks aujourd’hui. Charles Lister sur Twitter : "#ISIS has begun issuing ID cards & distributing them to members. #Syria #Iraq... Iraq: new briefing on Yezidi women and girls kidnapped and turned into sex slaves by Islamic State. Iraq: new briefing on Yezidi women and girls kidnapped and turned into sex slaves by Islamic State.
Kenneth Roth sur Twitter : "ISIS targets families of police in Iraq village, killing 7 children, 6 women, 2 elderly men. Peter R. Neumann sur Twitter : "Another Cabinet position you're unlikely to find in many other countries... @Charles_Lister... Max Abrahms sur Twitter : "Islamic State posts kill list with purported addresses of U.S. military personnel... Anne Lavigne sur Twitter : "@econoclaste Allez, dites nous tout... Ce qui vous gêne, c'est "pauvre" ou c'est "abrutit" ?"...
How the White House plans to stop ISIS from tweeting. The White House wants to stop terrorists from tweeting.
As part of its plan to counter violent extremism throughout the world, the Obama administration is looking to blunt the impact that groups like the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) have on social media. Working with foreign nations and private companies, the administration will launch campaigns to counter terrorist groups’ online propaganda, which have become a critical tool in their arsenal to spread their message and horrify people around the globe. “The U.S. government, in partnership with foreign governments, civil society, and the private sector, is working to weaken the legitimacy and resonance of violent extremist messaging and narratives, including through social media,” the White House said in a fact sheet on Wednesday.
Lawyers for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran hold on to signs of hope. Lawyers for Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran say they have new indications their last-ditch legal appeal is moving forward, despite reports that the Bali Nine pair will be transferred to the site of their execution this week.
Todung Mulya Lubis, who represents Chan and Sukumaran, lodged an appeal to the administrative court last week challenging the Indonesian president’s decision to issue a blanket denial of clemency for all drug offenders. Speaking to reporters in Jakarta on Monday afternoon, Lubis said the legal team had been summoned to a meeting with the head of the administrative court next Tuesday, 24 February. Breaking News Feed sur Twitter : "BREAKING NEWS: ISIS releases video purporting to show Islamic State killing 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. Foreign Recruits Are Islamic State's Cannon Fodder.
Aspiring jihadists looking to join the Islamic State army are often lured to the front lines with promises of changing the course of history and reclaiming a lost Islamic empire.
But at least for the less-skilled foreign recruits, the experience of fighting for the new caliphate is often brief and bloody. Kurdish and Iraqi commanders on the front lines of the war whom I interviewed in the last two weeks say that the suicide bombers and first-wave attackers deployed in Islamic State offensives are almost entirely made up of units of foreign fighters. These highly risky missions mean that the new "immigrants" fighting the infidels end up as cannon fodder, while the more prestigious organizational jobs and less-risky defensive assignments go to Syrian and Iraqi Arabs. ISIS hacker targets military spouses. Hackers claiming to be part of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) apparently hacked into the Twitter account of a military spouse Tuesday, threatening military spouses and their children.
The hackers, calling themselves the "Cyber Caliphate," say they are waging a "Cyber Jihad. " In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, #CyberCaliphate continues its CyberJihad #cyb3rc.com— MSoS (@MSoStrength) February 10, 2015. L'Etat islamique crucifie des enfants et en fait des esclaves sexuels. Des membres du groupe djihadiste Etat islamique (EI) vendent des enfants irakiens comme esclaves sexuels et en tuent d'autres en les crucifiant ou en les enterrant vivants, a dénoncé l'ONU, mercredi 4 février.
« Faites exploser la France » : j’ai vu l’épisode 2. Au programme du matinaute, au réveil, trois vidéos.
Version grand spectacle, le crash d’un avion taïwanais dans une rivière, filmé comme si on y était depuis une voiture. Version insoutenable, le pilote jordanien brûlé vif dans une cage par l’Etat islamique autoproclamé. Celle-là, toute ma timeline Twitter m’exhorte, avec des cris d’épouvante, de ne pas la regarder. Elle a été effacée de YouTube, ce qui n’empêche qu’il est possible, en quelques clics, de la trouver. Mais sur sa chaîne pour intellos, l’Etat islamique nous propose sa nouvelle production, à destination exclusive des francophones : elle est explicitement titrée « Faites exploser la France. » Daech brûle 2.000 livres et manuscrits datant de plus de 7.000 ans.
L’autodafé géant est passé totalement inaperçu.
Les combattants de l’organisation Etat islamique auraient envahi la Bibliothèque centrale de Mossoul et le Musée. Bilan: des centaines de manuscrits, des œuvres antiques et des vieux journaux détruits et incendiés. C’est une information d’Alarabtv (lien en arabe), qui relate avec force détails ce qui pourrait être le plus grand autodafé de l’Histoire. Cette information Associated Press mise en ligne le 1er février n’a pas été encore confirmée par les autorités. Selon Alarabtv, courant janvier, des combattants de Daech auraient pris possession de la Bibliothèque centrale pour «assainir» les fonds documentaires. Atlantico sur Twitter : "[Vidéo] Le député Jean Lassalle déclenche l'hilarité générale dans l'hémicycle >
Flash - War against IS group spreads to Twitter. Malaysian woman marries ISIS fighter over Skype, tries to join him. By Staff writer | Al Arabiya News Saturday, 3 January 2015 A 27-year-old Malaysian woman was recently arrested at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) for allegedly attempting to travel to Syria, according to local reports.
Romain Caillet sur Twitter : "#Irak : les jihadistes placent une charge explosive sous le drapeau de l'#EI, explosant lorsque celui-ci est retiré. ISIS Leader's Wife Arrested in Lebanon. Comment les vidéos de l'État islamique sont authentifiées. FOCUS - Les services de renseignements américains ont authentifié dimanche soir la vidéo de décapitations de masse diffusée dimanche par le groupe ultra-radical.
Kenneth Roth sur Twitter : "ISIS fighters joking about buying & selling Yazidi women & girls is close to horrible reality. Turkey freed British jihadis in swap deal for Isis hostages – reports. The Foreign Office is seeking clarification from the Turkish authorities over reports that Ankara swapped European jihadis, including two Britons, in return for its diplomats held hostage by Islamic State (Isis). British officials said that while there is some ambiguity over the exact circumstances, they are not ruling out that the Turkish government, a member of Nato, made the deal. Moyen-Orient - EI, EIIL, Daech, comment appeler les jihadistes en Irak et en Syrie ?
Middle East - French govt to use Arabic ‘Daesh’ for Islamic State group. ISIS, ISIL, IS and Da’esh: Sticks and stones. An IS fighter in the town of Kobani, 7 October. (REUTERS.) With the air campaign appearing to have little effect on Islamic State (IS) so far, it seems the US-led coalition is switching to a new strategy: name-calling. This week John Kerry referred to IS by its Arabic acronym Da'esh, although in the same remarks he also referred to it as ISIL. This follows the French decision to use Da'esh in preference to IS, which is the name the group has given itself.
L'Etat islamique revendique la décapitation d'un deuxième otage - Moyen-Orient. Avec notre correspondante à Washington, Anne-Marie Capomaccio. British Muslim leaders say it is ‘haram’ to join ISIS. Winning the Campaign Against the Islamic State: Key Strategic and Tactical Challenges. The United States does not have good or quick options in dealing with the Islamic State, in part because it faces serious challenges in Iraq and Syria that cannot be separated from any efforts to weaken and destroy the Islamic State. This, however, is not a reason to stand and wait for better options that do not exist.
The situation will not get better because the United States continues to dither. The United States is already acting in important ways, and if this action is taken more decisively, in an integrated form, and over enough time to be effective it may well be capable of both imploding the Islamic State and serving U.S. interests in both Iraq and Syria. This strategy is laid out in detail in a briefing entitled Winning the Islamic State Campaign: Key Strategic and Tactical Challenges that is available on the CSIS web site at Shaping and Implementing an Effective United Strategy for Defeating the Islamic State The Ideological, Political, and Economic Aspects of the Campaign. Ce que l'on trouve dans l'ordinateur portable d'un membre de l'État islamique.
Nos partenaires de Foreign Policy ont réussi à accéder au contenu du disque dur d'un djihadiste: des fatwas, des documents de propagande, des manuels mais aussi des instructions sur la fabrication d'armes biologiques. Gambling on the Caliphate via @intelwire. This morning, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, or ISIL if you must) announced it was pronouncing the reformation of the caliphate, with ISIS emir Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as caliph, and that it was renaming itself simply The Islamic State. The official announcement was released in Arabic, English, German, French and Russian.
In the statement, ISIS claimed that it had fulfilled all the legal requirements for the caliphate and that all existing jihadi groups and indeed all Muslims around the world were religiously obligated to swear loyalty to the new Caliph Ibrahim (using the name provided by ISIS in the course of proving that Baghdadi has the required lineage for the title). Prior to this pronouncement, my assessment was that there was almost no way ISIS could exist June in worse shape than it entered the month, and that still holds, but July is beginning to look like an open question. Competition with al Qaeda. KarlreMarks : It's easy to establish an Islamic ...
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Ibrahim Awwad Ibrahim Ali al-Badri al-Samarrai (Arabic: ابراهيم عواد ابراهيم علي البدري السامرائي), most commonly known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (أبو بكر البغدادي), and also as Dr. Ibrahim and Abu Dua (أبو دعاء),[5] is the leader of the militant Islamist group, the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), alternatively translated as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS).[6]
ISIS declares creation of Islamic state in Middle East, 'new era of international jihad'