UK provides funds for Helmand airport runway. Wikileaks Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010 - Google Fusion Tables. Afghan War Diaries explorer. Afghan War Diaries explorer. Afghan War Diaries explorer. Central region meeting, KWD. 091200ZJUN07 CJ3 JEC (SBU) UKRAINE/AFGHANISTAN: Potential Donations/Provision of Military Equipment Discussed: (Source: AMEMBASSY KYIV 01426, 8 Jun 07) RC-East meetings. CJTF-82 Operations, KWD. 061200Z Mar 07 ANA Corps Commanders Conference (MOD) Baseline Perceptions of the Afghan People(mod) Taliban Study WikiLeaks to Hunt Informants. Updated | 12:36 p.m.
A spokesman for the Taliban told Britain’s Channel 4 News on Thursday that the insurgent group is scouring classified American military documents posted online by the group WikiLeaks for information to help them find and “punish” Afghan informers. Speaking by telephone from an undisclosed location, Zabihullah Mujahid, who frequently contacts news organizations, including The Times on behalf of the Taliban, said, “We are studying the report.” He added: We knew about the spies and people who collaborate with U.S. forces. We will investigate through our own secret service whether the people mentioned are really spies working for the U.S. Channel 4 News also reported that the spokesman said that the Taliban “had come to know of the leaked secret documents through media reports.” As my colleagues Eric Schmitt and Charlie Savage reported on Wednesday: Mr. In a response read to CNN, Mr. In the New Yorker podcast, Mr.
Afghan War Diaries explorer. Wikileaks Afghanistan Data. This happens to be one of those rare instances where the benefit of hindsight does not make me regret something said flippantly on a panel.
I deeply believe that in order to truly change the world we cannot simply "throw analytics at the problem. " To that end, the medical and health industries are perhaps the most primed to be disrupted by data and analytics. To be successful, however, a deep respect for both the methodological and clinical contexts of the data are required. It is incredibly exciting to be at an organization that is both working within the current framework of health care and data to create new insight for people, but also pushing the envelope with respect to individuals' relationships with their own health. The challenges are technical, sociological, and political; but the potential for innovation that exists in this space comes along very rarely. I feel lucky to have an opportunity to move into the health data space now. Sensor data Strength of team. Facing Afghan mistrust, al-Qaeda fighters take limited role in insurgency. On Aug. 14, a U.S. airstrike in the northern Afghan province of Kunduz killed a Taliban commander known as Abu Baqir.
In a country where insurgents are killed daily, this attack was notable for one unusual detail: Abu Baqir, the military said afterward, was also a member of al-Qaeda. Although U.S. officials have often said that al-Qaeda is a marginal player on the Afghan battlefield, an analysis of 76,000 classified U.S. military reports posted by the Web site WikiLeaks underscores the extent to which Osama bin Laden and his network have become an afterthought in the war.
The reports, which cover the escalation of the insurgency between 2004 and the end of 2009, mention al-Qaeda only a few dozen times and even then just in passing. Most are vague references to people with unspecified al-Qaeda contacts or sympathies, or as shorthand for an amorphous ideological enemy. Bin Laden, thought to be hiding across the border in Pakistan, is scarcely mentioned in the reports. Change in strategy. Afghan War Diary. Les ratés de WikiLeaks.
American Embassy Ankara, KWD. American Embassy in Ashgabat, KWD. American Embassy - Astana, KWD. American Embassy Beijing, KWD. American Embassy Bishkek, KWD. American Embassy Dushanbe, kwd. American embassies in Europe, Kabul War Diary. American Embassy Islamabad, KWD. PROJECT CLOSEOUT. American consulates of Lahore & Peshawar. American embassy Kabul, KWD. Afghan administration. American embassy Moscow, KWD.
American embassy Ottawa, KWD. American embassy in Tashkent, kwd.
Iran supplies poison to be slipped into tea of Afghan government officials, according to US report. Secstate Washington DC, KWD. Afghan War Diary, 2004-2010 WikiLeaks page. From WikiLeaks Unless otherwise specified, the document described here: Was first publicly revealed by WikiLeaks working with our source.Was classified, confidential, censored or otherwise withheld from the public before release.Is of political, diplomatic, ethical or historical significance.
Any questions about this document's veracity are noted. The summary is approved by the editorial board. See here for a detailed explanation of the information on this page. If you have similar or updated material, see our submission instructions. Release date July 25, 2010 Flattr article 25th July 2010 5:00 PM EST WikiLeaks has released a document set called the Afghan War Diary, an extraordinary compendium of over 91,000 reports covering the war in Afghanistan from 2004 to 2010. The document collection is available on a dedicated webpage. The reports cover most units from the US Army with the exception of most US Special Forces' activities. To decompress the files you will need the program 7zip. Context. War_diary - Dataface Application.
Afghan War Diaries explorer. Kabul War Diary, database index. Excerpts: Leaked US Afghan war records. 26 July 2010Last updated at 15:29 Leaked US military records on the war in Afghanistan, which were posted on the Wikileaks website as the Afghan War Diary, are a classified - and previously unreported - daily rundown of incidents of violence and criminality in Afghanistan.
The documents offer a snapshot of the grim reality of conditions on the ground in Afghanistan and the challenges facing troops operating there. Here is a selection: 3 May 2004, bodyguards gunned down: "As many as 15 bodyguards assigned to protect Zabol Province Governor Mohammad Hosayni Khial were killed in an ambush in Shajoy. Governor Khial, who was travelling in a separate vehicle ahead of his bodyguards, was not involved in the attack. Afghanistan: The war logs. Afghanevents1, excel file provided by the Guardian. Taliban sympathisers listening in to top-secret phone calls of US-led coalition.
Polish attack on village kills five, wounds several, including pregnant woman at wedding party. These are the facts as I know them.
All of this is subject to change. The morning of the incident, around 1030L, the RCP hit an IED near the village. A patrol from C Coy responded and hit asecond IED. They identified 4x ACM responsible for the IEDs andcaptured two and thetwo others escaped.Theycollected a lot of SIGINTindicating that the individuals were still around. They were searching for the remaining individuals when around 1600L, 4x ACM were seen moving vicinity of the village.
How this was released. Julian Assange on the Afghanistan war logs: 'They show the true nature of this war' Link to video: Julian Assange on the Afghanistan war logs: 'They show the true nature of this war' US authorities have known for weeks that they have suffered a haemorrhage of secret information on a scale which makes even the leaking of the Pentagon Papers during the Vietnam war look limited by comparison.
Pakistani intelligence agency alleged to be deploying children as suicide bombers. War Logs: la plus grande fuite de renseignements de l’histoire de la guerre » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Cet article sera mis-à-jour tout au long de la journée, en fonction de l'évolution des informations et de notre travail de crowdsourcing.
WarLogs: des vidéos pour comprendre » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. L'excellent travail du Guardian dans le traitement des données sur la guerre en Afghanistan publiées par Wikileaks est documenté par des vidéos. Nous les présentons dans cet article. Le Guardian est à la pointe de la couverture des évènements liés à la plus grosse fuite de l’histoire de la guerre. Le journal anglais met régulièrement en ligne de nouvelles vidéos, que nous vous présentons ici. War Logs : cette guerre est aussi votre guerre, contribuez ! Le dessous des opérations en Afghanistan révélé par Wikileaks. La peine de 52 ans de prison que risque l’analyste militaire américain Bradley Manning pour avoir envoyé au site WikiLeaks une vidéo confidentielle concernant les circonstances de la mort d’employés de l’agence de presse Reuters en Irak, en juillet 2007, ne semble pas avoir eu d’effet dissuasif.
En effet, WikiLeaks, spécialisé dans la divulgation de documents confidentiels, a une nouvelle fois créé l’événement en mettant en ligne 91.731 rapports de l’armée américaine portant sur les opérations en Afghanistan. Quelques documents révélés par WikiLeaks concernent l’armée française. Parmi la somme importante de documents confidentiels au sujet des opérations militaires en Afghanistan mis en ligne par le site WikiLeaks, un certain nombre d’entre eux concernent le contingent français.
Ainsi, l’embuscade de la vallée d’Uzbin du 18 août 2008, au cours de laquelle 10 militaires français ont été tués, est évoquée au moins à deux reprises. Le premier rapport (voir photo) au sujet de cette affaire est partiel. Il sera complété par la suite par un second compte-rendu. Ces documents n’ajoutent rien au récit des combats qui avaient alors été faits par le général Puga, alors directeur du renseignement militaire à l’époque. The War Logs - Interactive Feature.
Text From a Selection of the Secret Dispatches - Interactive Feature. Text From a Selection of the Secret Dispatches - Interactive Feature.
American Embassy Almaty.